Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

Iran HIDES things. What don't you understand about that? They lie and they hide things. This has been proven time and time again. They have given us absolutely NO reason to trust them to be honest and stand by their word. They have repeatedly ignored and gone against international law time and time again.

Bibi is smart not to trust the Iranians. Unfortunately, we have a liberal bleeding heart progressive who is brainwashed by political correctness in the White House right now. That isn't good for anybody.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad.

Your would-be President looks bad > . <

And that's because "BAD" is the natural look of evil... once one manages to gain an objective perspective, which in truth, is what you're complaining about.

The POTUS makes HIMSELF look bad. Lol. He is always trying to make shady deals and using loop holes to bypass congress. I don't trust him any more than I trust Iran . . . okay maybe I trust him just a BIT more than the Iranians but not much. :D
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

Iran HIDES things. What don't you understand about that? They lie and they hide things. This has been proven time and time again. They have given us absolutely NO reason to trust them to be honest and stand by their word. They have repeatedly ignored and gone against international law time and time again.

Bibi is smart not to trust the Iranians. Unfortunately, we have a liberal bleeding heart progressive who is brainwashed by political correctness in the White House right now. That isn't good for anybody.
Hide things, like Israel still hiding their nuclear program? News for you, Iran has every right to build the bomb. They are a nation and that is what nations do. And no one, should ever trust the US or Israel, no one.
Hide things, like Israel still hiding their nuclear program? News for you, Iran has every right to build the bomb. They are a nation and that is what nations do. And no one, should ever trust the US or Israel, no one.

There is a divide, you of the radical left, and radical Islam are on one side, America and Israel are on the other side.

Unfortunately, Obama sides with the left and Islam.

Hide things, like Israel still hiding their nuclear program? News for you, Iran has every right to build the bomb. They are a nation and that is what nations do. And no one, should ever trust the US or Israel, no one.

There is a divide, you of the radical left, and radical Islam are on one side, America and Israel are on the other side.

Unfortunately, Obama sides with the left and Islam.

Radical Islam is on the right, dummy. It's why Obama is bombing them. The are Reactionaries like you, trying to turn back the clock.
Radical Islam is on the right, dummy. It's why Obama is bombing them. The are Reactionaries like you, trying to turn back the clock.

Obama coddles radical Islam. He put the Terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood in charge of Egypt, installed Al Qaeda in Libya, backs Al Qaeda in Syria.

The American left is practically PART of radical Islam.
Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Redfish, why don't you tell us which Israeli aircraft can deliver a 30,000 lb bunker-buster bomb to Iran?

It amuses me, how the biggest warhawks tend to be so ignorant of military equipment and tactics.
F-15I can deliver one at a time. 3000 mile round trip for the jet. Would need airborne re-fueling.
Radical Islam is on the right, dummy. It's why Obama is bombing them. The are Reactionaries like you, trying to turn back the clock.

Obama coddles radical Islam. He put the Terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood in charge of Egypt, installed Al Qaeda in Libya, backs Al Qaeda in Syria.

The American left is practically PART of radical Islam.
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.
What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.
Radical Islam is on the right, dummy. It's why Obama is bombing them. The are Reactionaries like you, trying to turn back the clock.

Obama coddles radical Islam. He put the Terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood in charge of Egypt, installed Al Qaeda in Libya, backs Al Qaeda in Syria.

The American left is practically PART of radical Islam.

I don't agree that they are a "part" of Islam (or at least MOST of them). However, they support them, and that is really no better.

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