Netanyahu is a liability for Biden. Peace is impossible until he goes

Feralphilia Is a Degenerate Brain Disease

The Gazan "civilians" volunteered to be human shields. Whoever influenced you that they were being forced is abetting the continuation of the jihad by the continuous media lie that only a few Nazislamis are carrying it out.
It's chaos situation, but you can bet there's lots of Gazans who support Hamas. Israel needs to clean out the hornet's nest. Kill all the Hamas, and don't let anybody stop them.
You would have fitted in well in Nazi Germany, Gruppenfuhrer, you really are far gone.
You are half and half - stupid (DUPED), and insane (indoctrinated)

Contrary to leftwing ideology, we have LAWS for a reason - to be enforced.

US Code 18, Section 2384. Seditious Conspiracy. That's OUR LAW. If you don't like it, emigrate.
They are committing genocide. That much is obvious to anyone with the ability to think and reason.
That's what Hamas is doing. Genocide. It has even been written in their charter. More importantly, it's written in the Koran - the cause of all this misery.
So when another country or group crosses your border launches an attack that kills 1400 people and takes 200 to 300 more as hostages exactly how should the attacked country respond?

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
Netty is just the current face of Israeli evil.
Netty is just the current face of Israeli evil.
Long live Israel, with USA help.

According to the Koran it’s kosher to lie to nonbelievers

Yes, organized religion sucks. Wasn't my point at all. My point was some God-Botherer claimed that God was going to take care of the Jews. Most of them dying in the end of the world and going to Hell for not believing in Jesus is not taking care of them.
Yes, organized religion sucks. Wasn't my point at all. My point was some God-Botherer claimed that God was going to take care of the Jews. Most of them dying in the end of the world and going to Hell for not believing in Jesus is not taking care of them.
There is a lot of additions to scripture from men just for the sake of it. Christianity became somewhat corrupted by the Middle Ages in their hierarchy. Scripture is simple in it promotes behaviors. And people have a difficult time of doing it. In those eras wars seemed to be a regular thing, with slavery. sexuality and multiple wives for some. We still have a lot of things in this world comparable to that.

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
Netanyahu is the least of Tater’s problems, limey vermin.

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
Biden was already on his way out anyway. He and the rest of his cult of Israeli terrorism supporters are all on the wrong side of history.

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
Peace is impossible with or without Bibi

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