Netanyahu is a liability for Biden. Peace is impossible until he goes

But they aren’t destroying Hamas. They are mass murdering Palestinians. There is a difference, but you need to open your eyes.
FALSE! They ARE destroying Hamas. At the same time, they are making various efforts to protect Palestinians (many of whim are Hamas supporters).
This is something that Hamas does not do, and in fact, Hamas does just the opposite, by using Palestinians as human shields, and locating their military operations in schools and hospitals.
FALSE! They ARE destroying Hamas. At the same time, they are making various efforts to protect Palestinians (many of whim are Hamas supporters).
This is something that Hamas does not do, and in fact, Hamas does just the opposite, by using Palestinians as human shields, and locating their military operations in schools and hospitals.
No proof of this. You can chose to believe the Israeli government, but like all governments they lie.

If you think mass murdering innocent civilians is justified because you killed a few terrorists, you’re a warmongering moron.

They are committing genocide. That much is obvious to anyone with the ability to think and reason.
Except there is no real historic basis for that nonsense.
You've got to be kidding. Could you actually be THAT IGNORANT ? The entire past 1400 years, has been the history of marauding Muslims attacking and killing non-Muslims, and converting non-Muslims to Islam, at the point of a sword.

In so doing, these uncivilized, barbaric savages conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height. Much of it still exists as Islamic (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, North Africa, etc, none of which was Muslim before the 7th century, and all of which was STOLEN from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, & Africans.

In all this, these monsters killed 270 million people around the globe. You are as ignorant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. Sheeesh!

Somehow they don’t know Islam has existed for a long time and peacefully for much of that time.

Are you really be that IGNORANT ? is that possible ?
You've got to be kidding. Could you actually be THAT IGNORANT ? The entire past 1400 years, has been the history of marauding Muslims attacking and killing non-Muslims, and converting non-Muslims to Islam, at the point of a sword.

In so doing, these uncivilized, barbaric savages conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height. Much of it still exists as Islamic (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, North Africa, etc, none of which was Muslim before the 7th century, and all of which was STOLEN from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, & Africans.

In all this, these monsters killed 270 million people around the globe. You are as ignorant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. Sheeesh!

Are you really be that IGNORANT ? is that possible ?
You believe every lie…
No proof of this. You can chose to believe the Israeli government, but like all governments they lie.

If you think mass murdering innocent civilians is justified because you killed a few terrorists, you’re a warmongering moron.

They are committing genocide. That much is obvious to anyone with the ability to think and reason.
Proof was shown on TV yesterday of Hamas tunnels and weapons under the main hospital in Gaza. Get your head out of the sand.
Proof was shown on TV yesterday of Hamas tunnels and weapons under the main hospital in Gaza. Get your head out of the sand.
Watch this video to see what your ignorance supports. Don’t be pussy. Watch it…do you see any tunnels?
You believe every lie…
View attachment 860453
HA HA HA. You think the whole 1400 year history of Muslim expansion is a lie ? HA HA AHA. OMG, what an IDIOT you must be.

How do you think the whole middle east came to be Muslim controlled ? You think the original inhabitants (ex Christians & Jews) said > OK, kick us out, and take away our land, and make it all Muslim. We think that a great idea. Huh ? You think that ? You idiot.

Are you looking to win a booby prize in this forum ? If so, you just won it. :rolleyes:

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
You support a terrorist organization like Hamas. That is all we need to know about you.
You've got to be kidding. Could you actually be THAT IGNORANT ? The entire past 1400 years, has been the history of marauding Muslims attacking and killing non-Muslims, and converting non-Muslims to Islam, at the point of a sword.

Okay, let's look at this one. Islam expanded across Asia and North Africa. European Christians expanded into those places, but also the Americas (where they genocided 75% of the native population in the first 100 years), Australia (where they genocided the aboriginal population to near extinction), Oceania, Sub-Saharan Africa... well, you get the idea.

As for attacking unbelievers... you will never meet a follower of Zeus or Odin or Queztacoatl today because the Christians completely wiped them out and came close to wiping out the Jews as well. Meanwhile, within the Islamic World, you can find Zoroastrians, Ba'hai, Mandians, Yazidi, Druze, Coptic Chrisitans and yes, even Jews before they were asked to leave after their brothers stole Palestine.

In so doing, these uncivilized, barbaric savages conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height. Much of it still exists as Islamic (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, North Africa, etc, none of which was Muslim before the 7th century, and all of which was STOLEN from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, & Africans.

Except... not really. Most of these places converted, that was the thing. For instance, Egypt was subject to oppression by the Orthodox Church going after Monophysites in Egypt, but the Muslims won them over through conversion.

The Islamic World was more advanced than Europe up until the 16th Century, when an influx of gold from the New World brought them out of the Dark Ages.

In all this, these monsters killed 270 million people around the globe. You are as ignorant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. Sheeesh!
Not sure whyere you got that 270 million number.

Between the two world wars alone, Western Europeans/Christians killed over 100 million people.
Well the criminals murdered many more today when they bombed a school where people were sheltering, there is genocide being played out for anyone who will see.

Just a bunch of fucking weasels, but you support them.
Will it? According to the Bible, only 144,000 Jews will be saved; the rest will perish in Armageddon.
Yes and it also says that isreal will get attacked from the north and it doesn't end well for them. Looks like Russia and Iran will try it. Or it may not be time yet.
Watch this video to see what your ignorance supports. Don’t be pussy. Watch it…do you see any tunnels?

Your stupidity is revealed here by the fact that Israel has no motive to kill Palestinians who are not in support of Hamas. What you claim is simply illogical. And if they DO support Hamas, than they SHOULD be killed.

I support anything to occur in Gaza, if it is necessary to EXTERMINATE Hamas 100%. Just like Eisenhower carpet bombed German cities for years, killing thousands of innocent people, in order to defeat Hitler.

And Hamas/Iran/Hezbollah are just like Hitler. Jew haters intent on world domination with eradication of all non-Muslims. Same as the jihad existing over the past 1400 years, all based in the genocidal Koran
Your stupidity is revealed here by the fact that Israel has no motive to kill Palestinians who are n in support of Hamas. What you claim is simply illogical. And if they DO support Hamas than they SHOULD be killed.

I support anything to occur in Gaza, if it is necessary to EXTERMINATE Hamas 100%. Just like Eisenhower carpet bombed German cities for years, killing thousands of innocent people, in order to defeat Hitler.

And Hamas/Iran/Hezbollah are just like Hitler. Jew haters intent on world domination with eradication of all non-Muslims. Same as the jihad existing over the past 1400 years, all based in the genocidal Koran
Will it? According to the Bible, only 144,000 Jews will be saved; the rest will perish in Armageddon.
After the nukes are detonated, the wind will take the fallout to the four corners of the world. It's just how much radiation everyone gets. The United States is going to get whacked.

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