Netanyahu, the Grand Mufti and 'headlining'~let's shine some truth.

What's your point exactly?

Arab AND Jew fought against the British! :cuckoo:

The point is the islamonazi propagandist stated that the mufti fought for the British when he didn't. In other words she LIED like you do all the time.


You really are quite a sour little zionut aren't you!

I haven't seen you win one argument, support one of your BS made up 'facts' on this board, and you feel like it's me who is telling lies...

I'm sure there is a name for your psychological condition Phoney!

In layman's terms I guess it would just be called LOSER!

So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!
Oh, the bastard Nazis, and that bastard, Hitler, were all hot-and-bothered over the idea of slaughtering the Jews.

The Grand Poobah of Jerusalem wasn't responsible for planting the seed of the Holocaust.

He merely contributed his own watering-can, as one of dozens, to encourage the Gardener to grow the seed.

He was scum... but only one of dozens of high-profile leaders of the times who encouraged the slaughter of the Jews... merely part of The Scum Club.

But... given his influence upon the events of 1948-1949... and upon the later leadership of the PLO et al... it's no wonder that their successors are the scum they are.

He did what any leader of people being attacked would do, he sided with the enemy of his people's attackers. It's no different than the native Americans that sided with the French in the French and Indian War.
Oh, the bastard Nazis, and that bastard, Hitler, were all hot-and-bothered over the idea of slaughtering the Jews.

The Grand Poobah of Jerusalem wasn't responsible for planting the seed of the Holocaust.

He merely contributed his own watering-can, as one of dozens, to encourage the Gardener to grow the seed.

He was scum... but only one of dozens of high-profile leaders of the times who encouraged the slaughter of the Jews... merely part of The Scum Club.

But... given his influence upon the events of 1948-1949... and upon the later leadership of the PLO et al... it's no wonder that their successors are the scum they are.

The point is the islamonazi propagandist stated that the mufti fought for the British when he didn't. In other words she LIED like you do all the time.


You really are quite a sour little zionut aren't you!

I haven't seen you win one argument, support one of your BS made up 'facts' on this board, and you feel like it's me who is telling lies...

I'm sure there is a name for your psychological condition Phoney!

In layman's terms I guess it would just be called LOSER!

So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!

Headlines in the Sun Times , Bristian newspaper, 1933
The point is the islamonazi propagandist stated that the mufti fought for the British when he didn't. In other words she LIED like you do all the time.


You really are quite a sour little zionut aren't you!

I haven't seen you win one argument, support one of your BS made up 'facts' on this board, and you feel like it's me who is telling lies...

I'm sure there is a name for your psychological condition Phoney!

In layman's terms I guess it would just be called LOSER!

So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

You really are quite a sour little zionut aren't you!

I haven't seen you win one argument, support one of your BS made up 'facts' on this board, and you feel like it's me who is telling lies...

I'm sure there is a name for your psychological condition Phoney!

In layman's terms I guess it would just be called LOSER!

So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

The Jews did NOT declare war on Germany!

It was an economic boycott of Germany by, mostly, American Jews.

The Germans considered it an "act of aggression".

It was a British newspaper who ran the headline "Judea Declares War on Germany"!
Oh, the bastard Nazis, and that bastard, Hitler, were all hot-and-bothered over the idea of slaughtering the Jews.

The Grand Poobah of Jerusalem wasn't responsible for planting the seed of the Holocaust.

He merely contributed his own watering-can, as one of dozens, to encourage the Gardener to grow the seed.

He was scum... but only one of dozens of high-profile leaders of the times who encouraged the slaughter of the Jews... merely part of The Scum Club.

But... given his influence upon the events of 1948-1949... and upon the later leadership of the PLO et al... it's no wonder that their successors are the scum they are.

He did what any leader of people being attacked would do, he sided with the enemy of his people's attackers. It's no different than the native Americans that sided with the French in the French and Indian War.
Defending his taking sides with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany?

Somehow, I'm not surprised.
Oh, the bastard Nazis, and that bastard, Hitler, were all hot-and-bothered over the idea of slaughtering the Jews.

The Grand Poobah of Jerusalem wasn't responsible for planting the seed of the Holocaust.

He merely contributed his own watering-can, as one of dozens, to encourage the Gardener to grow the seed.

He was scum... but only one of dozens of high-profile leaders of the times who encouraged the slaughter of the Jews... merely part of The Scum Club.

But... given his influence upon the events of 1948-1949... and upon the later leadership of the PLO et al... it's no wonder that their successors are the scum they are.

He did what any leader of people being attacked would do, he sided with the enemy of his people's attackers. It's no different than the native Americans that sided with the French in the French and Indian War.
Defender of alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany - Number Two.

Again, no surprise.

You really are quite a sour little zionut aren't you!

I haven't seen you win one argument, support one of your BS made up 'facts' on this board, and you feel like it's me who is telling lies...

I'm sure there is a name for your psychological condition Phoney!

In layman's terms I guess it would just be called LOSER!

So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.
Palestinians, and Palestinian-supporters, trying to take the edge off of what Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany did...

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...
So you did not read the link provided that showed the mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army and fought against the British in WW1.

Guess you just exist on your fantasy and islamonazi propaganda, and the need to be a complete prat, cyber bully and troll.

See it is you that is the LOSER because of your Palestinian mentality affliction.

Read the link...

The fact that the Grand Mufti was an officer in the Ottoman army has NOTHING to do with whether he was 50% responsible, along with 50% responsible with Hitler...

The fact that you don't get that diluting Hitlers' 100% responsibility pretty much sums up your insanity!

Hitler is 100% responsible for the Holocaust, lock, stock and barrel!

Trying to dilute Hitler's responsibility to ONLY 50% and pass the remaining 50% to the Grand Mufti is utter zionut insanity!

Trying to rewrite history, as given by TRUE historians, including zionut historians, is total madness!

Let's try again...

You are aware that Arabs and Jews fought against the British?

Yeah, you probably are, but, knowing your zionut mentality, you will reject that fact as some kind of "islamonazi" propaganda!

What does that make you?

Nah, I don't need to tell you, you already know you are a fuckwit!

Personally I think its time we dilute some of Hitler's responsibility for the "start" of WWII, as this was a Zionist plan since before WWI. Judea declared war on Germany in 1933, the Zionist made out like fat cats, and lets not forget the agreement they made with Hitler, Transfer Agreement. The only jews in Poland the Zionist gave 10 cents about were the young able one able to fight or the ones with money, as most of them were Haredi Jews (religious) which the Zionist wanted a secular state.... but they have learned being a Jewish state brings in more money and sympathy from the evangelicals. Getting tired of all these lies.

Judea did NOT declare war on Germany... Though what the American Jews did through their boycott didn't do any favours for the Jews in Germany!

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.
Palestinians, and Palestinian-supporters, trying to take the edge off of what Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany did...

Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...

I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?

Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?...
1. I did not say you... I said "your pals"

3. I did not say 'defend Hitler' ...I said 'defending an alliance'

However, if the shoe fits...

...Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...
Immaterial, to the sidebar on Palestinians and their fifth-columnist supporters, defending the Mufti's alliance and sympatico with Hitler and his Jew-slaughter.
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?...
1. I did not say you... I said "your pals"

3. I did not say 'defend Hitler' ...I said 'defending an alliance'

However, if the shoe fits...

...Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...
Immaterial, to the sidebar on Palestinians and their fifth-columnist supporters, defending the Mufti's alliance and sympatico with Hitler and his Jew-slaughter.

So the whole point of the thread is "immaterial"?

Might as pack up and go home!
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

I'm in. You think your going to lay some quilt trip on me, think again. Its time we call WWII what it was , A World War, and Hitler didn't start it, the Zionist did.
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

I'm in. You think your going to lay some quilt trip on me, think again. Its time we call WWII what it was , A World War, and Hitler didn't start it, the Zionist did.
Is that the history you learn at your madrassah?
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

I'm in. You think your going to lay some quilt trip on me, think again. Its time we call WWII what it was , A World War, and Hitler didn't start it, the Zionist did.
Is that the history you learn at your madrassah?

Ha Ha, I'm going to get me a little Nazi pin and wear it, how about that.
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?

Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...

Maybe Netanyahu knows stuff we don't (ie , Hitler is really not to blame) , and I don't blame the Mufti one bit for defending his country, but come on, look how difficult it is even now to discuss anything rational with a Zionist, imagine what Hitler must of went through.
...I think Netanyahu did a much better job of absolving Hitler of responsibility for the Holocaust!
None of which whitewashes the fact that your pals are defending an alliance with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

Want to show me where I "defend" Hitler?

Let's not forget that it is Netanyahu who has inspired this debate by his reduction of blame on Hitler by involving the Grand Mufti...

Maybe Netanyahu knows stuff we don't (ie , Hitler is really not to blame) , and I don't blame the Mufti one bit for defending his country, but come on, look how difficult it is even now to discuss anything rational with a Zionist, imagine what Hitler must of went through.

Oh come on dear...

I thought you were a self thinking person... You clearly are proving your self otherwise...

Netanyahu knows his stuff? Really? You think?

Whether the Grand Mufti was defending his country or not, is not really the topic here... Why not start a thread with that topic!

Can you not see... Tell me, how many times have I been called an "Islamonazi" for defending the rights of the Palestinian people? More than once I can assure you...

However, the problem is, it's the illogical extremists that I have a problem with... The zionuts, YOU, anyone who really has very little to contribute to the debate other than hate...

"imagine what Hitler must of went through"... Are you fucking serious?

Is your bumper sticker a swastika?

Extremists go home!
That's why Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationalism.
Old Palestinian Nazi habits are hard to break?





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