Netanyahu to with hold millions from UN

My, people have deep feelings about this. Obama is pissed that Netanyahu wouldn't allow him to be the Bringer of Peace and Netanyahu is pissed that we let other countries tell him they agree he is prolonging turmoil and strife.

I wonder what it means, this Security Council resolution. Israel said they will ignore it. Will something happen, or is it just on the books as a slap on the hand?

I think the U.N. is a concept that is far more important than it's less than perfect implementation. No one should pull out.
My, people have deep feelings about this. Obama is pissed that Netanyahu wouldn't allow him to be the Bringer of Peace and Netanyahu is pissed that we let other countries tell him they agree he is prolonging turmoil and strife.

I wonder what it means, this Security Council resolution. Israel said they will ignore it. Will something happen, or is it just on the books as a slap on the hand?

I think the U.N. is a concept that is far more important than it's less than perfect implementation. No one should pull out.
The UN has no jurisdiction in this matter, and there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for claiming Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal, so the resolution amounts to just another piece of anti Israel propaganda, meaning nothing will happen to Israel, but there is a strong bipartisan consensus in Congress that the UN should be taken to task for this abuse of its function, and funds, which will likely provide the Palestinians with false hope and encourage more violence against Israelis.
My, people have deep feelings about this. Obama is pissed that Netanyahu wouldn't allow him to be the Bringer of Peace and Netanyahu is pissed that we let other countries tell him they agree he is prolonging turmoil and strife.

Another dimwitted chimp. Now its Netanyahu that is prolonging this arab-muslim-driven conflict, how convenient for the moronic far left.

So if Israel was not building apartments in the west bank the arab muslims would suddenly alter their diseased culture - which has helped slaughter 1 million people right next door in syria and at least that many in iraq over the past 10 years - and accept the sovereignty of non-muslims in the mideast? Really? That's your hilarious claim??/

Why don't you enlighten us on what exactly would change if Israel was not in the west bank, especially with regards to iran, hamas, hezbollah, etc. Inform us with your vast knowledge of the region, please, by all means...
The UN has no jurisdiction in this matter, and there is no rational basis in history, logic or law for claiming Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal, so the resolution amounts to just another piece of anti Israel propaganda, meaning nothing will happen to Israel, but there is a strong bipartisan consensus in Congress that the UN should be taken to task for this abuse of its function, and funds, which will likely provide the Palestinians with false hope and encourage more violence against Israelis.

The so-called "settlements" are a 50-year fig leaf, giving despicable Europeans and muslims the opportunity to blame Israel while pretending to their publics that they actually give a shit about this conflict; its a perfect re-direct device from so many other things. If Israel pulled EVERY single jew out of the WB like it did with Gaza, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING would change, and the arab muslims and iran would conjure a new excuse/claim (shabaa farms, anyone?) to attack the jews. They are doing so to every other non-muslim minority in the mideast, so why is this situation any different whatsoever?
Obama that just gave Israel the largest aid package in US history?

You mean the package approved by a bi-partisan CONGRESS?

Are you unaware that 'Moderator' is derived from the root 'moderate'?

Are you aware that moderators on USMB are allowed to post as MEMBERS? I'm as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours and I am under no obligation to be non-partisan or, as you put it "moderate". Now that we've cleared the air, let's move on to topical content.

Congress was not happy with the deal: ANALYSIS: $38B Israel Aid Deal Is Political Boon for Benjamin Netanyahu — and Barack Obama

It was the "anti-semitic" President Obama that negotiated and secured the deal with Israeli PM Netanyahu. People should have the cajones to give credit where it's due instead of flinging around accusations of anti-semitic whenever Israel doesn't get what it wants.

You need to read what that resolution called Israel's settlements in Jerusalem, taken back in the Six Days War, ILLEGAL. That's absurd....Jews have been in Jerusalem for 2 thousand years. No, this was a carefully constructed arrow in Israel's back by the black muslim Obama and the rest of the anti-semites at the UN. He tried to get Netanyahu defeated in the election last year but failed so this was the follow-up. And so cowardly....having his Amb abstain...the same maneuver he used to avoid controversial votes in the Illinois legislature.

It's making Israel accountable for it's settlement activities. They're one of the many obstacles to peace. It's about time.

Tell the palis to stop lobbing rockets into Israel if they want "peace"...they don't.

That's another obstacle to peace.
President Obama the traitor has 4 more weeks then we boot his ass out of the White House, Kerry will be fired along with the rest of Obama's traitorous regime.
Dumb fuck, they are not fired. It is normal for an incoming administration of the opposite party to have their own people for the high positions. What is not normal is the very low quality of the orange clown's picks.
President Obama the traitor has 4 more weeks then we boot his ass out of the White House, Kerry will be fired along with the rest of Obama's traitorous regime.
Dumb fuck, they are not fired. It is normal for an incoming administration of the opposite party to have their own people for the high positions. What is not normal is the very low quality of the orange clown's picks.

You mad bro? Dem's got their pink slips from the people, tissue? :laugh:
Perhaps the US should withhold money from Israel.

Smug shitheads like you should move to Palestine and see how you're treated.

As a woman, I'd be treated like chattel .. by the Palestinians. No clue why the left supports those who treat women and children so horribly.
If the United States were a tree, the left would root for the termites.


But making everyone an enemy and never attempting to turn them into friends isn't good either.
Israeli Prime Minister orders freezing of UN funds, rips 'ambush'

Good counter after obama couldn't keep his antisemitism in the closet.

This is what the US needs to do. With hold money from the UN
"Ted Cruz


Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in Congress. No US $ for UN until reversed.

6:35 PM - 24 Dec 2016"

Ted Cruz: Cut US funding to UN until reversal of Israel vote
This goes to show how little failed presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, understands how the United Nations Security Council works and what an inflated ego the Canadian-born Republican Latino has. Unlike the United States which can be paralyzed by Ted Cruz, the windbag has no standing with the world body. Just what is this nobody up to, one must ask.
Apparently, it is you who doesn't understand how the UN works. If Obama wanted to see the US defund the UN, this is exactly what he would have done. There are many members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, who are so outraged by Obama's clear break with US foreign policy on Israel, they are threatening to end or greatly reduce US contributions to the UN and its many agencies.
No doubt the Russians and Chinese would be happy to see the United States leave the Security Council and the UN. Perhaps the USA could join the Israelis and both leave. That would be something, a New Year's wish for many.
My, people have deep feelings about this. Obama is pissed that Netanyahu wouldn't allow him to be the Bringer of Peace and Netanyahu is pissed that we let other countries tell him they agree he is prolonging turmoil and strife.

Another dimwitted chimp. Now its Netanyahu that is prolonging this arab-muslim-driven conflict, how convenient for the moronic far left.

So if Israel was not building apartments in the west bank the arab muslims would suddenly alter their diseased culture - which has helped slaughter 1 million people right next door in syria and at least that many in iraq over the past 10 years - and accept the sovereignty of non-muslims in the mideast? Really? That's your hilarious claim??/

Why don't you enlighten us on what exactly would change if Israel was not in the west bank, especially with regards to iran, hamas, hezbollah, etc. Inform us with your vast knowledge of the region, please, by all means...
Settle down. I don't know anything about it and I have no opinion. Both sides have reasons for umbrage, imo. I was more interested in knowing what this resolution means, which according to Toomuchtime is nothing but ruffling feathers.
Fuck the UN
Fuck Israel
Im tired of being the nanny to the whole fucking planet. You guys should be too.
Fuck the UN
Fuck Israel
Im tired of being the nanny to the whole fucking planet. You guys should be too.
We're the big brother of the world right now (not as in 1984 Big Brother) and we have responsibilities. We can't hide our head in the sand and pretend our enemies don't exist. If we neglect our alliances we will not have friends to stand with us in times of need.
I'm not sure why WE need to be the ones that negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I'll agree with you there.
Fuck the UN
Fuck Israel
Im tired of being the nanny to the whole fucking planet. You guys should be too.
We're the big brother of the world right now (not as in 1984 Big Brother) and we have responsibilities. We can't hide our head in the sand and pretend our enemies don't exist. If we neglect our alliances we will not have friends to stand with us in times of need.
I'm not sure why WE need to be the ones that negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I'll agree with you there.
But we shouldn't have those responsibilities. Its not our business.
Who are our allies? What do they do for us?
Do you realize that we give aid to like 90% of the countries on Earth? Do you realize how much we are in debt? And I am talking unfunded liabilities too.
We have veterans sleeping in the street and kids starving but we can give billions worth of weaponry to Israel and give terrorist sponsors millions-billions of dollars EVERY YEAR? That's bullshit.
The UN has been a goofball organization for decades now. The US needs to withdraw..........on January 21st of next year!! They are concerned with one thing only: wealth redistribution and making poor people poorer with renewable energy schemes. Yes........fuck them and all the frauds that work there. Anyway..........Manhattan needs some parking these days.

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