Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

Well I know some RWs here think I am Left on this. I am not.

I want a one state solution. One big democracy for the area.

Do the support this?

Don't you think if the Palis cared ONE BIT about living in peace, they would be concentrating on rebuilding their infrastructure, etc., for their citizens? Instead, they spend their "aid" money on rockets and weapons.

The Israelis are stealing their tax revenues.

Stealing whose tax revenues? Why would anyone believe anything you claim? You are just another dishonest politically correct moronic liberal who cannot assess a situation honestly and come to your own conclusions.
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

The hundreds of innocents that Netanyahu massacred last summer might disagree with you.

The Palis have no one to blame but their terrorist leaders for these massacres. They set up military targets in residential areas on purpose so that they can use it as propaganda. Israeli has a duty to protect it's citizens, just as we would expect our government to do for us.

The Palestinians are not rebuilding their cities with their aid money. Why? Because they are too consumed with hatred, just like most Islamists.
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

They chose to guarantee (if they stay this course) that someday some crazy fucks are going to set off a nuke in downtown Tel Aviv,

and then, for all practical purposes,

the debate will be over.

Obama is choosing that, that's why he is taking it in the ass from Iran.

In principle, since the terrorist nation of Israel has nukes, Iran has the right to nukes for self-defense.

Israel has had nuclear weapons since the 1960s. Argument fail.
Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Israel isn't even at the table with Iran.

As our ally and with continued threats from Iranian leadership and the Iranians antisemitism, of course we have to be concerned. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Not the topic of the thread, it's just that the Lefty's here need to deflect from this Nation's meddling in the election taking place in an allied nation.
You said Netanyahu's win was "humiliating" for Obama.

Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

It embarrasses him in that he did everything he could do to unseat the article makes clear.

As for affecting his every day life nothing.

Obama should not have interfered.

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

Of course, but usually it is to benefit the United States, not to hurt us.
The only reason that Netanyahu's victory was historic was because this was the first time the American media paid that much attention to an Israeli election.
Previously no Americans really gave a crap. This time it was it was not only an Israeli election but a battle between Netanyahu and Obama. Should be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Not the topic of the thread, it's just that the Lefty's here need to deflect from this Nation's meddling in the election taking place in an allied nation.
You said Netanyahu's win was "humiliating" for Obama.

Netanyahu’s win affects

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

It embarrasses him in that he did everything he could do to unseat the article makes clear.

As for affecting his every day life nothing.

Obama should not have interfered.

Do you mean to say the United States has not meddled in elections before Obama came along? You sure you want to wave that measuring stick around?

(smile) Read my op.

Obama and well...YOU and every other Lefty SCREAMED like little children about Bibi's speech and yet not a peep about The King ACTIVELY interfering in an Israeli Election.

I'm good with whatever you kids throw at me.
So this IS about the Iran negotiations.

Netanyahu’s win affects US negotiations with

And I did not scream about Bibi's speech. I could not have cared less about it.

As for US meddling in foreign elections, goldfish, one has only to go back just a few years to the Iraqi and Afghani elections. Now THAT was some serious meddling.

Your whining is classic mote vs beam hypocrisy.

Lol, yeah sure.
Netanyahoo came, collected his $300 million for his nuclear research, waved a childish nuclear poster in front of the Republicans, played show and tell, had a robust ass kissing session, then left for home feeling all meltie inside .. Next year we give him another $4 billion dollars.

whats not to love?
Somehow that money spent, which I don't think we should be spending, bothers me far less than our tax dollars obie used to try running a campaign against him. Our president is a fucking chum bucket of asshole.

Maybe you should move to Israel since you seem to like the leader there better.
No, that will change in 2016.
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

They chose to guarantee (if they stay this course) that someday some crazy fucks are going to set off a nuke in downtown Tel Aviv,

and then, for all practical purposes,

the debate will be over.

Obama is choosing that, that's why he is taking it in the ass from Iran.

In principle, since the terrorist nation of Israel has nukes, Iran has the right to nukes for self-defense.

Israel has had nuclear weapons since the 1960s. Argument fail.

Iran doesn't have the right to defend itself against Israel? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

It's not a who, it's a "what.". Distance. The Israelis don't have aircraft with the range to hit Iran, or aircraft carriers. That's why Bibi is now down on his knees begging for the USA to do his dirty work.
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

They chose to guarantee (if they stay this course) that someday some crazy fucks are going to set off a nuke in downtown Tel Aviv,

and then, for all practical purposes,

the debate will be over.

Obama is choosing that, that's why he is taking it in the ass from Iran.

In principle, since the terrorist nation of Israel has nukes, Iran has the right to nukes for self-defense.

Israel has had nuclear weapons since the 1960s. Argument fail.

Iran doesn't have the right to defend itself against Israel? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Iran doesn't want to "defend" themselves. Lol. They want to have power and control, so they can be an even BIGGER PITA than they already are. They are still not in compliance with IAEA requests, so NO, they should not be allowed to have any kind of weapons at all. They are a terrorist county that harbors, trains and supports terrorism throughout the ME. They fight battles per proxy with terrorism. They have never been in compliance with the IAEA requests. They hide things, do things illegally against the international community, and they are an Islamic state who believe in the coming of a 12th imam. How stupid must you be? Oh wait . . .
Israeli voters had an opportunity to choose aggression or peace. They chose aggression.

They chose to guarantee (if they stay this course) that someday some crazy fucks are going to set off a nuke in downtown Tel Aviv,

and then, for all practical purposes,

the debate will be over.

Obama is choosing that, that's why he is taking it in the ass from Iran.

In principle, since the terrorist nation of Israel has nukes, Iran has the right to nukes for self-defense.

Israel has had nuclear weapons since the 1960s. Argument fail.

Iran doesn't have the right to defend itself against Israel? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Iran should be under heavier sanctions than ever. They are a threat to everyone.
Agree. I'm not an Obama fan but republican but very disgusted the way Obama is being treated by these people. Most don't even understand the subject but hatred to Obama comes first. I will never vote for republicans again & I know several that will do the same.
hundreds of innocents

since when are homicide bombers, rocket launching muslimes and their cousins, brothers, sisters etc. become innocent ??????

you fucking libs really love the muslimes attempting to turn Israel into a muslime state......, WHY ?

Because the liberals don't like Christians or Jews, and neither does Islam. Liberals are childish and believe that the enemy of their enemy is their friend. Lol. Yes, they are THAT stupid.

Little do they know that if and when Islam is unleashed upon the secular world, they will be the first victims of Islam. Islamists HATE atheists even more than Jews, and a LOT of libs are atheists.
Agree. I'm not an Obama fan but republican but very disgusted the way Obama is being treated by these people. Most don't even understand the subject but hatred to Obama comes first. I will never vote for republicans again & I know several that will do the same.

Good, you should be voting for 3rd party candidates to end this democrat/republican monopoly on our country. Both of the major political parties put party politics before country.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.
Remind me how you took offense when Bush was President and the left was doing much worse?

The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.

There was never any reason to. Obama is tearing this country apart.
Most of the horrible things said about Bush was lies. Most of the things said about Obama are true. That's the difference.

An asshole like you being the arbiter of "truth". That is the funniest thing I have seen you write yet? Nice job.
Try again though. With your thought process, anything is possible in terms of writing something just as funny.
The most transparent administration. Lie
You can keep your doctor. Lie
Red line. Lie
The only thing he actually voted in as a senator. Was yes to late term abortion. Sorry person
He finds out about major world events on the news with the rest of America. Lie
Keeping riots alive and well in Ferguson, race baiting. Sorry person
He cuts and runs from Iraq not leaving any troops in Iraq, not listening to his advisers. Thousands of soldiers die in vain. Sorry person
He lies about a terrorist attack that killed four innocent americans. Sorry person
He lies every time he opens his mouth, and you still support him. Which that makes you a fool, a leader that will not or can not tell the truth. A liberal hero.

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