Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.
They stole it first.
That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.
God gave that land to the Jews. So let no man take it away from them.
I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.

And yours is?


You are a kook.

We're convinced PMH is a mental patient... or at best, a habitual drug abuser.
Sane people always looks insane, to fucking fruitcakes like you two.

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Nobody stole anything from them. The Brits controlled and owned that territory, and through proxy of the UN at the time, it was agreed to give Israel this parcel of land because it was basically uninhabitable and only nomads roamed the area. Once it was "given" to Israel, is when the Arabs started with their temper tantrums. Everyone knows this. You aren't fooling anybody.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.
God gave that land to the Jews. So let no man take it away from them.
No, He didn't. That was written, ........................................................................wait for it, the Jews.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.
They stole it first.
They didn't steal it, they were on it.
Good thing with the Israel election
Netanyahu’s comments made the left's collective head spin:

“Anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state, anyone who is going to evacuate territories today, is simply giving a base for attacks to the radical Islam against Israel,” he said. “This is the true reality that was created here in the last few years.”

Netanyahu went on to say that any opponents on the left who might argue otherwise are “sticking their head in the sand, time and time again.”

No doubt the dangerous position of Papa Obama and Iran
helped to push the election into Netanyahu’s arms

He should really thank him
Well Iran is certainly happy that Bibi won. He's their built-in excuse for building the bomb.

What was their excuse to build the bomb before the election?
He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Can't be stolen when there is no registration or deeds to the land.
That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.
They stole it first.
They didn't steal it, they were on it.
How do you think Jerusalem got it's name? It wasn't named by the Arabs. and the Jews lived there until the Muslims took it away from them.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.
They stole it first.
They didn't steal it, they were on it.
How do you think Jerusalem got it's name? It wasn't named by the Arabs. and the Jews lived there until the Muslims took it away from them.
That city was there long before the Jews. History of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Who have been evicted, often completely, from the Holy land many times. They have no more right to be there than anyone else, and they stole the land they have now.
The Left never treated Bush with this kind of raw hate like the righties treat our current president. Not even in the ballpark.
BFS you libturd liar.

I never question Bush's love for his country or his loyality to it.

I thought what he did was very misguided and he got involved in unnecessary wars and destroyed the economy with the full support of the GOP.

In any other country the GOP as a party would be destroyed for a generation.

I have written almost exactly those words a number of times here...

I have a problem when those exact words are "involved in unnecessary wars." and "destroyed the economy with the full support of the GOP."

The attack on 911 more than justified the war on Afghanistan since that is where it was directed from. Bush got approval from the Congress and the UN to depose Saddam Hussein. The economy was destroyed by the housing boom collapse that started by a policy established by Bill Clinton and was continued under Bush.
The US's policy has been bipartisan and continuous since Israel's founding after we voted in the UN to partition "Palestine" back in 1948 or so, and it has been a two state solution on the land the UN partitioned. It was a British protectorate after WWI when the former Turkish Empire lost its colonies. Prior to that it was "Palestine" and under their control for hundreds of years. Apparently, the gop wants to alter our policy.
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

No you have it backwards, It's the Palestinians who does not want a peace agreement and wants all of the land and Iran is helping them with weapons.
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Can't be stolen when there is no registration or deeds to the land.
Actually, there is.
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
I don't blame Israel for that. But, if our policy is to support their stealing the land, then I think our policy is not in our OWN self-interest. It'd be a different thing if there was any likelihood there arab states were going to attack conventionally, but those days are long past .... unless some superpower wants to start sending them tanks and jets again.
It's more likely that unicorns exist than Bibi will ever allow a two state solution. I mean that was obvious in the FIRST intifadah.
Reagan was not the only president willing to put daylight between the United States and Israel. His successor, George H.W. Bush, made waves at a 1990 news conference when he said, “My position is that the foreign policy of the United States says we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem.” It was a statement that could just as easily have been made by President Obama. But unlike Obama, Bush took this controversial position a step further, conditioning $10 billion of loan guarantees to Israel on a total cessation of settlement building. He later compromised and allowed the loans to go forward, but with deductions commensurate with Israel’s construction in the occupied territories.

His son George W. Bush is often held up as a model of unwavering support of Israel. But he took after his father when it came to settlement policy. As the New York Times reported in November 2003, the Bush Administration rescinded $289.5 million of loan guarantees to Israel as “punishment for illegal construction activities in the West Bank.” These sentiments were also expressed in international forums. Bush’s hawkish ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, serving as the president of the Security Council in 2006, issued a statement on its behalf declaring: “The Security Council underlines the need for the Palestinian Authority to prevent terrorist attacks and dismantle the infrastructure of terror. It reiterates its view that settlement expansion must stop and its concern regarding the route of the [Israeli security] barrier.”

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