Neo nazis attack families at drag queen story hour

These shows have been running for over a decade at this venue without a problem. Now parents have to explain to tots why masked thugs sieg heiling them is not a good thing.

America has lost its mind.

And in the UK?


UK neo-Nazi, far-right protest drag storytime at The Tate Britain​

America lost its mind when it let freaks like you [Tainted Tommy] into this world.

America had nothing to do with it. Tainted Tommy is British, not American. Don't be fooled by his constant rants telling us Americans how to run our country, as if he knows shit about America (He doesn't.) or has any standing with regard to American (He doesn't.)

He's the UK's problem, not ours.
Yea you folks are easily duped...

By the way, some of the "FEDS" who were dressed up as Neo-Nazis have been identified...

"A day after New England-based white supremacist group NSC-131 tried to intimidate people at a drag queen event in Concord, the group’s Granite State leader is reportedly dead. Posters on NSC-131’s Telegram channel reported Monday that Leo Anthony Cullinan is dead. No cause of death was reported. A poster on the Telegram channel also reported members of white supremacist group Patriot Front and the anti-fascist organization Antifa were “desecrating” Cullinan’s memory online. Cullinan, 35, headed the New Hampshire Chapter of NSC-131, which is considered a terrorist gang. The group was founded by Christopher Hood, who also has ties to several other violent extremist groups."

Here is what you could have done if you wanted to blame all of this on the Deep could claim that Patriot Front and Antifa are working together and that a transgender strike team took out white supremacist guy..but I am sure you folks will start claiming that soon enough...yall are kinda slow

They were threatening people in a store. The moment they bang on the windows you can mag dump them. Remember that MAGAs. If Nazis attack a place with children, no jury will convict you for protecting them. FAFO.
That would be funny.
It's pathetic how you so-called alpha male cucks are so weak that you can't even stop a bunch of fags...
Remember when you folks were all trying to demonize gays in the same way you demonize trans people?
Remember when you claimed "gays" were trying to indoctrinate and groom your children?
Remember when you claimed they were all pedos?

You cucks were so weak that now you say "I don't have problems with gays...some of my friends are gay"

I don't have any problems with gays, but drag queens reading queer children's books to little kids is next-level wrong.
America had nothing to do with it.
But somehow it has it, in volumes. I forgot when I last saw an American made movie or a TV series. All is vomit and there were times when I binge watched them seven seasons in a week. Even pirates have been turned into fags now and Overton windows are wide open still. I bet with how things are going it won't be long before you see sleazebags silently eating shit in the comfort of their cellars now come to the surface and declare their right to do so in broad light. Moreover, there'll come a day when you'll be named a public enemy if eating shit is not your forte.
It is sad that it takes neo-nazi thugs to do what is sane and moral and no one else would, that is why america lost its mind. don' don't see the fact that the democrat party is wrecking the country, and it is destroying the lives of black children in this country........destroying their lives.....and yet they have you thinking it is the republicans that are the the democrats create generational crime and poverty in the black neighborhoods in the cities the democrats have controlled for decades, and in some places over 100 years. Total control of those cities for decades, top to bottom and the schools will not educate black children....and the democrat policies allow violent criminals to run free.....and you blame republicans.........
Let me know when these "drag queens" have been implicated in decades and decades of cover ups of child sexual abuse

Because last I checked, I haven't seen a single one of you dic suckers outside of a single Baptist church protesting it......which lets me know all of this "we must protect the children" talk is bullshit......

Don't hide behind kids to shield your homophobia......that is what a coward does
OK you’re talking with a left-wing troll in Biff_Poindexter who poses from time to time as a Trump supporter on the site. Everyone practically knows probably like 90% of posters know this

You surely notice. But you are somehow trying to pat yourself on the back because you’re talking with a troll on the Internet and you think that he’s some kind of a Nazi and you think you’re calling something out …lol!!!!! 😅buddy I feel bad for you

so you mean to tell me that you’re patting yourself on the back for calling out what appears to be federal agents or left wing actors, and you still don’t say anything about the murders committed by Black Lives Matter you support a group called black, lives matter that makes you a racist by default. Lol 😆!!! yeah man I just feel bad for you folks

Two times I said you are a good person and your response is in line with the far left. You have no response. Other than one word responses, personal attacks , and such.

IM2 Biff_Poindexter Superbadbrutha

you choose to believe that Republicans and Trump supporters are the problem and you never say anything about the 25 murders committed by BLM the thousands of attacks by them in 2020 and a constant racism from ESPN, from CNN from msnbc. Hope you have a nice day
Biff is a clever guy. A Swift for the internet age. He uses satire to expose the extreme ugliness of right wing politics.
What would be good is to round up all the fucked-up perverts, all the faggots, trannies, childfuckers—all of them. Also all those who identify as “Neo Nazis”.

Lock them all up in some big arena, give them all weapons, and let them all fight until only one of them is left alive. Then congratulate the one surviving victor, just before shooing him in the head.

The world would be then left a much better place, with those two categories of subhuman filth removed.
Dear me. What part of the scriptures are you basing this solution on ?
Dear me. What part of the scriptures are you basing this solution on ?
Hitler's final solution most likely......exterminating gay/trans people were among the top priorities for Nazis.....

"The Weimar Republic, the more tolerant democratic government that existed before Hitler, recognized the rights of trans people, though in a begrudging, limited way - [before] Hitler was in power, there was not much that could be done about transgender people; but now, in Nazi Germany, they could be put in concentration camps or subjected to forced castration."

This is why Neo-Nazis are all in with this "protest the trannies" bullshit because they hope it will win them favor from other right-wingers who don't like being publicly linked to them.....but hey, if you pretend you are doing this to "protect children" -- then aligning with Nazis ain't that we have morons talking about exterminating gay's funny how the rhetoric of right-wingers and Neo-Nazis line up perfectly...its also funny how they hate that I am able to illustrate it...
Hitler's final solution most likely......exterminating gay/trans people were among the top priorities for Nazis.....

"The Weimar Republic, the more tolerant democratic government that existed before Hitler, recognized the rights of trans people, though in a begrudging, limited way - [before] Hitler was in power, there was not much that could be done about transgender people; but now, in Nazi Germany, they could be put in concentration camps or subjected to forced castration."

This is why Neo-Nazis are all in with this "protest the trannies" bullshit because they hope it will win them favor from other right-wingers who don't like being publicly linked to them.....but hey, if you pretend you are doing this to "protect children" -- then aligning with Nazis ain't that we have morons talking about exterminating gay's funny how the rhetoric of right-wingers and Neo-Nazis line up perfectly...its also funny how they hate that I am able to illustrate it...
OMG, you mean there were trans even before bud light ?
But not on the beer can Commie.
It didn't stop Nazis from using the state to murder trannies...and it doesn't stop morons like you from fantasizing about it now...

Just too much of a pussy to actually DO SOMETHING about it because you know you will get your ass handed to you....AGAIN

As the late great Woody said....


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