Neo-Nazis, leftist gun groups face off during protest at Grand Prairie drag show

Not even one time played by men. Or is this some type of Monte Python skit?

Nazis protecting children is how Germany fell into the Third Reich. Nazis shutting down the gay cabarets and dragging child predators into the street for justice was how Hitler came to power.

We let evil survive to accept even more evil.
You are so fucking ignorant. I cant take the time to educate you. You are well beneath me.
(Grand Prairie is a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth Metro)

This is why everyone shouold avail themselves of the Second Amendment. It helps keep things nice and calm, even when facing Nazis. I really like the guys throwing the Nazi salute and the flag they had.

In an amusing twist, the "leftist gun groups" are also Nazis.
I love how the Reich media labels the anti-groomers "neo-Nazi" while in no way demonstrating such. A woman with a straight arm probably was responding to the pro-pedophile/groomer protesters.

But as you point out, the only ones armed were the pro-pedophile/groomer protesters.
The pedophiles are becoming militant. Soon they'll be shooting folks to get some little boy butthole. And the usual Leftist Suspects will be making excuses for them, and running interference.
A bunch of whacked out nutbirds screaming at each other, accomplishing nothing.

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