Neo nazis attack families at drag queen story hour

Take it from a New Englander, this is BS.

Here, around (relatively) peaceful and quiet Rhode Island - "Neo-Nazi" flyers keep mysteriously turning up in small towns of mostly white people.

The local news is all over it for a day or two.

Then they move on.

No one ever caught, no one ever identified. No headquarters found.


It's such obvious BS.

It ain't real.

It's a SHOW.

A false flag.

And you gullible Leftist idiots keep falling for it.
They are a disgrace/ But we tend to lock them up. You let them run for President.

See, here's where you guys lose all credibility, when you make ridiculous claims like this. To you, anyone who is white, and expresses even the slightest conservative views, is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a member of the KKK. It's always your 'go to' card.
See, here's where you guys lose all credibility, when you make ridiculous claims like this. To you, anyone who is white, and expresses even the slightest conservative views, is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a member of the KKK. It's always your 'go to' card.
Well when I see masked men srig heiling I tend to think they are nazis.
Mainly because they are nazis.
See, here's where you guys lose all credibility, when you make ridiculous claims like this. To you, anyone who is white, and expresses even the slightest conservative views, is a Nazi, a white supremacist, a member of the KKK. It's always your 'go to' card.

Your post assumes that Tainted Tommy ever had any credibility to begin with.

He doesn't know shit about America. Whatever he imagines America to be like, changes continually, to fit whatever bullshit narrative he wants to put forth, to presume to tell us how to run our country.

The Ku Klux Klan, for all intents and purposes, has been extinct since the late 1980s, and the Nazis, since the 1940s; yet when it suits his purpose, Tainted Tommy imagines that America is overrun with both of these groups of imaginary bogymen, and that they are solely to blame for denying the poor, oppressed pedophiles, their right to fuck children.
Hitler's final solution most likely......exterminating gay/trans people were among the top priorities for Nazis.....

"The Weimar Republic, the more tolerant democratic government that existed before Hitler, recognized the rights of trans people, though in a begrudging, limited way - [before] Hitler was in power, there was not much that could be done about transgender people; but now, in Nazi Germany, they could be put in concentration camps or subjected to forced castration."

This is why Neo-Nazis are all in with this "protest the trannies" bullshit because they hope it will win them favor from other right-wingers who don't like being publicly linked to them.....but hey, if you pretend you are doing this to "protect children" -- then aligning with Nazis ain't that we have morons talking about exterminating gay's funny how the rhetoric of right-wingers and Neo-Nazis line up perfectly...its also funny how they hate that I am able to illustrate it...
Nazis would also exterminate all the Shriners and Ronald McDonald House kids, too.

No right-leaning Republicans are aligning with white supremacists and Neo Nazis in any significant number. That's

a lie propagated by the Democrats and current administration and agencies.

They're a much smaller threat than criminal illegals and Somalian Muslims in America.

These shows have been running for over a decade at this venue without a problem. Now parents have to explain to tots why masked thugs sieg heiling them is not a good thing.

America has lost its mind.

What makes you think they're neo-Nazis?

By the way, why do you Brits think that grooming and sexualizing kids is OK?

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