NEOCONNED AGAIN: President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran...

Seriously, Trump should re-read his recent speech and go through it with a fine-toothed comb. So much of it was so inaccurate. It came off as a speech written by a maniac 'Permanent War' Neocon. Most of the things he accused Iran of, are actually being done by our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia. You know, the country that contributed most of the 9/11 Terrorists?

Odd thing been going on with y’all and Drumpf. Y’all routinely say he is lying about something, then a month later y’all are proven wrong. Look, there is no shame in just saying you don’t like the dude. The extra lies just make folks mock and ignore you.

Nah, i still support the dude. The alternative was far worse. I just don't worship him like y'all did with Hussein. I am saddened that he's choosing to buddy-up with the 'Permanent War' Neocons. They'll lead him to disaster.

I don’t understand this at all either. If this neoconservative- Goldman Sachs shit was such a huge deal why did Trump get a pass? He pretty much surrounded himself with establishment from the git.
Or picking Pence. Hell, thats a big F U to his supporters.
And as Dr. Paul pointed out, so much of his recent speech was so egregiously inaccurate. Iran has never supported ISIS/Al Qaeda, or any other brutal Sunni Muslim Terrorist Org. Iran is a Shiite nation. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terror Orgs. Iran has actually helped decimate ISIS and Al Qaeda in the region. Trump really has allowed the Neocons too much influence.
Iran will be the absolute powerhouse in the ME and there is nothing the US can do about it. All they "achieve" is that Iran will be hostile to the US - forced to be by the US. The coming decades, that is looming, will be a time of declining US influence in the world and the more aggressive the US is today the more isolated it will be tomorrow. Sad for the entire world that Trump is a Neocon stooge.

Well, i can't go that far. We'll continue to be the powerhouse of the world for many years to come. But we have made a horrific mess of the Middle East. So i agree, we will pay for this 'Empire-Building' at some point. Our Founding Fathers warned us about Empire. They knew very well that all Empires fall. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin around the world. Eventually, the chickens will come home to roost. We need to reverse this 'Empire-Building' phase we're in.
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.

Saudi Arabia has always been the chief financier of Sunni Terrorist Orgs around the world. Its influence on Radical Islam is far greater than Iran Shiite influence. There are very few Shiite 'Terrorist Orgs' in the world. ISIS and Al Qaeda origins come from Saudi Wahabbist Islamic teachings. The main supporters of Radical Islam have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Our 'Good Friends.'
Only an idiot would think a terrorist group wouldnt temporarily forget their beliefs to work with a different group if they want the same outcome on something.
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that

His speech was filled with staggering inaccuracies. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terrorist Orgs. They're bitter enemies. Maybe it's time to turn our attention to our 'Good Friends', the Saudis. I mean, most of the things Trump accused Iran of, are actually being done by Saudi Arabia. Something for Americans to contemplate.
They are also being done by Iran. I dont understand why you keep on repeating that bullshit.

Saudi Arabia has always been the chief financier of Sunni Terrorist Orgs around the world. Its influence on Radical Islam is far greater than Iran Shiite influence. There are very few Shiite 'Terrorist Orgs' in the world. ISIS and Al Qaeda origins come from Saudi Wahabbist Islamic teachings. The main supporters of Radical Islam have been Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Our 'Good Friends.'

Pakistan is impoverished-----it's grammar school curriculum
creates terrorists------but it is hardly a big time financial supporter of world wide terrorism and governmental TRAINER of terrorists AS IS IRAN. Rich Saudis support
terrorism-----not the king
And as Dr. Paul pointed out, so much of his recent speech was so egregiously inaccurate. Iran has never supported ISIS/Al Qaeda, or any other brutal Sunni Muslim Terrorist Org. Iran is a Shiite nation. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terror Orgs. Iran has actually helped decimate ISIS and Al Qaeda in the region. Trump really has allowed the Neocons too much influence.

the Shiite/sunni rift breaks down when it comes to JIHAD. Try to keep up. Iran is ----of late, kissing the ass of sunni turkey----QUITE A TURNAROUND------and even licking the shit off the ass of SUNNI HAMAS. Iran will be happy to help ISIS in the future if does some dirty work Iran wants done
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.
I'm with the Good Doctor on this. I supported Donald Trump, but he does seem to have allowed the 'Permanent War' Neocons too much influence in his Administration. They're the same folks who gave us George W. Bush and his many disasters. And Trump routinely criticized them in the past. So i am pretty disappointed he's gotten in bed with them.

Written by Ron Paul

President Trump has been notoriously inconsistent in his foreign policy. He campaigned on and won the presidency with promises to repair relations with Russia, pull out of no-win wars like Afghanistan, and end the failed US policy of nation-building overseas. Once in office he pursued policies exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on. Unfortunately Iran is one of the few areas where the president has been very consistent. And consistently wrong.

In the president’s speech last week he expressed his view that Iran was not “living up to the spirit” of the 2015 nuclear agreement and that he would turn to Congress to apply new sanctions to Iran and to, he hopes, take the US out of the deal entirely.

Nearly every assertion in the president’s speech was embarrassingly incorrect. Iran is not allied with al-Qaeda, as the president stated. The money President Obama sent to Iran was their own money. Much of it was a down-payment made to the US for fighter planes that were never delivered when Iran changed from being friend to foe in 1979. The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism. He claims that Iran has “fueled sectarian violence in Iraq,” when it was Iranian militias who prevented Baghdad from being overtaken by ISIS in 2014. There are too many other false statements in the president’s speech to mention...

Read More:
President Trump Beats War Drums For Iran

Ron Paul is a delusional idiot. Russia has declared war on the US and too many Trump supporters are too stupid to realize that. I suppose that Ron Paul thinks that interfering in our elections is their way of saying that they want to be friends.

Iran is attempting to establish a Persian empire in the Mideast. They already dominate a number of countries including Syria and they are actively supporting insurgents in other countries. They are a state sponsor of terrorism. They would like to take down the US and Israel. That is why Saudi Arabia and Israel see eye to eye on many things. Both countries are under assault by Iran through their use of proxies. The reason why Iran has no use for ISIS and other terrorist groups is because they are competition. A competition that Iran does not want.
Seriously, Trump should re-read his recent speech and go through it with a fine-toothed comb. So much of it was so inaccurate. It came off as a speech written by a maniac 'Permanent War' Neocon. Most of the things he accused Iran of, are actually being done by our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia. You know, the country that contributed most of the 9/11 Terrorists?

I am sure that Saudi Arabia told them to do it. Iran is the state sponsor of terrorism. You are a crazy idiot like Ron Paul.
And as Dr. Paul pointed out, so much of his recent speech was so egregiously inaccurate. Iran has never supported ISIS/Al Qaeda, or any other brutal Sunni Muslim Terrorist Org. Iran is a Shiite nation. Shiites do not work with Sunni Terror Orgs. Iran has actually helped decimate ISIS and Al Qaeda in the region. Trump really has allowed the Neocons too much influence.
Iran will be the absolute powerhouse in the ME and there is nothing the US can do about it. All they "achieve" is that Iran will be hostile to the US - forced to be by the US. The coming decades, that is looming, will be a time of declining US influence in the world and the more aggressive the US is today the more isolated it will be tomorrow. Sad for the entire world that Trump is a Neocon stooge.

Well, i can't go that far. We'll continue to be the powerhouse of the world for many years to come. But we have made a horrific mess of the Middle East. So i agree, we will pay for this 'Empire-Building' at some point. Our Founding Fathers warned us about Empire. They knew very well that all Empires fall. We're $21 Trillion in Debt and spread way too thin around the world. Eventually, the chickens will come home to roost. We need to reverse this 'Empire-Building' phase we're in.
Powerhouse, yes, that´s not the point. But as countries gain more military strength, the US bully fleet and the worldwide network of US bases become insufficient to defeat them. Also, the Dollar might lose its oil monopole in the future. Like many other western countries, the US could become an almost completely unindustrialized country whose dominating international relationships consist of dependencies and paying debts. Even a total economic crash is possible but the US will even in that worst case be able to defend the borders.
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.
Only a dumbass would take away reasons for a country that threatens "death to America' to NOT develop nuclear weapons.
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.
Only a dumbass would take away reasons for a country that threatens "death to America' to NOT develop nuclear weapons.
I hope you get caught and locked away soon.
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.
Only a dumbass would take away reasons for a country that threatens "death to America' to NOT develop nuclear weapons.
I hope you get caught and locked away soon.
I hope you grow a brain. I guess we're both out of luck.
Ooooh Trump de-certifies a shitty agreement, sends it to Congress and it's beating war drums. Dumbasses
Dumb ass is de-certifying a deal brokered in conjunction with 5 other nations who you will need if you want to get anything done on the world stage concerning N-Korea without justification. Dumb ass is destroying the credibility of the US on the world stage because you don't like your predecessor. Dumbass is doing this without even a plan in place to replace the plan you find defective.
Only a dumbass paves the way for a country that threatens "death to America" as often as i say good morning, to get nukes, and only a moron would defend the actions of the moron who gave them that.
Only a dumbass would take away reasons for a country that threatens "death to America' to NOT develop nuclear weapons.
I hope you get caught and locked away soon.
I hope you grow a brain. I guess we're both out of luck.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. "When loosing, post gibberish."
Iran has had dealings with AQ for over 30 years
Iran has dealings with iraqi insurgence groups for years. They were training them during the iraq invasion. They have collaborated with them to do violence in other countries, like Kuwait. They collaborate with anti american groups as well(could have been where the "The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism" came from but idk. A lot of better ways of saying that if it was lol)
Ol ron might be getting to old for this

Iran is a leading sponsor of terrorism...they do it through proxies

Be more specific. What terror have they sponsored?
Iran has had dealings with AQ for over 30 years
Iran has dealings with iraqi insurgence groups for years. They were training them during the iraq invasion. They have collaborated with them to do violence in other countries, like Kuwait. They collaborate with anti american groups as well(could have been where the "The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism" came from but idk. A lot of better ways of saying that if it was lol)
Ol ron might be getting to old for this

Iran is a leading sponsor of terrorism...they do it through proxies

Be more specific. What terror have they sponsored?
Iran has had dealings with AQ for over 30 years
Iran has dealings with iraqi insurgence groups for years. They were training them during the iraq invasion. They have collaborated with them to do violence in other countries, like Kuwait. They collaborate with anti american groups as well(could have been where the "The president also falsely claims that Iran targets the United States with terrorism" came from but idk. A lot of better ways of saying that if it was lol)
Ol ron might be getting to old for this

Iran is a leading sponsor of terrorism...they do it through proxies

Be more specific. What terror have they sponsored?
World wide terror.

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