Neo-Marxists Own The Government Schools


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Nothing new in this, it has been going on for some time.....and the result can be seen in the riots, assaults, destruction on our streets.
It has been done carefully and patiently, over decades: they now openly teach our children to hate America, our heritage...and their own parents.

1. PA parent says school's 'cultural proficiency' curriculum turns Martin Luther King's teachings 'upside down'

2. “Racial Literacy Curriculum,” elementary schools in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, California, Rhode Island, Missouri, and Illinois have all adopted the mind-blowing, politically-charged brainwash that they tout as education. Topics for Kindergarten to Grade 8 include: implicit bias, white privilege, intersectionality, LGBTQ issues, racism as a “primary institution of the US,” and other such leftist agenda talking points.” EXCLUSIVE: New Leftist ‘Racial Literacy Curriculum’ Brainwashing Elementary School Children

3. The Pollyana Curriculum…nationwide

“Beginning in Grade 3, the Pollyanna "Racial Literacy Curriculum" asks students to become activists in order to achieve leftist goals. The 3rd Grade chapter is entitled "Stories of Activism – How One Voice Can Change a Community." The expected result is for students to understand "how we can be agents of communal, social, political, and environmental change."

…Pollyanna takes leftist activism to new heights, fabricating an image of a racist America that children are taught to rebel against.

By Grade 8,after nine years of acute indoctrination, the children are ready to fight on behalf of leftists in America. "tudents will set commitments for rectifying current social ills, such as learning and planning how to carry out anti-racist activism and/or social advocacy in their communities and/or to improve their everyday lives." The 8th Grade chapter is entitled "Racism as a Primary 'Institution' of the U.S. – How We May Combat Systemic Inequality." EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School Curriculum

4. “Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game” Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game | The College Fix

5. "School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds” School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds

6. “Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom” Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom | Todd Starnes

7. “He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher Leftists believe Columbus is evil for discovering the New World in 1492. It makes you wonder what the angry felon was teaching the kids at school.” He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher

8. A Black Lives Matter-supporting teacher took to Twitter to assert that 2+2 only = 4 because of “western imperialism.”
Yes, really.
Brittany Marshall’s tweet went viral after she claimed during the course of a discussion about racism, “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.”
Marshall, who includes her pronouns in her bio, lists her occupation as “teacher, scholar, social justice change agent” and apparently is studying for a PhD at Rutgers."
BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”

9. “School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage A Texas school district is facing fire today after a junior high school teacher distributed an assignment that included a depiction of police as slave owners and members of the Ku Klux Klan.” School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage

10. “An 11th grade teacher in the New York City suburbs reportedly commemorated the first day of school with a handout to students that compared cops to the KKK and slave owners.The handout contained five cartoon panels on this theme, all which depict slaves owners, KKK, or cops kneeling on the neck of a black man whose hands were tied or were restrained by handcuffs.


We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Enjoy what is left.
Shall we close down West Point academy then since it is owned by the federal Neo-Marxists?
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
Evidently Polislick agrees with and enjoyed seeing Asians killed, maimed and subjugated by them white Christians of the old America she wants back.....
The Neo-Marxist party owns and operates government schools, so it should be no surprise when one connects these two dots:

"162 House Dems Vote Against Measure to Combat Anti-Semitism

More than 160 House Democrats voted on Wednesday against a measure to combat anti-Semitism.

Republicans offered the anti-Semitism measure as an amendment to a piece of Democrat-backed legislation promoting greater inclusivity in federal programs. The bill, dubbed the Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act, would permit the filing of private civil suits for violations of federal regulations that "prohibit discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance." The Republican amendment, which passed by a vote of 265 to 164, with 162 Democrats in opposition, mandates that anti-Semitism also be considered as discrimination.

The Republican effort to include anti-Semitism in federal definitions of discrimination follows similar moves by the White House to consider discrimination against Jewish people illegal under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which affords protection to minorities and other groups. House Democrats have been divided in recent years on issues of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel advocacy in the United States. The latest vote highlights a deep divide between Democrats and Republicans on the issue, which is playing out against the backdrop of rising anti-Semitism across the globe."

162 House Dems Vote Against Measure to Combat Anti-Semitism
More than 160 House Democrats voted on Wednesday against a measure to combat anti-Semitism.

"Nearly two-thirds of US young adults unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust
According to survey of adults 18-39, 23% said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had been exaggerated or they weren’t sure
Almost a quarter of respondents (23%) said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, or had been exaggerated, or they weren’t sure. One in eight (12%) said they had definitely not heard, or didn’t think they had heard, about the Holocaust. "

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
So now you want anything hinting at anti-semitism to be outlawed in a nation with first amendment rights.
Nothing new in this, it has been going on for some time.....and the result can be seen in the riots, assaults, destruction on our streets.
It has been done carefully and patiently, over decades: they now openly teach our children to hate America, our heritage...and their own parents.

1. PA parent says school's 'cultural proficiency' curriculum turns Martin Luther King's teachings 'upside down'

2. “Racial Literacy Curriculum,” elementary schools in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, California, Rhode Island, Missouri, and Illinois have all adopted the mind-blowing, politically-charged brainwash that they tout as education. Topics for Kindergarten to Grade 8 include: implicit bias, white privilege, intersectionality, LGBTQ issues, racism as a “primary institution of the US,” and other such leftist agenda talking points.” EXCLUSIVE: New Leftist ‘Racial Literacy Curriculum’ Brainwashing Elementary School Children

3. The Pollyana Curriculum…nationwide

“Beginning in Grade 3, the Pollyanna "Racial Literacy Curriculum" asks students to become activists in order to achieve leftist goals. The 3rd Grade chapter is entitled "Stories of Activism – How One Voice Can Change a Community." The expected result is for students to understand "how we can be agents of communal, social, political, and environmental change."

…Pollyanna takes leftist activism to new heights, fabricating an image of a racist America that children are taught to rebel against.

By Grade 8,after nine years of acute indoctrination, the children are ready to fight on behalf of leftists in America. "tudents will set commitments for rectifying current social ills, such as learning and planning how to carry out anti-racist activism and/or social advocacy in their communities and/or to improve their everyday lives." The 8th Grade chapter is entitled "Racism as a Primary 'Institution' of the U.S. – How We May Combat Systemic Inequality." EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School Curriculum

4. “Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game” Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game | The College Fix

5. "School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds” School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds

6. “Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom” Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom | Todd Starnes

7. “He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher Leftists believe Columbus is evil for discovering the New World in 1492. It makes you wonder what the angry felon was teaching the kids at school.” He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher

8. A Black Lives Matter-supporting teacher took to Twitter to assert that 2+2 only = 4 because of “western imperialism.”
Yes, really.
Brittany Marshall’s tweet went viral after she claimed during the course of a discussion about racism, “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.”
Marshall, who includes her pronouns in her bio, lists her occupation as “teacher, scholar, social justice change agent” and apparently is studying for a PhD at Rutgers."
BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”

9. “School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage A Texas school district is facing fire today after a junior high school teacher distributed an assignment that included a depiction of police as slave owners and members of the Ku Klux Klan.” School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage

10. “An 11th grade teacher in the New York City suburbs reportedly commemorated the first day of school with a handout to students that compared cops to the KKK and slave owners.The handout contained five cartoon panels on this theme, all which depict slaves owners, KKK, or cops kneeling on the neck of a black man whose hands were tied or were restrained by handcuffs.

View attachment 389771

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Enjoy what is left.

YOU'RE NUTS. Local School boards are democratically elected by We the People.
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
You guys are the masters of twisting things around. Your agndas though have helped the peasant class become massively irresponsible as the Christians have become less important. It takes a lot of taxes to pay for it. Which at some point will become not sustainable.
Nothing new in this, it has been going on for some time.....and the result can be seen in the riots, assaults, destruction on our streets.
It has been done carefully and patiently, over decades: they now openly teach our children to hate America, our heritage...and their own parents.

1. PA parent says school's 'cultural proficiency' curriculum turns Martin Luther King's teachings 'upside down'

2. “Racial Literacy Curriculum,” elementary schools in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, California, Rhode Island, Missouri, and Illinois have all adopted the mind-blowing, politically-charged brainwash that they tout as education. Topics for Kindergarten to Grade 8 include: implicit bias, white privilege, intersectionality, LGBTQ issues, racism as a “primary institution of the US,” and other such leftist agenda talking points.” EXCLUSIVE: New Leftist ‘Racial Literacy Curriculum’ Brainwashing Elementary School Children

3. The Pollyana Curriculum…nationwide

“Beginning in Grade 3, the Pollyanna "Racial Literacy Curriculum" asks students to become activists in order to achieve leftist goals. The 3rd Grade chapter is entitled "Stories of Activism – How One Voice Can Change a Community." The expected result is for students to understand "how we can be agents of communal, social, political, and environmental change."

…Pollyanna takes leftist activism to new heights, fabricating an image of a racist America that children are taught to rebel against.

By Grade 8,after nine years of acute indoctrination, the children are ready to fight on behalf of leftists in America. "tudents will set commitments for rectifying current social ills, such as learning and planning how to carry out anti-racist activism and/or social advocacy in their communities and/or to improve their everyday lives." The 8th Grade chapter is entitled "Racism as a Primary 'Institution' of the U.S. – How We May Combat Systemic Inequality." EXCLUSIVE: Leftist Activism Is A Requirement Of New Elementary School Curriculum

4. “Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game” Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ takes knee during National Anthem at NCAA title game | The College Fix

5. "School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds” School in Brooklyn Hands Out “Drag Queen in Training” Stickers to 4-Year-Olds

6. “Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom” Teacher: “No Regrets” for Desecrating American Flag in Classroom | Todd Starnes

7. “He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher Leftists believe Columbus is evil for discovering the New World in 1492. It makes you wonder what the angry felon was teaching the kids at school.” He Teaches Social Studies: Suspect Who Vandalized Columbus Statue in Rhode Island is Elementary Teacher

8. A Black Lives Matter-supporting teacher took to Twitter to assert that 2+2 only = 4 because of “western imperialism.”
Yes, really.
Brittany Marshall’s tweet went viral after she claimed during the course of a discussion about racism, “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equaling 4 is cultural and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.”
Marshall, who includes her pronouns in her bio, lists her occupation as “teacher, scholar, social justice change agent” and apparently is studying for a PhD at Rutgers."
BLM Teacher Says 2+2 Only = 4 Because of “Western Imperialism”

9. “School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage A Texas school district is facing fire today after a junior high school teacher distributed an assignment that included a depiction of police as slave owners and members of the Ku Klux Klan.” School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage

10. “An 11th grade teacher in the New York City suburbs reportedly commemorated the first day of school with a handout to students that compared cops to the KKK and slave owners.The handout contained five cartoon panels on this theme, all which depict slaves owners, KKK, or cops kneeling on the neck of a black man whose hands were tied or were restrained by handcuffs.

View attachment 389771

We are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

Enjoy what is left.

YOU'RE NUTS. Local School boards are democratically elected by We the People.

So you're a product of government schooling?

Case closed.
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
You guys are the masters of twisting things around. Your agndas though have helped the peasant class become massively irresponsible as the Christians have become less important. It takes a lot of taxes to pay for it. Which at some point will become not sustainable.
Sorry Charlie you don't get to change history to fit yer pretend narrative.
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
You guys are the masters of twisting things around. Your agndas though have helped the peasant class become massively irresponsible as the Christians have become less important. It takes a lot of taxes to pay for it. Which at some point will become not sustainable.
The system will become unsustainable, not sustainable is not the correct usage, because industry needs people to work that are literate, they don't need to be a genius just smart enough to earn the capitalist more wealth accumulation and they will continue the system when the public is tired of paying for the capitalist free ride.
With the massive teacher shortage now is an opportune time for conservatives to quit their current jobs and sacrifice and teach. It will mean accepting a lower salary but again sacrifice is needed. But you could conceivably find millions of conservatives to go in and fix all the problems.
With the massive teacher shortage now is an opportune time for conservatives to quit their current jobs and sacrifice and teach. It will mean accepting a lower salary but again sacrifice is needed. But you could conceivably find millions of conservatives to go in and fix all the problems.

Home school, so the children don't turn out like you.

"now I have not a patriotic bone in my body"

" Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america"

With the massive teacher shortage now is an opportune time for conservatives to quit their current jobs and sacrifice and teach. It will mean accepting a lower salary but again sacrifice is needed. But you could conceivably find millions of conservatives to go in and fix all the problems.
Way ahead of you!
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
No, marxism means you support taking wealth from one person to subsidize another who has provided no service to the former.
Marxism means we should never have to be sorry for the oppression by the CHristian capitalist in the US that killed natives, stole their lands and enslaved a race of people for economic exploitation, wait, is that Marxism or is it capitalism with a fake religion of love and peace?
No, marxism means you support taking wealth from one person to subsidize another who has provided no service to the former.

And far more: no private property.

But the indoctrinated morons don't understand what that means....

....that’s because he wants to keep his iPad 2, naturally, and not share it with the shiftless vagrants fighting over access to one of the three Porta-Potties recently delivered to the now-evacuated camp site in lower Manhattan.

Democrat voters:


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