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Netanyahu = Hitler

So you're saying Nazis no longer exist?
Not in terms of anything relevant. I'm sure there are skinheads who admire that government making racist hatred the law, but there ain't gonna be no resurgance of the 3rd Reich. They're the most hated group in modern history.

That's a moot point anyway. Accusing people of supporting nazis, is just one of the ways you attack anyone who criticizes anything Israel does.

Yet you don't seem to mind when the Nazi label is applied to Jews.
Just how barbaric and inhuman are the Israeli's?

How 'bout killing a pregnant women, then stopping to open up her stomach, pull out the dead baby and place it on the dead mother, to send a message to Gazans, this is our "Final Solution".

Shit like this makes me think, maybe Israel should be wiped out.

That's what we did to Hitler's Germany.
That's because Hitler's Germany was wiping out European Jews to the tune of millions of people--over 6 million, maybe 7 by some estimates. And muslims were over in Germany during WWII giving tips on whys and hows to murder them. They went back to their countries in the Middle East after Hitler died, and they organized an effort there to murder Jews who'd lived there for thousands of years. They also refused to cooperate with a peacetime United Nations to jointly rule with Jewish people in Jerusalem. The Jewish people were frustrated in dealing with these Muslims who wanted to kill them. So frustrated, they fought a short war in 1948 and formed the nation of Israel. It was the will of the people of the world to give Israel back to Jewish people. And we haven't forgotten the promises people who survived Nazi Germany's bullying made to the fledgling country of Israel.

This shelling them is poor sportsmanship, and Israel has every right to defend its citizens from murder that flourished under the Nazis. No more Hitlerian antics against the jewish nation. :talk2hand:

Netanyahu is a good leader of Israel, imho. Nobody's perfect, but he greatly cares for his own and will not willingly allow harm to come to them..

an interesting bit of reckless histrionics to be sure... to be kind I politely submit that you haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about...by all indication you are not only deeply ignorant of the cause-n-effect that fomented regional hostilities, you have zero idea of the events that led to the criminal seizure of Palestine...simply an astonishing sampling of ignorance masquerading as informed perspective...
Well, stupid and thoughtless me for my extensive study of the Hitler/Nazi and Arab/Muslim connections in their celebrated alliance to the demise of the Jewish race. Whatever was I thinking:

The Arab/Muslim Nazi Connection

Arab leaders and media outlets have long been addicted to comparing Israel to the Nazi regime, while at the same time demeaning the extent of the Holocaust. This obsession with defaming and antagonizing the Jewish people and state was on full display in recent months and reached a crescendo – or rather nadir – the day before Pope John Paul II visited the Temple Mount during his Holy Land pilgrimage. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, just hours before hosting the Pope, gave a series of press interviews, first telling the AP: "The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support… It's not my problem. Muslims didn't do anything on this issue. It's the doing of Hitler who hated the Jews," asserted the acid-tongued Mufti – a figure appointed by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. "Six million? It was a lot less," Sabri repeated for an Italian newspaper. "It's not my fault if Hitler hated the Jews. Anyway, they hate them just about everywhere." The Mufti finished the day with Reuters, charging, "We denounce all massacres, but I don't see why a certain massacre should be used for political gain and blackmail." However, as a matter of record, there was a well-documented, thriving relationship between the Arab/Muslim world and Nazi Germany, with perhaps the most significant figure linking Hitler to the Middle East being none other Sabri's very own predecessor, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini. Here is a brief review of that dark, overlooked chapter in history.
And who was this Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini? It's truly not that much of a faerie tale, considering his bloodlust for murdering Jews and his encouragement of Hitler's bad, bad boys to make sure every one of them was eliminated in the most horrific means imaginable that craven bullies can employ to get rid of "inconvenient" people who happened to have worked hard and achieved an admirable level of success prior to the Third Reich's unscrupulous use of politics to do genocide of inconvenient persons whose only crime may have been to be born with low iq or a birth defect, or having an original thought not in lockstep with the Nazis, or, heavens to Mergatroid, to have been born into a Jewish family, faithful to God the Almighty and his ten Commandments.

A little bit about Haj Amin el-Husseini's activities while in Germany (see link above for a more copious study):

  • After WWI, when Europe was jockeying for favor with the oil moguls of the Middle East, Haj Amin el-Husseini busied himself agitating Palestine to get rid of British influence during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39.
  • Having fled Palestine, he then went to oil-abundant Iraq to continue disparaging acts against the Brits by ring-leading the Iraqi coup of 1941, while Britain was busy fighting Hitler's well-oiled and furious round-the-clock bomb squads over London.
  • When London retook Iraq in June of 1941, Haj Amin el-Husseini went to live in Berlin, where he was welcomed as the "Fuhrer of the Arab World."
  • He lobbied Hitler not to trade 5,000 Jewish children for British soldiers in captivity, fearing they would wind up in their ancestral home in and around Jerusalem.
  • A German officer noted in his journals that the Mufti would liked to have seen the Jews "preferably all killed."
  • He visited Auschwitz and encouraged the SS to run the gas chambers "more diligently." The assholes complied.
  • He went on the air to communicate with Arabs back in the Muslim world to preach his sinister anti-Semite messages against Jewish populations there, which put hate in their hearts against Jewish people and love in their hearts for the Nazis who assisted him in hastening the genocidal demise of European Jews.
  • Please read "The Arab Embrace of Nazism" greatly pushed by Haj Amin el Husseini's influence to see why "Mein Kampf" is still the #6 best-seller to this day among Palestinian muslims.
Your comment "you haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about" actually becomes your small minded understanding of this horror and this devil-filled world of anti-Semitism. You're stubborn to the truth and submissive to the hatred and falsehood behind a religion that was set up to validate abuse of women and pedophilia against the youngest girls who are abused from the time they have their clitorises ripped from their bodies at age 5 until the day their husband tires of them and commits murder for any flaky reason he chooses with no fear of any reprisals or even a frown if she was born to a poor family.

Project much?
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Yet you don't seem to mind when the Nazi label is applied to Jews.
Not to jews, to Israeli's. Albeit they're not on that level of evil, there are similarities.
  • aquiring land by force
  • demonizing an entire population of people
  • enacting laws making them 2nd class citizens
  • treating them like they're sub-human
  • scapegoating them for all their problems
  • locking up thousands of political prisoners
  • acting like what they're doing is by devine right
  • wanting an entire nation made up of only one people

So in that respect, the comparison is valid.
YOU made the claim. YOU back it up.
I have. And whenever I get done feeding you a full plate of crow, you just run off to another thread and start the same shit all over again.

It's more than obvious, Israel violates this block of laws...
Rule 1. The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must not be directed against civilians. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 2. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 6. Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 7. The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilian objects and military objectives. Attacks may only be directed against military objectives. Attacks must not be directed against civilian objects. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 8. In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture or neutralisation, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 9. Civilian objects are all objects that are not military objectives. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 10. Civilian objects are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they are military objectives. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]
When they shoot at fisherman and farmers; target journalists; Palestinian homes; olive orchards; government leaders; so that one is a no brainer. And their use of "johnnies", violates Rule 97.

Hamas violates this block...

Rule 11. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 12. Indiscriminate attacks are those:

(a) which are not directed at a specific military objective;
(b) which employ a method or means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military objective;

Rule 71. The use of weapons which are by nature indiscriminate is prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]
...with the use of homemade rockets that have no guidance systems.

I'll stop there. I know you won't come back with anything except personal attacks.

That was harsh! I've always shown you the upmost respect, ya long-horned cocksucker.

Bullshit. If it was about law, you'd be just as angry about the Pals' violations of international law.
My personal temperment, has nothing to do with whether IHL has been violated.

But you're not.
Am too!

You give them a free pass.
Where have I done that?

Why what?

Because they're killing Jews.
WTF are you talking about? Those rocket attacks have only killed 28 people in the last 15 years. You act like they are ICBM's with nuclear warheads, when in reality, they're just homemade rockets fired out of the trunk to their car. Get fuckin' real!
Yet you don't seem to mind when the Nazi label is applied to Jews.
Not to jews, to Israeli's. Albeit they're not on that level of evil, there are similarities.
  • aquiring land by force
  • demonizing an entire population of people
  • enacting laws making them 2nd class citizens
  • treating them like they're sub-human
  • scapegoating them for all their problems
  • locking up thousands of political prisoners
  • acting like what they're doing is by devine right
  • wanting an entire nation made up of only one people

So in that respect, the comparison is valid.
Yes, to retards.

I bet you utterly refuse to acknowledge that Pals are doing everything on your list except for the first one, and they want to do that.
YOU made the claim. YOU back it up.
I have. And whenever I get done feeding you a full plate of crow, you just run off to another thread and start the same shit all over again.

It's more than obvious, Israel violates this block of laws...
Rule 1. The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilians and combatants. Attacks may only be directed against combatants. Attacks must not be directed against civilians. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 2. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 6. Civilians are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 7. The parties to the conflict must at all times distinguish between civilian objects and military objectives. Attacks may only be directed against military objectives. Attacks must not be directed against civilian objects. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 8. In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose partial or total destruction, capture or neutralisation, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 9. Civilian objects are all objects that are not military objectives. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 10. Civilian objects are protected against attack, unless and for such time as they are military objectives. [IAC/NIAC]

Rule 97. The use of human shields is prohibited. [IAC/NIAC]
When they shoot at fisherman and farmers; target journalists; Palestinian homes; olive orchards; government leaders; so that one is a no brainer. And their use of "johnnies", violates Rule 97.

Hamas violates this block...

...with the use of homemade rockets that have no guidance systems.

I'll stop there. I know you won't come back with anything except personal attacks.

That was harsh! I've always shown you the upmost respect, ya long-horned cocksucker.

My personal temperment, has nothing to do with whether IHL has been violated.

Am too!

Where have I done that?

Why what?

Because they're killing Jews.
WTF are you talking about? Those rocket attacks have only killed 28 people in the last 15 years. You act like they are ICBM's with nuclear warheads, when in reality, they're just homemade rockets fired out of the trunk to their car. Get fuckin' real!

So is 28 the number of Israeli citizens you have decided is an appropriate number to be killed? Was that number derived by consensus or is it a number that just... you know... feels right to you.

What you're not understanding is that without the extraordinary efforts expended by Israel to suppress the Islamic terrorist franchises operating in close proximity, your allowable number of Israelis killed would be vastly higher.

Your attitudes reflect the callous disregard for life that is such a component of Arab/Moslem society. This is a core component of islamist religious doctrine; life tends to be cheap because the adherent's believe that life continues after death; that there are rewards for martyrdom and that life is replaceable by the gods. There is an allowance for killing because you are "sending them to a better place" and an allowance for being the victim because there are rewards for being martyred. Most of us stand in shocked disbelief at the carnage that moslems are so willing to inflict on themselves and others. Or, at least we used to be shocked. Now we just count the bodies.
I think the point is that the Israeli military killed 6 times that in the last 15 days. The rocket attacks are bad. But they are attacking a nation that continues to occupy their land blockade their ports and violate their air space. As a result the aggression is wholly from the Israelis. If they stop these activities then the Palestinians would be the aggressor until that day then the Palestinians are the victims

as i have said before the world should give the Palestinians sophisticated weaponry so that they can better target the Israelis. Kill netenyahu and Barak and see if the Israelis just accept that or are just the completely hypocritical racists they always come across as.
I think the point is that the Israeli military killed 6 times that in the last 15 days. The rocket attacks are bad. But they are attacking a nation that continues to occupy their land blockade their ports and violate their air space. As a result the aggression is wholly from the Israelis. If they stop these activities then the Palestinians would be the aggressor until that day then the Palestinians are the victims

as i have said before the world should give the Palestinians sophisticated weaponry so that they can better target the Israelis. Kill netenyahu and Barak and see if the Israelis just accept that or are just the completely hypocritical racists they always come across as.

Somehow, I don't see that giving Islamic terrorists more powerful weapons is going to be particularly productive.

But otherwise, how generous of you to promote the wanton killing of Israeli citizens.

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