Netanyahu orders plan for evacuation and military action in Gaza’s Rafah


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has directed the IDF and the defense establishment to bring to the war cabinet a plan for both the evacuation of civilians in the south Gaza city of Rafah and the neutralization of the four Hamas battalions therein, the Prime Minister’s Office stated on Friday.

It is impossible to achieve the goal of the war without eliminating Hamas, and by leaving four Hamas battalions in Rafah," the statement noted. "On the contrary, it is clear that intense activity in Rafah requires that civilians evacuate the areas of combat."

"Therefore," the statement continued, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the IDF and the security establishment to submit to the Cabinet a combined plan for evacuating the population and destroying the battalions."

As the elections come near, US policy has descended into the absurd. On the one hand the US recognizes Israel's right and responsibility to destroy Hamas to protect its own citizens and recognizes the fact Israel's efforts to protect civilians in Gaza far exceeds the requirements of International Humanitarian Law, but on the other hand complains about Israel's efforts to destroy Hamas and offers vague criticism of Israel's efforts to protect civilians like "over the top" without being able to offer anything more specific or substantial.

At this point Biden seems to be saying Israel must behave in a way that will get the Arabs in Michigan to vote for him.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has directed the IDF and the defense establishment to bring to the war cabinet a plan for both the evacuation of civilians in the south Gaza city of Rafah and the neutralization of the four Hamas battalions therein, the Prime Minister’s Office stated on Friday.

It is impossible to achieve the goal of the war without eliminating Hamas, and by leaving four Hamas battalions in Rafah," the statement noted. "On the contrary, it is clear that intense activity in Rafah requires that civilians evacuate the areas of combat."

"Therefore," the statement continued, "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the IDF and the security establishment to submit to the Cabinet a combined plan for evacuating the population and destroying the battalions."

As the elections come near, US policy has descended into the absurd. On the one hand the US recognizes Israel's right and responsibility to destroy Hamas to protect its own citizens and recognizes the fact Israel's efforts to protect civilians in Gaza far exceeds the requirements of International Humanitarian Law, but on the other hand complains about Israel's efforts to destroy Hamas and offers vague criticism of Israel's efforts to protect civilians like "over the top" without being able to offer anything more specific or substantial.

At this point Biden seems to be saying Israel must behave in a way that will get the Arabs in Michigan to vote for him.


Israel is the guilty war criminal that caused and deserved the legal retribution by Hamas.
By murdering hundreds of thousands of natives over the last 80 years, Israel has blockaded the 13 million Palestinian natives on only 15% of their own country, which clearly is not enough to survive on, considering more of them survived on agriculture.

Israel started all the violence in 1946 and deliberately murdered the British peacekeeper by blowing up the King David Hotel, so that no one could stop them from massacring hundreds of native villages.

Look it up.
The record show that Menachim Begin deliberately massacred hundreds of native villages with hand grenades.

Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.
The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.

Attack on Arab Village
A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
He shouldn't evacuate anyone. THey're all complicit..they're all hamas. He needs to totally destroy Gaza, level it, and then sow salt. If those people choose to stay...that's on them.
Israel history....WAY back. They do not finish the job and sooner or later, they suffer for it. This is a matter of survival. FINISH IT.
He shouldn't evacuate anyone. THey're all complicit..they're all hamas. He needs to totally destroy Gaza, level it, and then sow salt. If those people choose to stay...that's on them.
It is not a question of what Hamas and its supporters deserve but what Israel deserves, which is peace, not only with the so called Palestinians but with the larger Arab/Muslim world, and that is why Israel is abiding so strictly by International Humanitarian Law, and even exceeding its demands.

In 1946, the Arab League threatened a war of eradication, a new genocide just a few years after the Holocaust, if the Jews declared statehood. Israel responded in it declaration of Independence by asking for peace with the Arabs and promising equal rights to the Arabs in the new Jewish state. Israe's goal from the start was peace, but the Arabs' goal has always been war and atrocity.

After the Six Day war, Israel immediately offered to return the land it captured in return for peace, but the Arabs again only wanted more war and a new genocide, however, largely under Netanyahu's guidance, Israel has made some progress in finding peace with parts of the Arab/Muslim world, and despite what is being said today, if Israel continues to behave according to international law in this war, that goal of peace may finally be achievable after the war.
That is all well and good. But we keep forgetting The Genocide of Israeli men women and children many of whom are either dead or potentially dead with every new day. If any major arab nation cared about gazans they'd be in this fight.

and israel does deserve peace. But that's not gonna happen.
That is all well and good. But we keep forgetting The Genocide of Israeli men women and children many of whom are either dead or potentially dead with every new day. If any major arab nation cared about gazans they'd be in this fight.

and israel does deserve peace. But that's not gonna happen.
If the goal is peace, then Israel must behave in ways that are consistent with peace and that's why aiding by International Humanintarian Law is importatn.
If the goal is peace, then Israel must behave in ways that are consistent with peace and that's why aiding by International Humanintarian Law is importatn.
are you pro'palestinian'? Don't you think it might be time for hamas, arabs, muslims to behave in ways that are consistent with peace which means, DON"T GO INTO ISRAEL AND RAPE< MURDER<BURN>CASTRATE MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN!

just sayin'
are you pro'palestinian'? Don't you think it might be time for hamas, arabs, muslims to behave in ways that are consistent with peace which means, DON"T GO INTO ISRAEL AND RAPE< MURDER<BURN>CASTRATE MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN!

just sayin'
It is way past time for the Arabs to behave in a more civilized way, and there has been some progress in that direction from some of the Arab nations, but not from the Palestinians, so Israel has a responsibility to its citizens to destroy Hamas and the other terrorists but how can Israel claim to pursue peace if it starts to behave as the Palestinian terrorists? Israel's national interests will be furthered by continuaing to abide by International Humanitarian Law and would be harmed it it didn't.
It is way past time for the Arabs to behave in a more civilized way, and there has been some progress in that direction from some of the Arab nations, but not from the Palestinians, so Israel has a responsibility to its citizens to destroy Hamas and the other terrorists but how can Israel claim to pursue peace if it starts to behave as the Palestinian terrorists? Israel's national interests will be furthered by continuaing to abide by International Humanitarian Law and would be harmed it it didn't.
That's suicidal.... you didn't answer my question...are you pro 'palestinian'.

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