Netanyahu to with hold millions from UN

Yes, it is long past time to reassess our alliance with them seeing as how their reckless authoritarian actions could easily get the US drawn into a war. If all our military aid buys us no leverage with their policies what good is it?

Sure idiot, keep your fucking money LOL. See what happens the next time the US faces advanced weapons on the battle field developed and sold by Israel. The aid package keeps their weapons tech off the market, and buys the US many multiples of it in R&D. Too many stupid fucking people in this world without a clue like you spouting shit you know nothing about.

Keep the thread on topic; obama the turd's despicable act vis a vis the UN.
Israel exists only because we have propped them up and protected them. If they cannot take some simple criticism for their domestic policy from their chief benefactor then it is a problem they have, not the US.

Hardly. Israel got no support from the US in its early years.

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Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
What a Jew. Leave the Palestinians alone! Stop terrorizing them. 2 state solution.

You like having the Arabs to kick around. You need a boogie man. That's why Republicans didn't like killing osama

They can go back to their home state of Jordan.

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Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
Perhaps the US should withhold money from Israel.
Yes, it is long past time to reassess our alliance with them seeing as how their reckless authoritarian actions could easily get the US drawn into a war. If all our military aid buys us no leverage with their policies what good is it?

How about it's not only the only democracy in the Middle East it's the only one that doesn't burn American flags.

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Israel is a democracy in name only, the real power rests securely in the hands of their far right conservatives who do not give a fuck about democracy. They may not burn flags but they piss on our values every day of the week.
What a Jew. Leave the Palestinians alone! Stop terrorizing them. 2 state solution.

You like having the Arabs to kick around. You need a boogie man. That's why Republicans didn't like killing osama

You're mentally ill. 5 MM jews are "terrorizing" 400 MM arab muslims. Read the news about syria the last 5 years, retarded idiot? Were jews there? Fucking kill yourself already.
Our longtime ally Israel demands to know why Obama colluded with known terrorists to ambush Israel? Should president Trump have the intelligence agencies look into this? Maybe pull Obama's passport to make sure he doesn't flee the country in case we need to arrest him?
What a Jew. Leave the Palestinians alone! Stop terrorizing them. 2 state solution.

You like having the Arabs to kick around. You need a boogie man. That's why Republicans didn't like killing osama

You're mentally ill. 5 MM jews are "terrorizing" 400 MM arab muslims. Read the news about syria the last 5 years, retarded idiot? Were jews there? Fucking kill yourself already.
Then run them out and have a 2 state solution you stupid jews
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.

It was totally his choice. It pissed Congress off because they were cut out of it.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.

It was totally his choice. It pissed Congress off because they were cut out of it.
Netanyahu loves obama. Just ask him.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
That wasn't his choice. It was something he had no other option but to sign off on it. We all know if he had his way there would be no Israel.

It was totally his choice. It pissed Congress off because they were cut out of it.
Netanyahu loves obama. Just ask him.

I doubt either has much love for the other but they know how to deal and Israel got a 38 billion dollar deal. Anti-semitic huh?
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN

You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?
He didn't block a resolution condemning Israel either like past presidents.
Netanyahu blasted obama.
What a second, the jewish state is giving money to the UN, and US taxpayers give them billions and billions every year? That is like when a street bum asks for $5 and you see him giving the money to another street bum on the next block. Second point, is there a law against building skyscrapers in modern Israel, the state of our lovely allies who consider normal people goyem? Wouldn't that make more sense then trolling Palestinians with those mobile homes near areas they consider theirs? Besides, according to the Old Testament, Yahweh loved phallic symbols. I am 7% jew according to ancestry so can say these common sense things.

Maybe skyscrapers are easier targets for rockets and mortars?
You mean the anti-semitic Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history? 38 billion dollars over ten years? that Obama?

That ties their hands so they cannot do business on the open market, where they HAVE to buy US-based/made hardware, etc? It'd be nice if you even pretended to have some intelligence for a change. What do you have to do to become a mod on USM these days, prove you can use toilet paper you idiotic fool?
If they didn't need it they wouldn't have their hands out every year begging for coin.

Scumbag, they DO NOT WANT your money, that is a fact. Israel would make TEN TIMES as much as this package selling their expertise on the open market; the US buys them off so it doesn't end up in the hands of some country the US might want to obliterate one day. The US DD and Darpa KNOW the IDF has many of the best weapons tech minds in the world, and doesn't want them operating where the US cannot keep a lid on them. The US did the same thing with ex-USSR scientists, amazing how only working with the jews gives fucking racist trash like you a chance to complain about it, showing your absolute ignorance and utter stupidity.

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