Netanyahu basks in Congress invitation, but may shake U.S. ties

Hoho, another of 'the road to Iran lies through Iraq' delusionists?
obastard severed those ties long ago. He's now firmly up muslim ass.
He pissed off the Saudi's by sucking up to the Turks and giving Iran a carrot.

I'm amazed at how the media characterized the recently late Saudi king as a "close friend" to Obama. One wonders how they could get it so wrong.

6. Do not, and I repeat, do not, touch anyone’s cheek with your lips. It’s really just for show, your lips should actually just kiss the air and make the popping sound.

I recall the mocking of Bush when he and the Late King exchanged this greeting; the message to the Arab world was clear: Bush is a friend!! I have seen no kiss exchange between Obama and any Saudi. The message is also clear: a useful tool but no friend of ours!!

obastard severed those ties long ago. He's now firmly up muslim ass.
He pissed off the Saudi's by sucking up to the Turks and giving Iran a carrot.

I'm amazed at how the media characterized the recently late Saudi king as a "close friend" to Obama. One wonders how they could get it so wrong.

6. Do not, and I repeat, do not, touch anyone’s cheek with your lips. It’s really just for show, your lips should actually just kiss the air and make the popping sound.

I recall the mocking of Bush when he and the Late King exchanged this greeting; the message to the Arab world was clear: Bush is a friend!! I have seen no kiss exchange between Obama and any Saudi. The message is also clear: a useful tool but no friend of ours!!


You saw all that... How about ht e bit were citizens of his country murdered 3000 of ours and you got off scot free... You want Bush giving handjobs... Bush would get on his knees and start sucking if it meant he didn't pay retail for oil.

Obama knew he was the customer and expansion of alternative energy in US and worldwide meant he was playing with a stronger deck. So went to the funeral as sign of respect but no need for handjobs, that was Bush's job.
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to accept an invitation to address the U.S. Congress just days before Israel's parliamentary election offers him invaluable pre-vote publicity, but may also have shaken the balance of U.S.-Israel ties.John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, issued the invitation without consulting the White House, a breach of protocol since it is normally up to a head of state to invite a foreign leader.
It also does not appear that Netanyahu, a right-winger who has a testy relationship with Barack Obama, let the president know about the invitation before accepting it, underscoring their increasingly tense ties.

Netanyahu basks in Congress invitation but may shake U.S. ties Reuters

Well it seems this is going to be a big campaign stop for Netanyahu. It also seems that the GOP might is going to use this to stress their case for more sanctions and possible force against Iran and their nuclear programs. This is also a very rare invitation because it came from congress and not from the President and the President was not notified of this invitation.

As it has for over 20 years, Iran's being used as a boogeyman by both the US and Israel. If Iran was really a concern to either of our nations we would have attacked over 20 years ago. At this point, strategic groups agree it's far too late to oppose whatever their goals are militarily. All a military strike would achieve is ensuring the pursuit of nuclear weapons. There's over 100 known, and likely many dozens of unknown sites working on nuclear tech in Iran. Can't hit all or even most of them. And the ones you'd want to are hardened in underground bases. Even nukes can't reach underground facilities (why NORAD's in a mountain.) So when ever Iran's nuclear program comes up, be advised it's entirely a political tool, not a real issue.

Western analysts concluded over a dozen years ago we're gonna have to accept a nuclear armed Iran if that's the direction they take. Oh by the way, it's the same thing we did with NOrth Korea's own nuclear program. Don't see B2s dropping bombs on the DPRK dya and I worry more about them than I do Iran.
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.

The Israelis also have their Progressives who hate their own nation.

No surprise
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.

The Israelis also have their Progressives who hate their own nation.

No surprise

So you are going to tell the people that live there who actually know what is going on what to do?

You don't ever feel arrogant?

There are many Israelis who actually have live there a long time and want to live in peace and know that ethnic cleansing your neighbour is not going to get that to happen.
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.

So what is your solution to the Palestine?
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.

The Israelis also have their Progressives who hate their own nation.

No surprise

So you are going to tell the people that live there who actually know what is going on what to do?

You don't ever feel arrogant?

There are many Israelis who actually have live there a long time and want to live in peace and know that ethnic cleansing your neighbour is not going to get that to happen.

Look at how "American" Progressive are doing all they can do destroy this once great nation. It's the same in Israel, some minority of Progressive Israelis wants to do to Israel what Progressives are doing to the USA
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.

So what is your solution to the Palestine?

Send them all the Israeli Progressives.

Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.

So what is your solution to the Palestine?
Palestinians have no historical right to Israel, kick them out.
Paleface, him got historical rights to America?

Kick him out.
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.

So what is your solution to the Palestine?

Why are you asking a non-policy maker such questions when Obama has no solution?
Obama is an obstructionist so Congress had to go around him

If Netanyahu looses which is very 50/50 in the polls you are going to look so stupid.

What US is doing is interfering in Israel National elections.
Nearly half of Israelis want PM to cancel Congress speech -- poll The Times of Israel

So way to go. Over one third of Israelis would rather slap you in the face and refuse.

This baby will have blow back especially if Labour win... Picking horses in races for no reason...

This is why Obama refused, nothing to do with Israeli relations...

P.S. I really hope Labour win and new PM is picked... Obama should invite that person over the next week.
If Obutthurt gets along with labour you can bet he is wrong for Israel.

So what is your solution to the Palestine?

Why are you asking a non-policy maker such questions when Obama has no solution?

Obama doesn't even understand the question!

Bibi:1, Obama:0

Bibi wins big - Michael Crowley - POLITICO

Bibi wins big

As Netanyahu seems set to return to power, his relations with the Obama White House appear to reach a new low.

Read more: Bibi wins big - Michael Crowley - POLITICO

Indeed, Netanyahu will likely emerge strengthened, leading a more conservative coalition than he did before — and likely emboldened in his conflicts with the Obama administration over how to defend Israel.

The results were demoralizing for Democrats who consider the Israeli leader tantamount to a partisan rival — particularly since Netanyahu’s March 3 speech to Congress arranged by Speaker John Boehner behind the Obama White House’s back. In Herzog, Obama officials saw a possible fresh start with Israel on issues like the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and Iran’s nuclear program.

“They hate him, they should, and they’re praying that he is out of power,” said a former senior Obama administration official as early returns came in Tuesday night.

With those prayers unanswered, Netanyahu’s relations with Obama are likely to resume at their lowest point yet.

In the closing days of the campaign, Netanyahu seemed to reject his previous support for a Palestinian state, potentially dashing hopes for a renewed peace process still nurtured by Secretary of State John Kerry and other U.S. officials.

Netanyahu also cast himself as the target of foreigners — and while he was vague about the details, pro-Netanyahu media outlets often cited the role of former Obama campaign operative Jeremy Bird, who advised a grass-roots campaign organization that opposes Netanyahu. That group also partnered with the Washington-based OneVoice Movement, an international grass-roots group that supports the two-state solution and has taken State Department funding in the past.

Read more: Bibi wins big - Michael Crowley - POLITICO


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