NEOCONNED AGAIN: President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran...

A West Point study based on documents uncovered in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad found that the Iran-al Qaeda "relationship is not one of alliance, but of indirect and unpleasant negotiations over the release of detained jihadis and their families, including members of bin Laden's family." According to longtime Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst Bruce Riedel: "Rather than being secretly in bed with each other as some have argued, al Qaeda had a fairly hostile relationship with the Iranian regime. To get members of his family out of Iran, for example, bin Laden had an Iranian diplomat kidnapped and then traded. The Iranians released some of his family members in the deal but then double crossed al Qaeda by not letting one of his daughters, Fatima, free."[56]
They plotted with AQ and bombed the USS Cole. They fund all kind of radical islamist groups. A few years ago, the fed govt said they were helping AQ funnel fighters into Syria.
Have you ever heard of Iran? Damn dude

It is 2017. You must have something more recent? Give a specific attack.
Do you think they suddenly got enlightened? What the hell is wrong with you? The war in Syria is STILL going on. They FUND TERROR GROUPS.
Stop being so damn obtuse. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish white knighting for a state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran remains top terror sponsor as world attacks decline - CNNPolitics

I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.

Saudi Arabia has always been the chief financier of Sunni Terrorist Orgs around the world. Its influence on Radical Islam is far greater than Iran Shiite influence. There are very few Shiite 'Terrorist Orgs' in the world. ISIS and Al Qaeda origins come from Saudi Wahabbist Islamic teachings. The main supporters of Radical Islam have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Our 'Good Friends.'

Pakistan is impoverished-----it's grammar school curriculum
creates terrorists------but it is hardly a big time financial supporter of world wide terrorism and governmental TRAINER of terrorists AS IS IRAN. Rich Saudis support
terrorism-----not the king

Pakistan has thousands of Saudi-based/funded Madrassas. It's where the Taliban was born. So look to our 'Good Friends' Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They are the chief financiers of Radical Islam in the world. They have been for many years. Iran is a Shiite nation. It has very little influence on Global Islamic Terrorism.
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.

Saudi Arabia has always been the chief financier of Sunni Terrorist Orgs around the world. Its influence on Radical Islam is far greater than Iran Shiite influence. There are very few Shiite 'Terrorist Orgs' in the world. ISIS and Al Qaeda origins come from Saudi Wahabbist Islamic teachings. The main supporters of Radical Islam have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Our 'Good Friends.'

Pakistan is impoverished-----it's grammar school curriculum
creates terrorists------but it is hardly a big time financial supporter of world wide terrorism and governmental TRAINER of terrorists AS IS IRAN. Rich Saudis support
terrorism-----not the king

Pakistan has thousands of Saudi-based/funded Madrassas. It's where the Taliban was born. So look to our 'Good Friends' Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They are the chief financiers of Radical Islam in the world. They have been for many years. Iran is a Shiite nation. It has very little influence on Global Islamic Terrorism.

Right there reveals your ignorance on the topic.
It is 2017. You must have something more recent? Give a specific attack.
Do you think they suddenly got enlightened? What the hell is wrong with you? The war in Syria is STILL going on. They FUND TERROR GROUPS.
Stop being so damn obtuse. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish white knighting for a state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran remains top terror sponsor as world attacks decline - CNNPolitics

I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
Do you think they suddenly got enlightened? What the hell is wrong with you? The war in Syria is STILL going on. They FUND TERROR GROUPS.
Stop being so damn obtuse. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish white knighting for a state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran remains top terror sponsor as world attacks decline - CNNPolitics

I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.

Saudi Arabia has always been the chief financier of Sunni Terrorist Orgs around the world. Its influence on Radical Islam is far greater than Iran Shiite influence. There are very few Shiite 'Terrorist Orgs' in the world. ISIS and Al Qaeda origins come from Saudi Wahabbist Islamic teachings. The main supporters of Radical Islam have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Our 'Good Friends.'

Pakistan is impoverished-----it's grammar school curriculum
creates terrorists------but it is hardly a big time financial supporter of world wide terrorism and governmental TRAINER of terrorists AS IS IRAN. Rich Saudis support
terrorism-----not the king

Pakistan has thousands of Saudi-based/funded Madrassas. It's where the Taliban was born. So look to our 'Good Friends' Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They are the chief financiers of Radical Islam in the world. They have been for many years. Iran is a Shiite nation. It has very little influence on Global Islamic Terrorism.

Right there reveals your ignorance on the topic.

How so? Shiites make up a small percentage of Muslims in the world. The vast majority of Islamic Terrorists in the world are Saudi Wahabbist Sunnis.
Do you think they suddenly got enlightened? What the hell is wrong with you? The war in Syria is STILL going on. They FUND TERROR GROUPS.
Stop being so damn obtuse. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish white knighting for a state sponsor of terrorism?
Iran remains top terror sponsor as world attacks decline - CNNPolitics

I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.

you are confused----SADDAM HUSSEIN ----was the originator of PAYING THE FAMILIES of bomb on ass suicide murderers for the ISLAMIC CAUSE
I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iraq had no significant Al Qaeda presence until the US invaded. Hussein killed every Terrorist he found.
I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.

you are confused----SADDAM HUSSEIN ----was the originator of PAYING THE FAMILIES of bomb on ass suicide murderers for the ISLAMIC CAUSE

There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded. Hussein wasn't a religious fundamentalist. He killed every Terrorist he came across.
I recall how iraq was a sponsor too. That claim was obviously false.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iran is Shiite and Persian. Most terrorists are Sunni and kill shiites. We know Iran fights ISIS, we don't know much else. Saudi is Sunni...
A West Point study based on documents uncovered in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad found that the Iran-al Qaeda "relationship is not one of alliance, but of indirect and unpleasant negotiations over the release of detained jihadis and their families, including members of bin Laden's family." According to longtime Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst Bruce Riedel: "Rather than being secretly in bed with each other as some have argued, al Qaeda had a fairly hostile relationship with the Iranian regime. To get members of his family out of Iran, for example, bin Laden had an Iranian diplomat kidnapped and then traded. The Iranians released some of his family members in the deal but then double crossed al Qaeda by not letting one of his daughters, Fatima, free."[56]

Shiites do not work with Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. I'm actually shocked at how inaccurate Trump's speech was. It had to be written by a maniac 'Permanent War' Neocon. Trump better be very careful. The Neocons will lead him to destruction.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. "When loosing, post gibberish."
Challenge accepted.

This is the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and the Chairman of the joint Chiefs going on record saying that the Iran deal is in the best interest of the country.
EU urges US Congress to preserve Iran nuclear deal Trump threatened
This is Europe saying the same thing.
China says hopes Iran nuclear deal stays intact amid Trump criticism
Russia just slammed Trump over the Iran deal
Republicans might block Trump from killing Iran nuke deal
Democrats who opposed Iran nuclear deal urge Trump to keep pact
If you get told that something is a bad idea by literally everybody, regardless if they are friend or foe. Taking a step back is usually a good idea.

I made up my "rules" after years of watching you imbeciles on the net, and seeing how you exhibit the same behavior day after day.. I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything. Only regressive idiots do that.

"I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything." The clip provided actually has Mattis, Tillerson and Dunford in it so how is it fake? I think this falls under.
3. Ignore any facts presented.
2. Promptly reject all explanations as left wing lies. Smoke spin deflect
12. Deny constantly

"watching you imbeciles", falls under
6a. smear people
This list is fun lol.

So? Pointing out facts is all.

So.... I literally gave you the 3 senior defense specialists in the country all saying the exact opposite of your claim, so what exactly is your fact if you feel free to ignore everything that doesn't agree with your opinion, no matter how undeniable?What's the point of reasoning if you don't feel bound by reason?

You gave me nothing except parroted media crap that may or may not be true.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.

you are confused----SADDAM HUSSEIN ----was the originator of PAYING THE FAMILIES of bomb on ass suicide murderers for the ISLAMIC CAUSE

There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded. Hussein wasn't a religious fundamentalist. He killed every Terrorist he came across.
Yes and he also support terror groups that battled his enemies in the region. Like Abu Nidal and the Palestinian liberation front
Challenge accepted.

This is the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and the Chairman of the joint Chiefs going on record saying that the Iran deal is in the best interest of the country.
EU urges US Congress to preserve Iran nuclear deal Trump threatened
This is Europe saying the same thing.
China says hopes Iran nuclear deal stays intact amid Trump criticism
Russia just slammed Trump over the Iran deal
Republicans might block Trump from killing Iran nuke deal
Democrats who opposed Iran nuclear deal urge Trump to keep pact
If you get told that something is a bad idea by literally everybody, regardless if they are friend or foe. Taking a step back is usually a good idea.

I made up my "rules" after years of watching you imbeciles on the net, and seeing how you exhibit the same behavior day after day.. I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything. Only regressive idiots do that.

"I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything." The clip provided actually has Mattis, Tillerson and Dunford in it so how is it fake? I think this falls under.
3. Ignore any facts presented.
2. Promptly reject all explanations as left wing lies. Smoke spin deflect
12. Deny constantly

"watching you imbeciles", falls under
6a. smear people
This list is fun lol.

So? Pointing out facts is all.

So.... I literally gave you the 3 senior defense specialists in the country all saying the exact opposite of your claim, so what exactly is your fact if you feel free to ignore everything that doesn't agree with your opinion, no matter how undeniable?What's the point of reasoning if you don't feel bound by reason?

You gave me nothing except parroted media crap that may or may not be true.

In that parroted media crap was a congressional hearing mike. What you are saying is that I didn't watch it so it doesn't exist.

A minute into a nine minute clip. 30 seconds long and all 3 say the same thing. If you don't accept actual footage you are simply being a dishonest person.
I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.

you are confused----SADDAM HUSSEIN ----was the originator of PAYING THE FAMILIES of bomb on ass suicide murderers for the ISLAMIC CAUSE

There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded. Hussein wasn't a religious fundamentalist. He killed every Terrorist he came across.
Yes and he also support terror groups that battled his enemies in the region. Like Abu Nidal and the Palestinian liberation front

Apples & Oranges. Hussein despised Al Qaeda Terrorists. He killed every one of em he came across.
I made up my "rules" after years of watching you imbeciles on the net, and seeing how you exhibit the same behavior day after day.. I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything. Only regressive idiots do that.
"I don't rely on fake bullshit media links to prove anything." The clip provided actually has Mattis, Tillerson and Dunford in it so how is it fake? I think this falls under.
3. Ignore any facts presented.
2. Promptly reject all explanations as left wing lies. Smoke spin deflect
12. Deny constantly

"watching you imbeciles", falls under
6a. smear people
This list is fun lol.
So? Pointing out facts is all.
So.... I literally gave you the 3 senior defense specialists in the country all saying the exact opposite of your claim, so what exactly is your fact if you feel free to ignore everything that doesn't agree with your opinion, no matter how undeniable?What's the point of reasoning if you don't feel bound by reason?
You gave me nothing except parroted media crap that may or may not be true.
In that parroted media crap was a congressional hearing mike. What you are saying is that I didn't watch it so it doesn't exist.

A minute into a nine minute clip. 30 seconds long and all 3 say the same thing. If you don't accept actual footage you are simply being a dishonest person.

All three say the same thing ya brain washed media fed puppet, all three media liars.
OMG you are pathetic. For what? What are you getting out of supporting IRAN?

I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iran is Shiite and Persian. Most terrorists are Sunni and kill shiites. We know Iran fights ISIS, we don't know much else. Saudi is Sunni...
How do you know they fight ISIS?
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.

you are confused----SADDAM HUSSEIN ----was the originator of PAYING THE FAMILIES of bomb on ass suicide murderers for the ISLAMIC CAUSE

There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until the US invaded. Hussein wasn't a religious fundamentalist. He killed every Terrorist he came across.
Yes and he also support terror groups that battled his enemies in the region. Like Abu Nidal and the Palestinian liberation front

Apples & Oranges. Hussein despised Al Qaeda Terrorists. He killed every one of em he came across.
I know. I clearly stated that was a false accusation earlier. But he still had ties to other groups.
I have seen no evidence. You wish to be fooled again like you were with Iraq? You should be much more worried about Saudi Arabia. Iran is much more free.
I am worried about SA. But i am worried about Iran as well. You know, because fo terrorism.
Sticking up for them psychos is literally the dumbest thing i have ever seen on the internet, politics wise. Like no shit.
This, to me, is like arguing with someone that denies we invaded afghanistan.

And Iraq was definitely a sponsor until we found out they were not. You shouldn't be so sure. They are probably the most free country in the Middle East and they fight ISIS.
So what if they fight them? What kind of defence is that? Do you understand how many terrorist groups and splinter groups there are? Good lord.
And Iraq DID support terrorism. They just didnt do it as much. They failed to link Iraq to AQ(which was the major talking point), not all terrorist groups.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Iran is Shiite and Persian. Most terrorists are Sunni and kill shiites. We know Iran fights ISIS, we don't know much else. Saudi is Sunni...
How do you know they fight ISIS?

At Least 12 Killed in Pair of Terrorist Attacks in Iran

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