Netanyahu, the Grand Mufti and 'headlining'~let's shine some truth.

...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?

Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...

Maybe Netanyahu knows stuff we don't (ie , Hitler is really not to blame) , and I don't blame the Mufti one bit for defending his country, but come on, look how difficult it is even now to discuss anything rational with a Zionist, imagine what Hitler must of went through.

Oh come on dear...

I thought you were a self thinking person... You clearly are proving your self otherwise...

Netanyahu knows his stuff? Really? You think?

Whether the Grand Mufti was defending his country or not, is not really the topic here... Why not start a thread with that topic!

Can you not see... Tell me, how many times have I been called an "Islamonazi" for defending the rights of the Palestinian people? More than once I can assure you...

However, the problem is, it's the illogical extremists that I have a problem with... The zionuts, YOU, anyone who really has very little to contribute to the debate other than hate...

"imagine what Hitler must of went through"... Are you fucking serious?

Is your bumper sticker a swastika?

Extremists go home!

Really, I think you fell for the story of the holocaust, hook line and sinker. Yes I'm serious, I think most of the propaganda about Hitler is just that.
That's why Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationalism.

Such is the proof in the pudding. Unbelievable.

Proven beyond a doubt.

Got your marching orders from the Hasbara bunch I see. The new thing is to claim the Christians and Muslims of Palestine were actually the Germans that perpetrated the Holocaust. You couldn't make this crap up.
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

I'm in. You think your going to lay some quilt trip on me, think again. Its time we call WWII what it was , A World War, and Hitler didn't start it, the Zionist did.
Thus speaketh a representative sample of IslamoNazi propaganda...
So we have a thread here about Netanyahu's speech with Coyote as the OP. Let's start by looking at that:

Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Headlining". The headlines claims that Netanyahu linked the Palestinians to the Holocaust. FALSE. Let's take another look at the article:

Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust

Wow, what a headline. Intended to incite anger against Israel and its leader. But let's take a look at what was actually said:

JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked uproar in Israel on Wednesday for suggesting that a World War II-era Palestinian leader convinced the Nazis to adopt their Final Solution to exterminate European Jews.

So, let's get beyond the 'headlining'. How does one infer that Netanyahu linked all Palestinians to the Holocaust with that statement? On the other hand we all know that the Mufti was not the one to convince the Nazis to adopt their final solution; they were probably well on their way on their own.

However on the other hand, the Grand Mufti is not totally innocent at all. He was the originator (IMHO) of radical Islum against itself and the Jews. He started the game plan. He incited Arabs to murder Jews many times. Here is one example:

And he also was the first to put it into the 'play book' about the Jews wanting to destroy the Al Askya later musk. Further into the aforementioned (and linked) article:

Speaking to a group of Jewish leaders Tuesday, Netanyahu tried to use a historical anecdote to illustrate his point that Palestinian incitement surrounding Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site goes back decades.

He said the World War II-era Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Nazi sympathizer Haj Amin al-Husseini, instigated Palestinian attacks on Jews over lies that they planned to destroy the Temple Mount, known to Muslims at the Noble Sanctuary.

So the 'playbook' started with the Mufti and continued with Arafat and now Abbas is using it to incite violence over the Temple Mount.

If it were actually true that the Jews and Israel wanted to take over the Temple Mount and destroy everything there and erect their own Temple, why hasn't it happened yet? Israel certainly has the means to do so, and has had the means for quite a long time.

Inane and Insane Comment,time to put your Dick away Teddy or you'll go Blind..steve
Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust

You might want to ask the AP article writer about the headline. The Zionist encroached upon Palestine long before Hitler days, and started murdering, esp right after WW! when they helped alongside the Palestinians and Grand Mufti to overthrow the Ottomans.
Then the Zionist turned on the Palestinians first and then the British. No one like being used.

The Zionist went in there fighting.

The fact that you're right will do little to get through to those who have already been duped by the prevalent Zionist Mythology.

Before the massive influx of Europeans who were Jewish, the Jewish population of Palestine was only 2% Jewish. If the Arabs were innately hostile to Jews, they could have wiped them out easily.

Palestine's native population was & continues to fight a defensive battle against genocidal, Zionist, foreign invaders who came & continue to come from far away.

Of the 38 Jews who signed Israel's Declaration of Independence, only 1 was from the Region. The rest were from Europe, the US, Russia etc. Their Zionist Plan Dalet is the only "Final Solution" that is readily available.

Palestine's Native Residents had & still have only 2 choices:

1. Meekly submit to systematic extermination from foreign, genocidal, Zionist Terrorist Gangs

2. Resist the systematic extermination from foreign, genocidal, Zionist Terrorist Gangs

Netanyahu's hypocritical Pity-Mongering is only a diversion from his ongoing & genuine "holocaust"

Want to argue with the Ottomans who held 3 body counts

"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000

By the way the sanjak of Jerusalem covers most of what is present day Israel and the west bank, and parts of Jordan

I would say that in 1905 the Jews accounted for 60% of the population, dropping to 55% by 1948. Ist life a bummer when the facts prove you wrong.......................
RIDICULOUS STATISTIC AND WRONG COMPLETELY.....Look JewJerk you are on a hiding to nothing with Bollocks like you espouse.
That's why Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationalism.

Such is the proof in the pudding. Unbelievable.

Proven beyond a doubt.

Got your marching orders from the Hasbara bunch I see. The new thing is to claim the Christians and Muslims of Palestine were actually the Germans that perpetrated the Holocaust. You couldn't make this crap up.

You get your marching orders from Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists I see.

It isn't a new thing, Netanyahu stated a known obvious historical fact, that the Mufti and Hitler got married spiritually and ideologically, and the so called Palestinians are their bastard offspring.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Hitler's Mufti

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
...So the whole point of the thread is "immaterial"?...

Merely that the Main Premise is immaterial to the evolved sidebar on Pali-supporters defending the Grand Poobah for his Nazi alliance.
AND the Zionists did the same Kondie,...REMEMBER glass houses
Supporters of Israel defended someone's alliance with Nazi Germany?
Come on Kondie you know well enough what I the way Kondie,my avie is of the walled city of Villea in Espana.......these walls follow the complete perimeter of the city..beautiful stone/work....I was very impressed
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The mufti was an Ottoman officer, and his Palestinians joined him in the fight against the British

What's your point exactly?

Arab AND Jew fought against the British! :cuckoo:
Indeed, The British fucked up the Mandate so bad that they were being shot at from both sides. They just threw up their hands and left Palestine. They still can't figure out that they were that stupid and still push to continue the conflict.

Only according to your fantasy world, the reality is the arab muslims wanted it all and would not rest until they got it. The British faced attacks from the arabs as far back as 1929 and saw them slide over to the Germans during WW2, then at wars end Britain was on its knees and could no longer maintain a police force in Palestine so called time and handed the reigns over to the UN. That is who screwed up with the partition plan that should never have been put in place, they should have went in and imposed the 1923 LoN treaty and cleared the land of all illegal arab muslim immigrants
Netanyahu causes uproar by linking Palestinians to Holocaust

You might want to ask the AP article writer about the headline. The Zionist encroached upon Palestine long before Hitler days, and started murdering, esp right after WW! when they helped alongside the Palestinians and Grand Mufti to overthrow the Ottomans.
Then the Zionist turned on the Palestinians first and then the British. No one like being used.

The Zionist went in there fighting.

The fact that you're right will do little to get through to those who have already been duped by the prevalent Zionist Mythology.

Before the massive influx of Europeans who were Jewish, the Jewish population of Palestine was only 2% Jewish. If the Arabs were innately hostile to Jews, they could have wiped them out easily.

Palestine's native population was & continues to fight a defensive battle against genocidal, Zionist, foreign invaders who came & continue to come from far away.

Of the 38 Jews who signed Israel's Declaration of Independence, only 1 was from the Region. The rest were from Europe, the US, Russia etc. Their Zionist Plan Dalet is the only "Final Solution" that is readily available.

Palestine's Native Residents had & still have only 2 choices:

1. Meekly submit to systematic extermination from foreign, genocidal, Zionist Terrorist Gangs

2. Resist the systematic extermination from foreign, genocidal, Zionist Terrorist Gangs

Netanyahu's hypocritical Pity-Mongering is only a diversion from his ongoing & genuine "holocaust"

Want to argue with the Ottomans who held 3 body counts

"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000

By the way the sanjak of Jerusalem covers most of what is present day Israel and the west bank, and parts of Jordan

I would say that in 1905 the Jews accounted for 60% of the population, dropping to 55% by 1948. Ist life a bummer when the facts prove you wrong.......................
RIDICULOUS STATISTIC AND WRONG COMPLETELY.....Look JewJerk you are on a hiding to nothing with Bollocks like you espouse.

So you are saying that the muslims got it wrong are you, I wonder what your imam would have to say about that ?
The mufti was an Ottoman officer, and his Palestinians joined him in the fight against the British

What's your point exactly?

Arab AND Jew fought against the British! :cuckoo:
Indeed, The British fucked up the Mandate so bad that they were being shot at from both sides. They just threw up their hands and left Palestine. They still can't figure out that they were that stupid and still push to continue the conflict.

Only according to your fantasy world, the reality is the arab muslims wanted it all and would not rest until they got it. The British faced attacks from the arabs as far back as 1929 and saw them slide over to the Germans during WW2, then at wars end Britain was on its knees and could no longer maintain a police force in Palestine so called time and handed the reigns over to the UN. That is who screwed up with the partition plan that should never have been put in place, they should have went in and imposed the 1923 LoN treaty and cleared the land of all illegal arab muslim immigrants

Another uninteresting half of history perspective from the zionuts!
The mufti was an Ottoman officer, and his Palestinians joined him in the fight against the British

What's your point exactly?

Arab AND Jew fought against the British! :cuckoo:
Indeed, The British fucked up the Mandate so bad that they were being shot at from both sides. They just threw up their hands and left Palestine. They still can't figure out that they were that stupid and still push to continue the conflict.

Only according to your fantasy world, the reality is the arab muslims wanted it all and would not rest until they got it. The British faced attacks from the arabs as far back as 1929 and saw them slide over to the Germans during WW2, then at wars end Britain was on its knees and could no longer maintain a police force in Palestine so called time and handed the reigns over to the UN. That is who screwed up with the partition plan that should never have been put in place, they should have went in and imposed the 1923 LoN treaty and cleared the land of all illegal arab muslim immigrants

Another uninteresting half of history perspective from the zionuts!

So no content and trolling again because you don't have the brains to look at a history book and work out why Britain was still rationing in 1952, 7 years after the war ended and 4 years after they left the M.E. Nor the intelligence to read the true story posted by monte many times on who were the biggest cause of concern for the British in Palestine pre WW2
When I saw this thread at first glance, I thought it said...

"Netanfuckyou and the Grand Ole Mufti headlining"
...with the Israeli PM becoming a country singer.

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