Netanyahu Calls Kerry's Defense of Betrayal 'UN-BALANCED'

OP stands for rw thug countries and against international law. Typical Repub voter :thup:
Kerry kept whining about "Israeli right wingers" while forgetting to mention that he and his boss president Hussein Shithead are left wing lunatics.
In any other western political system they would be considered center-right if not right-wing. The majority of the Israelis, of course, are now far-right fascist in every way.
Irrelvant crap, as Americans are resoundingly pro Israeli and they aren't right wingers, and there will be a new sheriff in town come Jan 20.
Americans will begin to mirror the rest of the western world with respect to Israel. Just as it took time for Americans to come around with respect to South Africa, it will take more time with respect to Israel. Americans are just more brainwashed than other western people.
Americans will begin to mirror the rest of the western world with respect to Israel. Just as it took time for Americans to come around with respect to South Africa, it will take more time with respect to Israel. Americans are just more brainwashed than other western people.

Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?
Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Not to worry. The few remaining Christians in the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank will be purged in the next decade or two.

Palestinian Christians | ICEJ International
Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Ya gotta love his bullshit. You act like Islamist terrorist savages haven't been running the show, and persecuting and killing Christians in this fictional Palestine of yours. I think Christian Europe is now more concerned with what to do with and how to control the Arab Muslim barbarian invaders (including Palestinians) than "Israel". Hence the resent vote to go hard right in UK, Italy, and very soon France, Germany, and rest of Europe. All because of what Muslims are doing in Europe. Which will make Europe closer to Israel once again.
Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Ya gotta love his bullshit. You act like Islamist terrorist savages haven't been running the show, and persecuting and killing Christians in this fictional Palestine of yours. I think Christian Europe is now more concerned with what to do with and how to control the Arab Muslim barbarian invaders (including Palestinians) than "Israel". Hence the resent vote to go hard right in UK, Italy, and very soon France, Germany, and rest of Europe. All because of what Muslims are doing in Europe. Which will make Europe closer to Israel once again.


"UN Resolution number 2334, which condemned as “illegal” all Jewish life in Judea and Samaria thanks to the shameful abstention of the United States, can have serious consequences for the Jewish State.

It begins at the Hague Court: any Israeli, civilian or military, involved in the “settlements”, will be liable to judgment for violating the Geneva Convention. The Israeli army, which administers areas B and C, may be indicted if demolishes the homes of terrorists, if it expropriates the land for reasons of “security”, if it plans new Israeli homes. The decision is now in the hands of the Hague prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, who has already opened an investigation about the “Israeli settlements,” believing they constitute a “war crime.” Israeli military personnel and politicians could be subject to warrants if they land in London, as occurred with Tzipi Livni.

The UN resolution is a spectacular victory for the BDS, the boycott of Israel, which already has garnered successes in Europe and is now galvanized by the vote at the UN. Companies involved in the construction of the anti-terrorism fence may be subject to lawsuits in many European countries, such as the Netherlands and England...."

Op-ed: This is how they can now try to strangle Israel
Spectacular victory my ass. Watch what happens when Trump gets in. The vote gets rescinded, and Jerusalem becomes capital. And that's just for starters. Ain't seen nothing yet. This will be the most Zionist admin. in US history.
Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Ya gotta love his bullshit. You act like Islamist terrorist savages haven't been running the show, and persecuting and killing Christians in this fictional Palestine of yours. I think Christian Europe is now more concerned with what to do with and how to control the Arab Muslim barbarian invaders (including Palestinians) than "Israel". Hence the resent vote to go hard right in UK, Italy, and very soon France, Germany, and rest of Europe. All because of what Muslims are doing in Europe. Which will make Europe closer to Israel once again.


"UN Resolution number 2334, which condemned as “illegal” all Jewish life in Judea and Samaria thanks to the shameful abstention of the United States, can have serious consequences for the Jewish State.

It begins at the Hague Court: any Israeli, civilian or military, involved in the “settlements”, will be liable to judgment for violating the Geneva Convention. The Israeli army, which administers areas B and C, may be indicted if demolishes the homes of terrorists, if it expropriates the land for reasons of “security”, if it plans new Israeli homes. The decision is now in the hands of the Hague prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, who has already opened an investigation about the “Israeli settlements,” believing they constitute a “war crime.” Israeli military personnel and politicians could be subject to warrants if they land in London, as occurred with Tzipi Livni.

The UN resolution is a spectacular victory for the BDS, the boycott of Israel, which already has garnered successes in Europe and is now galvanized by the vote at the UN. Companies involved in the construction of the anti-terrorism fence may be subject to lawsuits in many European countries, such as the Netherlands and England...."

Op-ed: This is how they can now try to strangle Israel

You do know what an Op-ed is, right?

You poor, dear. You have convinced yourself that the world orbits around your cut and paste opinion pieces. LOL.
Newsflash, UK, US, Italy have already voted and said no Islamic imperialism and terrorism and very soon France, Germany, and the rest of Europe will join. Ever heard of swimming up the creek without paddles?

That is great. I despise Islam. But, Europe supports the Palestinians, because unlike Americans, they know that 35% of the world's Palestinians are Christian.

Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee! Ya gotta love his bullshit. You act like Islamist terrorist savages haven't been running the show, and persecuting and killing Christians in this fictional Palestine of yours. I think Christian Europe is now more concerned with what to do with and how to control the Arab Muslim barbarian invaders (including Palestinians) than "Israel". Hence the resent vote to go hard right in UK, Italy, and very soon France, Germany, and rest of Europe. All because of what Muslims are doing in Europe. Which will make Europe closer to Israel once again.


"UN Resolution number 2334, which condemned as “illegal” all Jewish life in Judea and Samaria thanks to the shameful abstention of the United States, can have serious consequences for the Jewish State.

It begins at the Hague Court: any Israeli, civilian or military, involved in the “settlements”, will be liable to judgment for violating the Geneva Convention. The Israeli army, which administers areas B and C, may be indicted if demolishes the homes of terrorists, if it expropriates the land for reasons of “security”, if it plans new Israeli homes. The decision is now in the hands of the Hague prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, who has already opened an investigation about the “Israeli settlements,” believing they constitute a “war crime.” Israeli military personnel and politicians could be subject to warrants if they land in London, as occurred with Tzipi Livni.

The UN resolution is a spectacular victory for the BDS, the boycott of Israel, which already has garnered successes in Europe and is now galvanized by the vote at the UN. Companies involved in the construction of the anti-terrorism fence may be subject to lawsuits in many European countries, such as the Netherlands and England...."

Op-ed: This is how they can now try to strangle Israel

You do know what an Op-ed is, right?

You poor, dear. You have convinced yourself that the world orbits around your cut and paste opinion pieces. LOL.

Sometimes he grabs the orbits from the toilet right before it goes down.
Spectacular victory my ass. Watch what happens when Trump gets in. The vote gets rescinded, and Jerusalem becomes capital. And that's just for starters. Ain't seen nothing yet. This will be the most Zionist admin. in US history.

How can the vote get rescinded you idiot. No one will vote for rescinding the resolution except the U.S. LOL

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