Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

It's not a who, it's a "what.". Distance. The Israelis don't have aircraft with the range to hit Iran, or aircraft carriers. That's why Bibi is now down on his knees begging for the USA to do his dirty work.

are you crazy? Israel could destroy all of Irans cities in less than 24 hours. "don't have aircraft with range to hit Iran" thats one of the all time dumb statements ever to appear on this forum.
Well I know some RWs here think I am Left on this. I am not.

I want a one state solution. One big democracy for the area.

Do the support this?

Don't you think if the Palis cared ONE BIT about living in peace, they would be concentrating on rebuilding their infrastructure, etc., for their citizens? Instead, they spend their "aid" money on rockets and weapons.

Who is killing the most?

Who is invading the other?

Who is forcefully removing families from their homes, their property?

Of course, Israel is going to kick their dumb arses whenever they lob a rocket. That is their DUTY.

So did they target the people sending the rockets or bomb whole areas?

Do those rockets target the IDF or Israel? Targeting those who launch the rockets generally requires bombing whole areas.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?
are you crazy? Israel could destroy all of Irans cities in less than 24 hours. "don't have aircraft with range to hit Iran" thats one of the all time dumb statements ever to appear on this forum.

Redfish, why don't you tell us which Israeli aircraft can deliver a 30,000 lb bunker-buster bomb to Iran?

It amuses me, how the biggest warhawks tend to be so ignorant of military equipment and tactics.
Iran doesn't have the right to defend itself against Israel? What the fuck is wrong with you?

The Arab Mideast is a tinderbox of Iranian-supported terror-gangs such as Hezbollah. Now see if you can point to any Israeli invasion of Iran, :ahole-1:.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?
I think Obama should protect the citizens of the United states. He can't, drawing imaginary red lines makes us look weak. Netanyahu says he will protect his people, and Iran has been warned. Israel has bombed Iran before, and Iran knows Israel means it. All Obama does is lie, apologizes for america being a great country, and shows the world he is not a leader. So I guess the first thing Obama could do to start being a leader, is to tell the truth for once.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?

Obama should putting stricter sanctions on Iran as they are STILL not in compliance with the IAEA. Why on earth would you want to make it easier for them to procure and enrich uranium? On what world does that make sense?
are you crazy? Israel could destroy all of Irans cities in less than 24 hours. "don't have aircraft with range to hit Iran" thats one of the all time dumb statements ever to appear on this forum.

Redfish, why don't you tell us which Israeli aircraft can deliver a 30,000 lb bunker-buster bomb to Iran?

It amuses me, how the biggest warhawks tend to be so ignorant of military equipment and tactics.

they have nukes, why do they need a bunker buster?
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?
I think Obama should protect the citizens of the United states. He can't, drawing imaginary red lines makes us look weak. Netanyahu says he will protect his people, and Iran has been warned. Israel has bombed Iran before, and Iran knows Israel means it. All Obama does is lie, apologizes for america being a great country, and shows the world he is not a leader. So I guess the first thing Obama could do to start being a leader, is to tell the truth for once.

Politically correct liberals tend to make terrible leaders.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Because what you think about that is not true. You are believing a lie.
How many times does Netanyahu have to say that they can take care of themselves?
If they are forced to bomb Iran they will.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?

Obama should putting stricter sanctions on Iran as they are STILL not in compliance with the IAEA. Why on earth would you want to make it easier for them to procure and enrich uranium? On what world does that make sense?

because somewhere deep down inside, he is on their side.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Because what you think about that is not true. You are believing a lie.
How many times does Netanyahu have to say that they can take care of themselves?
If they are forced to bomb Iran they will.
If Bibi can handle it, why's he making a speech to congress?
how do you wingers make this about the president?

Obama hates Bibi, well technically, Obama hate Jews, but the win by Bibi angers Obama and the Antisemitic democrats.


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