Neo-Cons do an about-face on Arab democracy


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
The movement on the right from celebrating Arab democracy under Bush to fearing it under Obama is a real shift. It reveals the shallow veneer of neoconservatism's defense of Arab democracy when compared with its deep attachment to Greater Israel.

"[Obama] has encouraged Arab street revolts against corrupt autocracies. Long-standing American allies, such as former Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak, were abandoned. Yet, contrary to his simplistic narrative of freedom fighters battling tyranny, Mr. Obama has helped pave the way for the triumph of Shariah democracy - the drive to establish a global Islamic caliphate. At his core, Mr. Obama is a radical secular progressive. Like all multiculturalists, he believes in one seminal myth: Mass poverty and oppression in the Third World is America’s fault. Hence, he champions anti-colonial 'liberation movements' - the uprisings of repressed peoples, especially those in the Muslim world, chafing under authoritarian rule. Yet he never bothers to ask: What comes next? What kind of regime replaces the previous one? The results are often even worse," - Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times.


Well, contrary to your idea of what a neocon is, neocons know what happens in political and governmental vacuums.

Well, contrary to your idea of what a neocon is, neocons know what happens in political and governmental vacuums.


So when Bush took out Saddam Hussein, he anticipated that Iran would be the new dominant power in the region instead of a parity between the secular Iraq and the religious Iran?
Boy, the brilliance of you NEOCONS, never ceases to AMAZE me!

Well, contrary to your idea of what a neocon is, neocons know what happens in political and governmental vacuums.
Yet he never bothers to ask: What comes next? What kind of regime replaces the previous one? The results are often even worse," - Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times.

Why weren't the wingnuts asking this question over Bush's push for Arab democracy?

Well, contrary to your idea of what a neocon is, neocons know what happens in political and governmental vacuums.
Yet he never bothers to ask: What comes next? What kind of regime replaces the previous one? The results are often even worse," - Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times.

Why weren't the wingnuts asking this question over Bush's push for Arab democracy?
Hmmm. That's a tough one. Let's see......

Um, because our military was there?


Well, contrary to your idea of what a neocon is, neocons know what happens in political and governmental vacuums.
Yet he never bothers to ask: What comes next? What kind of regime replaces the previous one? The results are often even worse," - Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times.

Why weren't the wingnuts asking this question over Bush's push for Arab democracy?
Hmmm. That's a tough one. Let's see......

Um, because our military was there?

And what has happened within hours of our military leaving Iraq?

Or was it the neo-con dream to just have our troops in Iraq forever, getting blown up 2-3 at a time, indefinitely?

Hmmmm...that's a tough one.....
It means there was a mistake at the very beginning to celebrate arab democracy before we knew what democracy meant to them. Under Bush, we had the luxury of pretending that arab democracy would mean an improvement in the arab condition. Under obama we know that democracy to them means substituting one murderous regime for another even more murderous regime.
It means there was a mistake at the very beginning to celebrate arab democracy before we knew what democracy meant to them. Under Bush, we had the luxury of pretending that arab democracy would mean an improvement in the arab condition. Under obama we know that democracy to them means substituting one murderous regime for another even more murderous regime.
But you wingnuts want Muslims to kill each other off, so what's the problem?

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