Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.

This is factually absolutely correct.

The lands that we now know as Eretz Yisrael and most of Jordan were all one piece of land under British Mandate. It belonged to the Brits and they could do with it as they pleased. Only, as soon as Jews were able to get a barren ground to produce oranges the size of grapefruits did Arabs (and that reads as: Muslims) go livid.

On this one, I think you are very right. ChrisL.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.
That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

No, the land did not belong to the Arabs when it was given to Israel. Sorry, but you are the one who is wrong.

It's the Palestinians who won't allow it. It's the Palestinians who are consumed with hatred and "vengeance." If you can't see that, then you are FAR gone.
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

No, the land did not belong to the Arabs when it was given to Israel. Sorry, but you are the one who is wrong.

It's the Palestinians who won't allow it. It's the Palestinians who are consumed with hatred and "vengeance." If you can't see that, then you are FAR gone.
How odd, they want the Jewish squatters kicked off of their lands. Damn these people are unreasonable.
That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.

This is factually absolutely correct.

The lands that we now know as Eretz Yisrael and most of Jordan were all one piece of land under British Mandate. It belonged to the Brits and they could do with it as they pleased. Only, as soon as Jews were able to get a barren ground to produce oranges the size of grapefruits did Arabs (and that reads as: Muslims) go livid.

On this one, I think you are very right. ChrisL.

OMG! I'm shocked and speechless! :eek-52:
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

You already admitted that you hate America and Israel.

Obama is a solid and dependable ally for Al Qaeda. ISIS is an enemy both Al Qaeda and Obama share, which changes nothing about the fact that Obama and his followers support Al Qaeda.
No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

No, the land did not belong to the Arabs when it was given to Israel. Sorry, but you are the one who is wrong.

It's the Palestinians who won't allow it. It's the Palestinians who are consumed with hatred and "vengeance." If you can't see that, then you are FAR gone.
How odd, they want the Jewish squatters kicked off of their lands. Damn these people are unreasonable.

It is not "their" land. Arab people are, generally speaking, very antisemitic. As much as you would like to think they are just like us, they are not like us at all. I know some people who have lived in different parts of the ME and have heard their stories about Arab men. You want to talk about racism, hatred, misogyny?? Geez!!!
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?
Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?

They did not purchase the land.
In 1858 the Ottoman Authority introduced the law of tabu to establish rights of land ownership. Landowners were instructed to have their property inscribed in the land register. They refused because they did not want to pay taxes and it also required them to fight in the Turkish Army.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.
bibi comes over to boost his election chances frightening his people with made up threats he can't stop cause he knows how easy israel got away with making nukes. he did this frightening because the israeli people along with the world's population, is tired of the growing disparities between the ultra rich and the middle class. that is the issue all are coming to see as the global issue of our time along with climate and freedom
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?

They did not purchase the land.
In 1858 the Ottoman Authority introduced the law of tabu to establish rights of land ownership. Landowners were instructed to have their property inscribed in the land register. They refused because they did not want to pay taxes and it also required them to fight in the Turkish Army.

It was in the 1800s that the OTTOMANS-----the recognized owners of the land began to sell it to jews.-------some Christian churches bought some too. The real problem is shariah law. According to shariah law -------muslims own it all--------sales to non muslims are invalid. The issue is POV it's all the fault of DA TURKS----
erdogan promises change-----the ayatoilets do shariah as does ISIS----
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?[/QUOTE]

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea

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