NEOCONNED AGAIN: President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran...

Yes and the White House said Iraq sponsored al qaeda too.
You do understand we arent the only ones that know iran sponsors terrorism? Palestine, Europe, Egypt, Canada, Australia, Japan... They have proven in court how iran was funneling money to these groups. Not to mention some of the people wind up being iran rev guards..
It literally blows my mind how you deny that.

It blows my mind you are so believing after being fooled before.

They just refuse to see reality. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're bitter enemies. Unfortunately, most Americans are so uninformed. In reality, the US should probably shift towards trying to work with the Shiites. They do seem to be more reasonable than the Sunni extremists.
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
You gave me nothing except parroted media crap that may or may not be true.
In that parroted media crap was a congressional hearing mike. What you are saying is that I didn't watch it so it doesn't exist.

A minute into a nine minute clip. 30 seconds long and all 3 say the same thing. If you don't accept actual footage you are simply being a dishonest person.

All three say the same thing ya brain washed media fed puppet, all three media liars.

Lol again you are not watching the clip. I'm not talking about Anderson and the 2 other people. I'm talking about mattis, Tillerson and Dunford who are quoted in the clip, testifying before congress. You don't have to watch what Anderson or his panel is saying. You flip one minute into the clip and watch thirty seconds. The fact that you are still spouting this, tells me exactly how honest you are.

You dishonest asshole. You got on my ass about a link the other day.
What a fucking joke you are

Same link Harley actually, now tell me exactly why using the 3 people in the US who are supposed to really know the issue discussed here is dishonest?

Think I responded to the wrong post. Let me go back and see what happened
You do understand we arent the only ones that know iran sponsors terrorism? Palestine, Europe, Egypt, Canada, Australia, Japan... They have proven in court how iran was funneling money to these groups. Not to mention some of the people wind up being iran rev guards..
It literally blows my mind how you deny that.

It blows my mind you are so believing after being fooled before.

They just refuse to see reality. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're bitter enemies. Unfortunately, most Americans are so uninformed. In reality, the US should probably shift towards trying to work with the Shiites. They do seem to be more reasonable than the Sunni extremists.
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.
It blows my mind you are so believing after being fooled before.

They just refuse to see reality. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're bitter enemies. Unfortunately, most Americans are so uninformed. In reality, the US should probably shift towards trying to work with the Shiites. They do seem to be more reasonable than the Sunni extremists.
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

I hear ya, i'd rather disengage from the Middle East all-together. But we know that isn't gonna happen. So, let's go with the lesser of the evils. Shiites don't subscribe to the extremist Wahabbist Sunni form of Islam. Maybe it's time to reach out in a different direction? I mean, we know that most of the 9/11 Terrorists were radical Wahabbist Saudis. Something for Americans to contemplate anyway.
It blows my mind you are so believing after being fooled before.

They just refuse to see reality. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're bitter enemies. Unfortunately, most Americans are so uninformed. In reality, the US should probably shift towards trying to work with the Shiites. They do seem to be more reasonable than the Sunni extremists.
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

Hey, i agree. We should dramatically scale back our meddling in the Middle East. But i know that just isn't gonna happen. We're hell-bent on Empire these days. I'm just saying that Shiites don't seem to be as insane as Wahabbist Sunni extremists are.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iraq had no significant Al Qaeda presence until the US invaded. Hussein killed every Terrorist he found.

Gee golly Hussein looked better than the garbage that followed him in Iraq, like Al Qaeda, and ISIS.
They just refuse to see reality. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. They're bitter enemies. Unfortunately, most Americans are so uninformed. In reality, the US should probably shift towards trying to work with the Shiites. They do seem to be more reasonable than the Sunni extremists.
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

I hear ya, i'd rather disengage from the Middle East all-together. But we know that isn't gonna happen. So, let's go with the lesser of the evils. Shiites don't subscribe to the extremist Wahabbist Sunni form of Islam. Maybe it's time to reach out in a different direction? I mean, we know that most of the 9/11 Terrorists were radical Wahabbist Saudis. Something for Americans to contemplate anyway.
Why do we have to friend a group of extremists at all? what's the point?
I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iraq had no significant Al Qaeda presence until the US invaded. Hussein killed every Terrorist he found.

Gee golly Hussein looked better than the garbage that followed him in Iraq, like Al Qaeda, and ISIS.

Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.

Why do they hate America so much?
Maybe because of it's intervention in the Mid-East?
what makes them more reasonable? Because there isnt as many?

Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

I hear ya, i'd rather disengage from the Middle East all-together. But we know that isn't gonna happen. So, let's go with the lesser of the evils. Shiites don't subscribe to the extremist Wahabbist Sunni form of Islam. Maybe it's time to reach out in a different direction? I mean, we know that most of the 9/11 Terrorists were radical Wahabbist Saudis. Something for Americans to contemplate anyway.
Why do we have to friend a group of extremists at all? what's the point?

That's why i support disengagement from the Middle East. But most Americans don't support that. I'm just trying to deal with the cards we're dealt.
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.

Why do they hate America so much?
Maybe because of it's intervention in the Mid-East?

It goes all the way back to the Democratically-elected Mosaddegh. The US ordered his removal. That's where all the Iran/US disputes began.
Well Iran does have elections and seems to be the most free.

Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

I hear ya, i'd rather disengage from the Middle East all-together. But we know that isn't gonna happen. So, let's go with the lesser of the evils. Shiites don't subscribe to the extremist Wahabbist Sunni form of Islam. Maybe it's time to reach out in a different direction? I mean, we know that most of the 9/11 Terrorists were radical Wahabbist Saudis. Something for Americans to contemplate anyway.
Why do we have to friend a group of extremists at all? what's the point?

That's why i support disengagement from the Middle East. But most Americans don't support that. I'm just trying to deal with the cards we're dealt.
American exceptionalism is bullshit. The sooner people figure that out the better.
That still doesnt rationalize befriending terrorists
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

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President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
Standing up for yourself is not beating war drums. Telling someone you will kick their ass if they fuck with you isn't war drums. It's called standing up for yourself and putting a loud mouth in his place. It's the same with individuals or countries. That's what Trump is doing. I'm not surprised at all Ron Paul wouldn't get that concept.
Most Americans can't fathom it, but Shiites are actually less extreme than ISIS/Al Qadea Wahabbi Sunni extremists. We should actually start thinking about working with them.
Working with the extremists that aren't as bad? Lol not to mention they are only 1/10 the size of the sunni..
Jimmy Carter and Reagan tried that. How Did that work for them?
Look, I get our govt is lying corrupt scum
i am also not delusional about iran. The provided evidence for irans support. Actual evidence. Not like this Russian election bullshit
Working with extremists is also stupid and always back fires. Always.
I say we just leave those savages to their own demise. We ain't got not business going over there and dictating our will. My mind will change if there ever happens to be a direct threat against our citizenry.

I hear ya, i'd rather disengage from the Middle East all-together. But we know that isn't gonna happen. So, let's go with the lesser of the evils. Shiites don't subscribe to the extremist Wahabbist Sunni form of Islam. Maybe it's time to reach out in a different direction? I mean, we know that most of the 9/11 Terrorists were radical Wahabbist Saudis. Something for Americans to contemplate anyway.
Why do we have to friend a group of extremists at all? what's the point?

That's why i support disengagement from the Middle East. But most Americans don't support that. I'm just trying to deal with the cards we're dealt.
American exceptionalism is bullshit. The sooner people figure that out the better.
That still doesnt rationalize befriending terrorists

It's about 'Empire' now. Exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. All Empires fall. They knew that very well.
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

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President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
Standing up for yourself is not beating war drums. Telling someone you will kick their ass if they fuck with you isn't war drums. It's called standing up for yourself and putting a loud mouth in his place. It's the same with individuals or countries. That's what Trump is doing. I'm not surprised at all Ron Paul wouldn't get that concept.
Absolutely! The last four Presidents have been ass kissing cowards!
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

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President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
Standing up for yourself is not beating war drums. Telling someone you will kick their ass if they fuck with you isn't war drums. It's called standing up for yourself and putting a loud mouth in his place. It's the same with individuals or countries. That's what Trump is doing. I'm not surprised at all Ron Paul wouldn't get that concept.

Yeah but sadly, so much of his speech was so inaccurate. Most of the stuff he accused Iran of doing, is actually being done by our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia.'
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

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President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran

I am pleased to see you have now come to your senses finally that Trump is no different than Bush or Obama,same as them,is just here to kiss Israels ass and do their bidding.I could tell you this was coming,I made a thread a long time ago about Trumps ties to Israel.
I wonder if MIKE will ever come around to this now.

when i saw the facts about his ties to Trump,I knew he was just double speak.
And as Dr. Paul pointed out, so much of his recent speech was so egregiously inaccurate. Iran has never supported ISIS/Al Qaeda, or any other brutal Sunni Muslim Terrorist Org. Iran is a Shiite nation. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terror Orgs. Iran has actually helped decimate ISIS and Al Qaeda in the region. Trump really has allowed the Neocons too much influence.
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

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President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
Standing up for yourself is not beating war drums. Telling someone you will kick their ass if they fuck with you isn't war drums. It's called standing up for yourself and putting a loud mouth in his place. It's the same with individuals or countries. That's what Trump is doing. I'm not surprised at all Ron Paul wouldn't get that concept.

Yeah but sadly, so much of his speech was so inaccurate. Most of the stuff he accused Iran of doing, is actually being done by our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia.'
OK, so then you won't mind if he calls out SA in the same manner right? Or is that beating war drums?
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

Read More:
President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran
Standing up for yourself is not beating war drums. Telling someone you will kick their ass if they fuck with you isn't war drums. It's called standing up for yourself and putting a loud mouth in his place. It's the same with individuals or countries. That's what Trump is doing. I'm not surprised at all Ron Paul wouldn't get that concept.

Yeah but sadly, so much of his speech was so inaccurate. Most of the stuff he accused Iran of doing, is actually being done by our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia.'
OK, so then you won't mind if he calls out SA in the same manner right? Or is that beating war drums?

I'm saying we should definitely reassess our close 'Friendship' with Saudi Arabia. In terms of influence on Global Islamic Terrorism goes, it along with another 'Good Friend' Pakistan, has far more influence than Iran does. There are very few International Shiite Terror Orgs. Iran has almost no influence on Global Jihad.

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