Netanyahu's Backtrack


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
In a half-pirouette worthy of a skilled ballerina, Bibi backtracked 180 degrees on the "no two state solution" with Palestinians.

We all know that we can place more trust on a used-car salesperson than we can on virtually any politician, but Bibi has managed to considerably lower the bar.

Of course I, for one, welcome the return to sanity for both Israel and Palestine's sake, but I wonder if anyone on both sides of the divide can ever trust what the Likud party stands for or promises.

Given the world's increasing distrust of Bibi, Netanyahu's re-election may, ironically, amount to a "plus" for both Palestine and Iran.
Bibi never met a lie he couldn't tell. And notice the total silence here from the Zionists now that a two-state option is back in play, not a word from them about their dear leader flip-flopping like Romney on his best day.
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I know that ethics and politics are like oil and water, but when one "wins" an election on a flat-out lie based on fear=mongering, can that election be really legitimate?
First we hear from our official media as filtered through our corrupt regime. Then Bibi makes a statement himself.

Usually they give some time between their lies, but he is so arrogant he could less what anyone thinks.
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Well, good folks, at least Bibi's backtracking may have helped to avoid (at least in the short run) an imminent attack by one of the Palestinian groups against Israel.

For that, I'm grateful (but I still think that Bibi should resign.)
In a half-pirouette worthy of a skilled ballerina, Bibi backtracked 180 degrees on the "no two state solution" with Palestinians.

We all know that we can place more trust on a used-car salesperson than we can on virtually any politician, but Bibi has managed to considerably lower the bar.

Of course I, for one, welcome the return to sanity for both Israel and Palestine's sake, but I wonder if anyone on both sides of the divide can ever trust what the Likud party stands for or promises.

Given the world's increasing distrust of Bibi, Netanyahu's re-election may, ironically, amount to a "plus" for both Palestine and Iran.

The funniest part is he flipped just long enough to get the American RWnut crowd on the bandwagon, and then he jumped back off.
In a half-pirouette worthy of a skilled ballerina, Bibi backtracked 180 degrees on the "no two state solution" with Palestinians.

We all know that we can place more trust on a used-car salesperson than we can on virtually any politician, but Bibi has managed to considerably lower the bar.

Of course I, for one, welcome the return to sanity for both Israel and Palestine's sake, but I wonder if anyone on both sides of the divide can ever trust what the Likud party stands for or promises.

Given the world's increasing distrust of Bibi, Netanyahu's re-election may, ironically, amount to a "plus" for both Palestine and Iran.

The funniest part is he flipped just long enough to get the American RWnut crowd on the bandwagon, and then he jumped back off.

Yep, and in another thread I wondered if r-wingers are feeling "betrayed" or if their collective hypocrisy trumps everything else.
I am waiting for the RW loons to follow his lie once again and do their own 180....what a frigin joke this guy is!
Jonah Goldberg: The Cotton Letter's Inconvenient Truth

It has been an Iranian tradition since 1979 to end Friday prayers with chants of "Death to America!"

In a purely rational world, that would be all one needed to know that Iran is not a reliable negotiating partner. Alas, we do not live in such a world. But there's more evidence. Iran, according to our State Department, has been the chief exporter of terrorism for the last three decades. It has worked closely with al-Qaeda, facilitating its attacks on America and our allies. Most of the September 11 hijackers traveled through Iran with the help of the Iranian government. U.S. judges have ruled that Iran was an accomplice in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa and the September 11 attacks. During the Iraq War, Iran was responsible for numerous American deaths.

And it's not like any of this is ancient history. Indeed, in 2012, the Treasury Department designated the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security as a major promoter of terrorism and violator of human rights.

Well until they suddenly weren't for political reasons.

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Given the world's increasing distrust of Bibi, Netanyahu's re-election may, ironically, amount to a "plus" for both Palestine and Iran.

I advocate for a two state solution. Why? Because the moment Palestine becomes a sovereign state, Israel can formally declare war on them. If Palestine is accepted into the UN, any attack it launches on Israel will violate the UN charter in about a hundred different ways. In short, it would not do them any good. Palestine is incapable of meeting the standards placed on it simply by being a sovereign state.
Well, good folks, at least Bibi's backtracking may have helped to avoid (at least in the short run) an imminent attack by one of the Palestinian groups against Israel.

There were attacks before the election, there will be attacks after. No matter what position he takes, Palestine will simply continue to reject Israel's existence.
I am waiting for the RW loons to follow his lie once again and do their own 180....what a frigin joke this guy is!
Well the damage he'll do to Israel won't be a joke. In a single day he completely derailed peace talks and demonized a racial segment of the citizenry he's sworn to serve just to score some political points. That's not a person who deserves to lead a country.
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