Netanyahu is a liability for Biden. Peace is impossible until he goes

Because Hamas is a bunch murdering cowards hiding behind women and children. But idiots like you blame Israel every time they are attracted and retaliates. Go Israel, fuck Hamas and Palestine.
Israel is worse than Hamas. Hence you are too.
But they aren’t destroying Hamas. They are mass murdering Palestinians. There is a difference, but you need to open your eyes.
No, they are allowing palestinian civilians to leave the area. Israel needed to fight back.
HAMAS is a religious movement with their charter stating their desire for the destruction and killing of all Israelis and Jews. They proved it on OCT 7th, which they had planned for, for a long time. Israel on the other hand has offered peace which was rejected by palestinians.

If Israel is Mass Murdering Palestinians, then its in the same way America mass murdered German citizens only in the case of Israel, they are giving them more ability and chance to escape. Dont be a shill for Hamas

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.

Peace and safety....................then sudden destruction.

An interesting article on the debacle facing western progressives.

Unquestioning support for Israeli brutality is not supported by the wider public. And certainly nor by younger progressves. They have no voice in this.

Biden and Starmer have hitched their wagons to a charavter like Netanyahu. He does not deserve their support.

Israel fluffed their response and the west jumped in with them.We will all suffer in the years to come. Remember that when the next 9/11 happens.
How's that Ukrainian counter offensive?
Israel is worse than Hamas. Hence you are too.

Yet there are Israelis who were organized to provide Humanitarian services to Palestinians before Oct 7th happened. Israel was a country very much divided on the treatment of palestinians, as happens in most civilized and democratic, representative societies. DO You believe Hamas who tortures and kills even Palestinians who are Fatah, communicate with fatah or israel, really have any division or second thought about killing?

Next your going to tell us people who voted for Trump are worse than Hamas
I fear that Israel will be a prison compound for generations to come. Babies who havent been born yet will grow up to despise israel and the west. Rightly so.
Why would they despise Israel and the west ? - so as to like the uncivilized, barbaric savages of the Islamic, idiot world ?

You have a bizzare way of "thinking". :wtf:

Netanyahu is a liability for Biden. Peace is impossible until he goes​

Pleased the Guardian worked that out for you .
It was 100% obvious to any thinker ( a person who uses their brain ) before October7 .

The point of interest is , at what point of escalation will Deep State remove him or see that he is removed, and for what amount of gain ?

Is the Psy Op all about half a trillion of Oil and Gas to be shared among cronies ?
Or, is it much more -- changing the ME balance away from the US and proxy US 2.0 and pressuring the US at home ?

Come on Turdy . Find out if the brain can still work and do some thinking .

Follow Descartes: " I think and therefore no longer stink ."
But they aren’t destroying Hamas. They are mass murdering Palestinians. There is a difference, but you need to open your eyes.
Well the criminals murdered many more today when they bombed a school where people were sheltering, there is genocide being played out for anyone who will see.

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