Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.
Nobody, Netanyahu will do it when he fills his people are in danger. Why can't you see that? A real leader.
Who should Obama bomb to be a "real leader" in your opinion?
I think Obama should protect the citizens of the United states. He can't, drawing imaginary red lines makes us look weak. Netanyahu says he will protect his people, and Iran has been warned. Israel has bombed Iran before...

Israel has not bombed Iran but rather their neighbor, Iraq, and did so with Iran's cooperation.
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Bibi does not want anyone to bomb Iran. He wants our negotiations to result in the cessation of Iran's bomb-making capabilities. I don't know what happened to you, Dog, but you now post like a raging idiot. Could it be you feel Obama's butthurt?
why is Israel allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran?
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Because what you think about that is not true. You are believing a lie.
How many times does Netanyahu have to say that they can take care of themselves?
If they are forced to bomb Iran they will.
If Bibi can handle it, why's he making a speech to congress?

Because Obama is doing a bad negotiation deal with Iran.
You really should do some research other than just far lefty sites that are spinning out political lies.
Your view points are making you look very uninformed.
What's the deal, and why's it so bad?
they have nukes, why do they need a bunker buster?

Whether or not Israel has nukes doesn't mean she can afford to be the first to unleash them. There will be no Israeli first strike which is why the Saudis consider potential Iranian nukes - not Israeli ones - to be their cue to get into the big-bomb biz.
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What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Bibi does not want anyone to bomb Iran. He wants our negotiations to result in the cessation of Iran's bomb-making capabilities. I don't know what happened to you, Dog, but you now post like a raging idiot. Could it be you feel Obama's butthurt?
why is Israel allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran?

Why do you ask the same silly question repeatedly? Do you have an issue absorbing anything not contained in YouTube form?
If as is rumored Israel has nukes she has already exhibited the maturity and rationality to possess them. Can anyone in their right mind say the same about the Iranians? Anyone?
they have nukes, why do they need a bunker buster?

Whether or not Israel has nukes doesn't mean she can afford to be the first you unleash them. There will be no Israeli first strike which is why the Saudis consider potential Iranian nukes - not Israeli ones - to be their cue to get into the big-bomb biz.
There you have it. Israel will never be the first launch, and everyone everywhere knows that if Iran put one bomb on Israel, Israel would respond with at least ten. So, for Netanyahu's claim of "existential threat" to have any validity, one has to conclude the Iranians are insane and suicidal. There's no evidence of that. They've never done anything remotely suicidal, and while they're at least as capable of homicide as is Israel and the US, I don't see that they've done anything remotely insane.

The real danger of Iranian having a nuclear bomb is a arms race in the sunni nations.
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Bibi does not want anyone to bomb Iran. He wants our negotiations to result in the cessation of Iran's bomb-making capabilities. I don't know what happened to you, Dog, but you now post like a raging idiot. Could it be you feel Obama's butthurt?
why is Israel allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran?

Why do you ask the same silly question repeatedly? Do you have an issue absorbing anything not contained in YouTube form?
If as is rumored Israel has nukes she has already exhibited the maturity and rationality to possess them. Can anyone in their right mind say the same about the Iranians? Anyone?
see my response to your post 284, which I agreed with.
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Bibi does not want anyone to bomb Iran. He wants our negotiations to result in the cessation of Iran's bomb-making capabilities. I don't know what happened to you, Dog, but you now post like a raging idiot. Could it be you feel Obama's butthurt?
why is Israel allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran?

Why do you ask the same silly question repeatedly? Do you have an issue absorbing anything not contained in YouTube form?
If as is rumored Israel has nukes she has already exhibited the maturity and rationality to possess them. Can anyone in their right mind say the same about the Iranians? Anyone?
Israel has nukes dont pretend
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

Bibi does not want anyone to bomb Iran. He wants our negotiations to result in the cessation of Iran's bomb-making capabilities. I don't know what happened to you, Dog, but you now post like a raging idiot. Could it be you feel Obama's butthurt?
why is Israel allowed to have nuclear weapons but not Iran?

because israel does not want to dominate the world with radical islam.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

It is easy... everything Obama does, he looks bad. Woeful incompetence will do that.
they have nukes, why do they need a bunker buster?

Whether or not Israel has nukes doesn't mean she can afford to be the first to unleash them. There will be no Israeli first strike which is why the Saudis consider potential Iranian nukes - not Israeli ones - to be their cue to get into the big-bomb biz.

If Israel did not have nukes it would have already been destroyed.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.
Remind me how you took offense when Bush was President and the left was doing much worse?

The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.

Oh, yeah, right... forget the book about how to assassinate Bush.
It's not about Iran invading us. It's about Iran developing a nuclear weapon and either deploying it against Israel or getting a terrorist organization to deploy one against us or Israel. Nobody said anything about Iran invading us. A country can do things other than ground invasion and still be very much a threat to another nation.

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