Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

the great thing is God won't have to lift a finger to destroy your corrupt holy land. you backward misguided wandering jews will fall upon your own sword
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.
your God told your ancestors to murder women and children an commit genocide which your book has recorded. you did it again in 48 granted to you by your messiah hitler with his chosen people creed to rule for a thousand years. your times up. it's time to get rid of those that live by the sword.[/QUOTE]

to whom are you addressing your moronic post?
Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.
your a lawyer selling justice?
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.
I knew you'd reject that truth even though I originally bumped into that while reading the accounts of those who survived the camps. An old Jewish woman said that and it instantly showed true. She was an honest one, something that offends you.

Tell me, would you rather die fighting or in a shower? If you're you'd have to agree that they were cowards, and they were.

Rejected what truth? That nazis terrorized and committed genocide? So . . . even if they were naive, NOBODY deserves that, you sicko.
No, they didn't deserve it, but they went to their deaths like lambs to the slaughter, so what does that make them, men or pussies?
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.
your God told your ancestors to murder women and children an commit genocide which your book has recorded. you did it again in 48 granted to you by your messiah hitler with his chosen people creed to rule for a thousand years. your times up. it's time to get rid of those that live by the sword.

to whom are you addressing your moronic post?[/QUOTE]
to all evil jews that follow war as a way of life
Look we get it, you are confused as to what your gender is.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.
your a lawyer selling justice?
Nope, but we both bill by the hour.
Not at all. Mine is easy, unlike theirs. You guys are the ones all up in arms over gender so answer the question, how do you tell?

I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.
your God told your ancestors to murder women and children an commit genocide which your book has recorded. you did it again in 48 granted to you by your messiah hitler with his chosen people creed to rule for a thousand years. your times up. it's time to get rid of those that live by the sword.[/QUOTE]

Ignorance becomes you.

In the OT war was used as judgment, whether it was the Non Jewish peoples on the Jews or the Jews on the non Jews.

In both cases it was God judging one or the other for disobedience.

Radical Islam of which I suspect you are a part of truly lives by the sword.
I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.

And yours is?


You are a kook.
the great thing is God won't have to lift a finger to destroy your corrupt holy land. you backward misguided wandering jews will fall upon your own sword

were health care workers. During world war II---my father was in the navy and was SHIP BURSAR (that means he was the accountant------he never shot anyone or launched a torpedo)
[QUOTE="haissem123, post: 1
is anybody denying the fact that the main thing Israelis are concerned about is the middle class going bye bye and the rich getting richer as the rest getting poorer just like everybody else in the world concerned about our run away greed fest that never ends well for the masses and even the few now that we've become the destroyer of worlds?

who is "we" SIVA is the destroyer of worlds-------but not really----he does not actually destroy worlds-----it is a kind of poetic idea
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people

Go fuck yourself, you no good Islamic fucker. If there is such a thing as evil, your belief system is the epitome of evil.
your God told your ancestors to murder women and children an commit genocide which your book has recorded. you did it again in 48 granted to you by your messiah hitler with his chosen people creed to rule for a thousand years. your times up. it's time to get rid of those that live by the sword.[/QUOTE]

You don't know shit about me, you little piss ant.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

No, all humans are not racist.

What in the hell does gender have to do with this discussion? Why should I care about that crap? I do not.

all humans, and most mammals, tend to congregate with individuals who are most like them. its not racism, its human nature.

Being alike has nothing to do with skin color though. Although I grew up in a basically white middle class community, there were several black kids that I attended school with growing up, and I had plenty in common with them. They were middle class black children who were very nice kids.

sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on which criteria the people place the most importance on. Grouping by race is not inherently bad, thats the point.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

Jesus fucking Christ, you deranged lunatics really are diseased in the head. Obama won. Twice. Get over it. I don't like it either, but that's just the way the cookie fucking crumbles. Every time you ODS dumb fucks pollute existence with what is seemingly the most pathetic display of dumbfuckery biologically possible by modern humans or any ape-like ancestor, you end up coming out with something even worse!

So now foreign elections for another country's prime minister is going to be your way of living vicariously an imagined scenario of Obama losing an election? Why don't you just leave? Go live in Israel if you think it's so much better. You sound just like the idiot liberals who complain about their jobs all day long and think they're entitled to get paid more money just because they want it. Nobody is stopping you from going anywhere else. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. So just go, take your stupidity with you, we don't need it here.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

Jesus fucking Christ, you deranged lunatics really are diseased in the head. Obama won. Twice. Get over it. I don't like it either, but that's just the way the cookie fucking crumbles. Every time you ODS dumb fucks pollute existence with what is seemingly the most pathetic display of dumbfuckery biologically possible by modern humans or any ape-like ancestor, you end up coming out with something even worse!

So now foreign elections for another country's prime minister is going to be your way of living vicariously an imagined scenario of Obama losing an election? Why don't you just leave? Go live in Israel if you think it's so much better. You sound just like the idiot liberals who complain about their jobs all day long and think they're entitled to get paid more money just because they want it. Nobody is stopping you from going anywhere else. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. So just go, take your stupidity with you, we don't need it here.

Obama used american tax money to try to influence a foreign election. Thats what is being discussed here. Once again he breaks the law and no one gives a shit. amazing.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stunning victory yesterday — polls at the end of last week had people writing off his chances — means he will become only the second person to be elected prime minister for a third term (the other being Israel’s founder David Ben-Gurion). “King Bibi” has established himself as one of the dominant figures in the history of the modern state of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is hardly a person without flaws. But for those of us who admire his toughness and moral clarity on world events — and who appreciate his obvious love for his nation and for ours — it was a splendid turn of events."

"As for the current occupant of the White House, it was a disastrous one."

"We know that Jeremy Bird, who served as Obama’s deputy national campaign director in 2008 and his national campaign director in 2012, arrived in Israel in January to help unseat Mr. Netanyahu."

Netanyahu s Historic Win and Obama s Humiliating Loss - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

The USMB Jew haters freaked out over a speech and yet have no problem with a petty, narcissistic child in the WH actively trying to influence another Nation's elections.

You cannot make this shit up, the left in America is as fucked up as they can be.

Jesus fucking Christ, you deranged lunatics really are diseased in the head. Obama won. Twice. Get over it. I don't like it either, but that's just the way the cookie fucking crumbles. Every time you ODS dumb fucks pollute existence with what is seemingly the most pathetic display of dumbfuckery biologically possible by modern humans or any ape-like ancestor, you end up coming out with something even worse!

So now foreign elections for another country's prime minister is going to be your way of living vicariously an imagined scenario of Obama losing an election? Why don't you just leave? Go live in Israel if you think it's so much better. You sound just like the idiot liberals who complain about their jobs all day long and think they're entitled to get paid more money just because they want it. Nobody is stopping you from going anywhere else. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. So just go, take your stupidity with you, we don't need it here.

Chill baby, I do not want to be responsible for you stroking out.

Actually I could care less, however you like every other kook here didn't grasp the point of the OP.

You saw Obama's name and lost it.

Here is the point Cletus (again).....Obama and you Lefty's lost it over a SPEECH.
Obama tried to SWAY an Election.

Stay with me here numb is sheer hypocrisy on yours and the Boi King's part to be outraged over a speech while a Narcissistic piece of shit is interfering in another Nation's elections.

I know that's A LOT of information for you all at once...just chew it slowly.

Dumb shit.
World No Longer Bound to Defend Israel Internationally

The Israeli electorate had a choice to make. By re-electing a leader whopublicly reneged on his commitments to peace and a two-state solution, they voted against peace. What remains now is how the Palestinians and the world will react to the closure of the charade that was called the peace process.

Palestinians have for years lost hope in the peace process and have been telling everyone who is willing to listen that the Israeli leaders are merely giving lip service to it as their own bulldozers were gobbling up Palestinian lands. The world kept on believing in the lip service until the Israeli public forced their leader to state his case in Hebrew to his own people. Now that we know that Israel is not a democracy to all its citizens (see Netanyahu's racist comments about Arab citizens) and Netanyahu never meant his commitment to a Palestinian state, the world must react.

Nutanyahoo = aggression.

They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

The hundreds of innocents that Netanyahu massacred last summer might disagree with you.

Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.
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Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.

And yours is?


You are a kook.

We're convinced PMH is a mental patient... or at best, a habitual drug abuser.
Sane people always looks insane, to fucking fruitcakes like you two.

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.

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