Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.

And yours is?


You are a kook.

We're convinced PMH is a mental patient... or at best, a habitual drug abuser.
Sane people always looks insane, to fucking fruitcakes like you two.

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Bibi is dancing back his comments as fast as he can, now that he won.

He'd have made a great American Republican.

Projection kid.

If you like your plan you can keep it.
It will save American Families 2500 a year.
I learned about (name your scandal) the same way you did, watching the news.
If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr. and on and on and on
They will act as they always have, by lobbing rockets to Israel. Amd morons like you will call Netanyahu a terrorist for fighting back.

The hundreds of innocents that Netanyahu massacred last summer might disagree with you.

Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

No they weren't. 3 Israelis were killed. A group affiliated with ISIS took credit. Israel responded by massacring hundreds of Palestinians, including hundreds of children -

a mini-holocaust, if you will. How ironic.

You watch entirely too much left loon TV

Do you know what 'collective punishment' is? The Israelis practice it. The Nazis were experts at it.

Your Hezzy friends wouldn't allow your poor Palestinians to leave their homes despite a warning phone call from those mean Israeli's.

Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

No they weren't. 3 Israelis were killed. A group affiliated with ISIS took credit. Israel responded by massacring hundreds of Palestinians, including hundreds of children -

a mini-holocaust, if you will. How ironic.

You watch entirely too much left loon TV

Do you know what 'collective punishment' is? The Israelis practice it. The Nazis were experts at it.

You lob rockets into Israel you should expect a response

The Palestinians have the right of self-defense on their side.

You wouldn't have begrudged the French Resistance killing the occupying Nazis, would you?
No, but would begrudged them for blowing up school buses and tea shops or slitting baby's throats.

You do understand the difference between a freedom fighter/ resistance and a terrorist is their intended targets.

the Palestinians are going to Nuke the Jews which means Nuking themselves ..


just give NetanyaHOO $3 billion every year and stfu.
Iran doesn't give a fuck about the Palestinians and he think the 12th Imam will protect him from the fallout.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

We don't have to make that shitbag look bad, he does that very well on his own.
Well that doesn't speak well of Republicans then. Here's how Obama stacks up when compared to every single Republican going back as far as Gallup recorded job approval ratings. After 2,249 days in office...

Obama ......... 46%
GHW Bush ... 35%
GH Bush ....... not in office
Reagan ......... 47%
Ford .............. not in office
Nixon ............ not in office
Eisenhower .. 51%

Only one is almost beyond the margin of error of Obama's JAR. He statistically tied with Reagan, who the right revere as one of the best presidents ever. He's doing better than Bush beyond the MoE. And he's been in office longer than the rest.

Not too shabby. :thup:
I never question Bush's love for his country or his loyality to it.

I thought what he did was very misguided and he got involved in unnecessary wars and destroyed the economy with the full support of the GOP.

In any other country the GOP as a party would be destroyed for a generation.

Wow you really drank the kool aid didn't you
The hundreds of innocents that Netanyahu massacred last summer might disagree with you.

Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

No they weren't. 3 Israelis were killed. A group affiliated with ISIS took credit. Israel responded by massacring hundreds of Palestinians, including hundreds of children -

a mini-holocaust, if you will. How ironic.

You watch entirely too much left loon TV

Do you know what 'collective punishment' is? The Israelis practice it. The Nazis were experts at it.

You lob rockets into Israel you should expect a response

Thats call collective punishment which is a war crime...

Do every right wing here support a range of war crimes?
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
I don't blame Israel for that. But, if our policy is to support their stealing the land, then I think our policy is not in our OWN self-interest. It'd be a different thing if there was any likelihood there arab states were going to attack conventionally, but those days are long past .... unless some superpower wants to start sending them tanks and jets again.
Islamists must be destroyed where ever they exist. They cannot be allowed to out populate the non-Muslim population.

Nice views, You similar views to Hitler.
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?
Not true. Land is also acquired as a spoil of war.
I never question Bush's love for his country or his loyality to it.

I thought what he did was very misguided and he got involved in unnecessary wars and destroyed the economy with the full support of the GOP.

In any other country the GOP as a party would be destroyed for a generation.

Wow you really drank the kool aid didn't you
Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

No they weren't. 3 Israelis were killed. A group affiliated with ISIS took credit. Israel responded by massacring hundreds of Palestinians, including hundreds of children -

a mini-holocaust, if you will. How ironic.

You watch entirely too much left loon TV

Do you know what 'collective punishment' is? The Israelis practice it. The Nazis were experts at it.

You lob rockets into Israel you should expect a response

Thats call collective punishment which is a war crime...

Do every right wing here support a range of war crimes?

the only objective for RW's is a war. Damn the war crimes.
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?
Not true. Land is also acquired as a spoil of war.

really ? a "spoil" ? ok ---if you say so

spoils of war - Wiktionary

are you suggesting that arabs "own" Palestine by virtue of
muslim/arab rape, murder and pillage?----the same way they
OWN medina? the same way they OWN Andalusia?
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............

Surely you jest! The only sound we'd hear would be Air Farce One scurrying to D.F. (Mexico city, District Federales) bearing America's Apologist-in-Chief to grovel in hope of forgiveness for having done something to bring on their justified anger.
F-15I can deliver one at a time. 3000 mile round trip for the jet. Would need airborne re-fueling.

No. An F-15L could deliver Israel's GBU-28 bunker busters (5,000 lbs), but those didn't even do well in Iraq, and the Iranian facilities are much tougher. It would take a GBU-57 (30,000 lbs), and that requires a B-2.

That's assuming it could reach the target. Israel fields about 400 fighters. Iran fields about 200. It's likely Iran could win an Israeli-Iran air war if it was fought over the Iranians' home turf, being that Israel can't deploy its whole air force to the fight.

Oh, GPS would be iffy for guidance. Iran is saturated with Chinese-made GPS jammers.
F-15I can deliver one at a time. 3000 mile round trip for the jet. Would need airborne re-fueling.

No. An F-15L could deliver Israel's GBU-28 bunker busters (5,000 lbs), but those didn't even do well in Iraq, and the Iranian facilities are much tougher. It would take a GBU-57 (30,000 lbs), and that requires a B-2.

That's assuming it could reach the target. Israel fields about 400 fighters. Iran fields about 200. It's likely Iran could win an Israeli-Iran air war if it was fought over the Iranians' home turf, being that Israel can't deploy its whole air force to the fight.

Oh, GPS would be iffy for guidance. Iran is saturated with Chinese-made GPS jammers.

You're kidding right?

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