
Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Hey man. If we could just kill all the Muslims, force the fags back into the closet, drown our wetbacks in the Rio Grande, and get the darkies back to honest work in the cotton fields, America would be moral and good again!

That's not neo-facism. That's patriotism!

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1. for socialism, I agree there are different levels of this. A fundamental socialist on another forum argued that what conservatives oppose as socialism is not true socialism where the govt LITERALLY owns the business or property and assets; just controlling it from federal govt is NOT LITERALLY socialism by its strict fundamental meaning.

However, in terms of wanting "govt control" YES the Leftwing push to override free market choices in PAYING for health care is "relatively" socialism in CONTRAST with relative free market/capitalism.
The capitalism we have now is NOT LITERALLY free market EITHER because corporations have unequal rights as people but greater freedom and ability to manipulate political regulations giving them unfair advantage. So technically this is NOT LITERALLY FREE ENTERPRISE as the conservatives claim as free market; it is still manipulated through govt.

NEITHER side is "literally" the labels as portrayed, but only "relatively" in RELATION to where the other is coming from.

2. on the left side, the left is equally guilty of namecalling the conservatives as
RACIST instead of addressing or correcting the real problem
Where the problem is excluding people equal free market, free choice, and constitutional equal protections, because of POLITICAL biases, YES you can blame conservatives for that.

But it is because "they are contradicting their own Constitutional principles" by not checking against abuses. Blindly labeling people as "racist" or "against women/poor" is not accurate and not addressing or solving the problem either.

3. so both sides are equally guilty of using political bullying by label, exclusion, division and coercion. we are better off focusing on WHERE we fail to include everyone equally and work on CORRECTIONS, not just abusing labels to justify projecting blame and rejection.
When people on both sides recognize how wasteful and destructive this is, maybe we can do more to work together to fix it since it is a mutual problem due to adversarial politics.

Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
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Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Which libtard website did you pilfer that from? the rich got richer, and still are 5 years into a very leftist agenda. In other words...thread fail.
a Socialist, union member, and yes Communist INVENTED FASCISM


Progressives are losers who lie to themselves
Fascists nationalized the oil and health care insustries; and banned private ownership of guns.

who does that?

Progressives are losers who lie to themselves
Neofascism : See Obama and The Democrats


If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.
Neofascism : See Obama and The Democrats

I would say it is reactionary, due to the equal battle against oppression and exclusion from opposing views. it is mutual, both sides attempt to overrule the other, which is a fascist type approach. Instead of truly respecting equal protection of the laws of ALL people of ALL views, regardless of creed. Both sides discriminate against the other by abusing govt to bully politically.
1. for socialism, I agree there are different levels of this. A fundamental socialist on another forum argued that what conservatives oppose as socialism is not true socialism where the govt LITERALLY owns the business or property and assets; just controlling it from federal govt is NOT LITERALLY socialism by its strict fundamental meaning.

However, in terms of wanting "govt control" YES the Leftwing push to override free market choices in PAYING for health care is "relatively" socialism in CONTRAST with relative free market/capitalism.
The capitalism we have now is NOT LITERALLY free market EITHER because corporations have unequal rights as people but greater freedom and ability to manipulate political regulations giving them unfair advantage. So technically this is NOT LITERALLY FREE ENTERPRISE as the conservatives claim as free market; it is still manipulated through govt.

NEITHER side is "literally" the labels as portrayed, but only "relatively" in RELATION to where the other is coming from.

2. on the left side, the left is equally guilty of namecalling the conservatives as
RACIST instead of addressing or correcting the real problem
Where the problem is excluding people equal free market, free choice, and constitutional equal protections, because of POLITICAL biases, YES you can blame conservatives for that.

But it is because "they are contradicting their own Constitutional principles" by not checking against abuses. Blindly labeling people as "racist" or "against women/poor" is not accurate and not addressing or solving the problem either.

3. so both sides are equally guilty of using political bullying by label, exclusion, division and coercion. we are better off focusing on WHERE we fail to include everyone equally and work on CORRECTIONS, not just abusing labels to justify projecting blame and rejection.
When people on both sides recognize how wasteful and destructive this is, maybe we can do more to work together to fix it since it is a mutual problem due to adversarial politics.

Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.

I appreciate you thoughtful post with this caveat, there is ample evidence to prove the biases and prejudices of the current far right, and thus sufficient evidence to prove that labeling them as Neo fascists is historically accurate.
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Which libtard website did you pilfer that from? the rich got richer, and still are 5 years into a very leftist agenda. In other words...thread fail.

It was "pilfered" from the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you read the OP you wouldn't need to ask. You are free and encouraged to disagree with me, but in doing so I suggest you put away the personal attacks and make a concise and credible argument. Calling my argument a failure is childish, suggesting my source was a "libtard website" was ridiculous. I suggest you find a new hobby, it would be better than embarrassing yourself as you do here.
Looks like the neo fascists who post here and claim to be conservatives have been struck with cognitive dissonance (well, those few who can actually cogitate) and cut and run.
I appreciate you thoughtful post with this caveat, there is ample evidence to prove the biases and prejudices of the current far right, and thus sufficient evidence to prove that labeling them as Neo fascists is historically accurate.

If the left does not equally recognize its political "fascism" relative to the right,
then that is what the objection is to.

The SPIRIT of the opposition which is NOT INCLUSION
as the left CLAIMS to respect "diversity and inclusion."

If the left is BULLYING and does not recognize it, but faults only the opposition
THAT is why there is no credibility, but leftists are argued as suffering from
"mental denial and disease" This comes across as projection like any other type of
alcohol or drug addicted person who says "it's not me, I'm a victim of other people."

What you see from your viewpoint, looking at the right from the left,
mirrors what they see happening looking at the left from the right.

If we keep clinging to defenses on one side, the other side clings more in return!

(I call this the "Chinese finger trap syndrome" where both fingers pointing get
stuck in the same trap; and only when we all "push toward each other" can we be freed.
But as long as sides REJECT and pull away, they both remain stuck in the mutual trap.)
Looks like the neo fascists who post here and claim to be conservatives have been struck with cognitive dissonance (well, those few who can actually cogitate) and cut and run.

It's pretty mutual. I chase off fellow leftists who do the hit and run business also.

If you and I are the only people remaining able to discuss this objectively, considering
the other side's viewpoint, what does that tell you about us?

I suspect you must go through this a lot, as do I.

I value the left who are TRULY inclusive and willing to listen and work with the right.
I value the right who TRULY apply "rule of law" to all people and work with the left.

We should keep rewarding and encouraging people to take the inclusive approach,
so we won't be left when everyone else attacks and rejects each other, and then runs off.

The people running govt should be the ones who can work with all people and views.
People who can only represent one side should lead their parties but not try to lead govt unless they can set up teams or facilitators to include whatever people/views they leave out.

We can't have a hit and run govt, but that's how bullies run media and public perception.
our govt should not be based on onesided "fascist" approach regardless which side does it.
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Well that's about a split.

Opposed liberal individualism-check
Indulge in racist and xenophobic scapegoating-check
Promoted populist economic programs-check
Blame Jews-check.

The lefty Democrats of today seem to have more in common with neo fascists than anything else. Certainly they have more in common with it than conservatives do.
The truth about fascism is that it's essentially directly related to socialism. Saying that they're opposite ideologies is like saying that the Crips and the Bloods are completely opposite. The only real difference is in their minds and in their rhetoric. Fascism is correctly defined as state management of the economic system, and this is essentially what both political parties are pushing.
I appreciate you thoughtful post with this caveat, there is ample evidence to prove the biases and prejudices of the current far right, and thus sufficient evidence to prove that labeling them as Neo fascists is historically accurate.

If the left does not equally recognize its political "fascism" relative to the right,
then that is what the objection is to.

The SPIRIT of the opposition which is NOT INCLUSION
as the left CLAIMS to respect "diversity and inclusion."

If the left is BULLYING and does not recognize it, but faults only the opposition
THAT is why there is no credibility, but leftists are argued as suffering from
"mental denial and disease" This comes across as projection like any other type of
alcohol or drug addicted person who says "it's not me, I'm a victim of other people."

What you see from your viewpoint, looking at the right from the left,
mirrors what they see happening looking at the left from the right.

If we keep clinging to defenses on one side, the other side clings more in return!

(I call this the "Chinese finger trap syndrome" where both fingers pointing get
stuck in the same trap; and only when we all "push toward each other" can we be freed.
But as long as sides REJECT and pull away, they both remain stuck in the mutual trap.)

First of all I'm not a leftist, though many choose to characterize me in that way. Secondly, I am not speaking about either political party, the neo fascists may vote for Republicans but are not in any way, shape or form believers in leaders such as Lincoln, TR, IKE or even Nixon.

A close reading of the definition of Neo fascist, taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica, cannot be separated from the rhetoric of those who claim the mantle of conservatism.

It seems you want to hold the middle ground, and place blame for the schism which continues to grow between factions within the former GOP, and those of us who oppose the radicalism which has overtaken the Republican Party, on the two party system. That is not what this thread is about. I'm not defending the Democrats, I'm simply pointing out how extreme the Republican Party has become and the direction they are heading.
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.
Which libtard website did you pilfer that from? the rich got richer, and still are 5 years into a very leftist agenda. In other words...thread fail.

It was "pilfered" from the Encyclopedia Britannica, if you read the OP you wouldn't need to ask. You are free and encouraged to disagree with me, but in doing so I suggest you put away the personal attacks and make a concise and credible argument. Calling my argument a failure is childish, suggesting my source was a "libtard website" was ridiculous. I suggest you find a new hobby, it would be better than embarrassing yourself as you do here.
I wasn't talking about the definition of neo-facism you goddamn retard. Back this up with something other than your own polemic worldview or post where you got it from.

"Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists."
neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Fascism does also include corporatist-governmental ventures, such being either right or left or center.

TRAX in Utah is a fascist operation, both public and private venture capital association and management.
First of all I'm not a leftist, though many choose to characterize me in that way. Secondly, I am not speaking about either political party, the neo fascists may vote for Republicans but are not in any way, shape or form believers in leaders such as Lincoln, TR, IKE or even Nixon.
First, you need to demonstrate that there are neo-fascist and who they are. Since that's the basis of your argument you need to establish it, your assertion won't do.
A close reading of the definition of Neo fascist, taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica, cannot be separated from the rhetoric of those who claim the mantle of conservatism.
A close reading? What the fuck does that mean? As opposed to a careless sloppy reading? You picked portions you think fit but since conservatives universally believe in smaller government, an anathema to fascism, you need to explain how that works. Also conservatives are free market capitalists and opposed to cronyism, a necessity for a fascist nation. It just doesn't make sense.
It seems you want to hold the middle ground, and place blame for the schism which continues to grow between factions within the former GOP, and those of us who oppose the radicalism which has overtaken the Republican Party, on the two party system. That is not what this thread is about. I'm not defending the Democrats, I'm simply pointing out how extreme the Republican Party has become and the direction they are heading.
Mostly what you see from the right is opposition to the radicalization of the left, where progressives are pushing and pushing for socialism. The direction is back to what made us successful as country, it isn't exactly rocket science.
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