Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

No, all humans are not racist.

What in the hell does gender have to do with this discussion? Why should I care about that crap? I do not.

all humans, and most mammals, tend to congregate with individuals who are most like them. its not racism, its human nature.
Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea[/QUOTE]
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people
jk, tell me now really the truth. Who is stopping Israel form bombing the shit out of Iran? Who is the big gun telling them not to do it or war would break out.

Because Israel is not the bad guys.
Hamas wants to wipe them out as a race. Hamas wants all the land.

What does any of that have to do with why Bibi wants us to bomb Iran and won't do it himself?

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

How in the hell would YOU know what Iran is doing? They lie and cheat. No, the IAEA chief says they are NOT in compliance. Iran has given us and the world NO reason to trust them to cooperate. NONE.

U.N. nuclear watchdog says pace of Iran s cooperation slow Reuters

(Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief said on Monday Iran was being slow to cooperate with his agency's investigation into the Iranian atomic program and that the inquiry could not continue indefinitely.

Diplomats have voiced doubt over whether the outstanding issues in the U.N. investigation would be resolved before a broader diplomatic agreement is reached between Iran and the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany.

The seven countries have set a deadline of late March for a framework deal and June for a comprehensive final settlement that would curb Iran's nuclear activity to ensure it cannot be put to bombmaking in return for the lifting of international sanctions that have hammered the oil-based Iranian economy.

When asked about a time frame for the U.N. inquiry running parallel to the higher-level negotiations, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said: "It depends on the level and pace of cooperation from Iran, I cannot tell by when...

"We have asked questions and the questions are clear, so (Iran) can answer."

The Islamic Republic has yet to address two outstanding issues relating to alleged explosives tests and other measures that might have been used for nuclear bomb research which it should have explained away by last August.
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people[/QUOTE]

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.
I knew you'd reject that truth even though I originally bumped into that while reading the accounts of those who survived the camps. An old Jewish woman said that and it instantly showed true. She was an honest one, something that offends you.

Tell me, would you rather die fighting or in a shower? If you're you'd have to agree that they were cowards, and they were.
They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.
No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don;t post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

an XY person who appears female is a victim of a condition known as TESTICULAR FEMINIZATION. Such female appearing people are infertile. They do not menstruate. -------XX male does not actually occur----but can seem so as a manifestation of polycystic ovarian dysfunction
Answer the question, is an XY female a girl or a boy?

Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
XX male syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

androgen insensitivity is just another name for TESTICULAR FEMINIZATION --------XX male is a phenotypic thing based on a whole host of reasons related to mess up in the generation of
gametes. Male phenotype is sorta the basic thing-----GIRLS IS SPECIALIZED-----their balls become OVARIES <<<better
Answer the question, is an XY female a girl or a boy? Why can't you answer?

socially an XY victim of testicular feminization is an infertile girl----
but not eligible for participation in the OLYMPICS as a female----
OK ? good enough? Such people live their lives
as women and often go undiagnosed
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
they were living in the land but didn't care about it? that is so funny. do jews have any sense of right and wrong? they get taken from their homes and shops all over europe and because it was so unjust to them they go "home" to other peoples' homes and shops and take them by force. this is the way of their God. might makes right and they shall die by the sword because that's how they've always lived. like wild savage animals.
My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

No, all humans are not racist.

What in the hell does gender have to do with this discussion? Why should I care about that crap? I do not.

all humans, and most mammals, tend to congregate with individuals who are most like them. its not racism, its human nature.

Being alike has nothing to do with skin color though. Although I grew up in a basically white middle class community, there were several black kids that I attended school with growing up, and I had plenty in common with them. They were middle class black children who were very nice kids.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.
They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.
I knew you'd reject that truth even though I originally bumped into that while reading the accounts of those who survived the camps. An old Jewish woman said that and it instantly showed true. She was an honest one, something that offends you.

Tell me, would you rather die fighting or in a shower? If you're you'd have to agree that they were cowards, and they were.

Rejected what truth? That nazis terrorized and committed genocide? So . . . even if they were naive, NOBODY deserves that, you sicko.
Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
they were living in the land but didn't care about it? that is so funny. do jews have any sense of right and wrong? they get taken from their homes and shops all over europe and because it was so unjust to them they go "home" to other peoples' homes and shops and take them by force. this is the way of their God. might makes right and they shall die by the sword because that's how they've always lived. like wild savage animals.

Shut the hell up, loser. You are an ignorant bigot, not worthy of recognition.
No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people[/QUOTE]

who is "you" in your moronic post? where are you expecting
mushroom clouds?
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don;t post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

an XY person who appears female is a victim of a condition known as TESTICULAR FEMINIZATION. Such female appearing people are infertile. They do not menstruate. -------XX male does not actually occur----but can seem so as a manifestation of polycystic ovarian dysfunction
Answer the question, is an XY female a girl or a boy?

Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
XX male syndrome - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

androgen insensitivity is just another name for TESTICULAR FEMINIZATION --------XX male is a phenotypic thing based on a whole host of reasons related to mess up in the generation of
gametes. Male phenotype is sorta the basic thing-----GIRLS IS SPECIALIZED-----their balls become OVARIES <<<better
Answer the question, is an XY female a girl or a boy? Why can't you answer?

socially an XY victim of testicular feminization is an infertile girl----
but not eligible for participation in the OLYMPICS as a female----
OK ? good enough? Such people live their lives
as women and often go undiagnosed
So, she is female then, which means it is based on looks because you wouldn't want her in the boy's locker room now would you?
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.[/QUOTE]
your God told your ancestors to murder women and children an commit genocide which your book has recorded. you did it again in 48 granted to you by your messiah hitler with his chosen people creed to rule for a thousand years. your times up. it's time to get rid of those that live by the sword.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

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