Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

It's amusing that only after a day or so of getting all of you RWnuts to support Netanyahu's hardline rants,

now, he's running away from them.

Once again, the 'nuts get left holding the bag.
F-15I can deliver one at a time. 3000 mile round trip for the jet. Would need airborne re-fueling.

No. An F-15L could deliver Israel's GBU-28 bunker busters (5,000 lbs), but those didn't even do well in Iraq, and the Iranian facilities are much tougher. It would take a GBU-57 (30,000 lbs), and that requires a B-2.

That's assuming it could reach the target. Israel fields about 400 fighters. Iran fields about 200. It's likely Iran could win an Israeli-Iran air war if it was fought over the Iranians' home turf, being that Israel can't deploy its whole air force to the fight.

Oh, GPS would be iffy for guidance. Iran is saturated with Chinese-made GPS jammers.

In 82 Israel shot down 85 Syrian Migs and lost NONE of their own planes.

Iran fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw.
they have nukes, why do they need a bunker buster?

Whether or not Israel has nukes doesn't mean she can afford to be the first you unleash them. There will be no Israeli first strike which is why the Saudis consider potential Iranian nukes - not Israeli ones - to be their cue to get into the big-bomb biz.
There you have it. Israel will never be the first launch, and everyone everywhere knows that if Iran put one bomb on Israel, Israel would respond with at least ten...

One would hope that if Iran even tried to "put one bomb on Israel" (they would probably hit Jordan or Syria or Egypt) that Israel would put 20 on Iran. Israel cannot afford to be the first striker nor can she afford a measured response to even one Iranian bomb.
It's amusing that only after a day or so of getting all of you RWnuts to support Netanyahu's hardline rants,

now, he's running away from them.

Once again, the 'nuts get left holding the bag.

In fact, this "RWnut" specifically said that Bibi's statement was election campaign rhetoric. Israel would lose much of it's international and American (even Jewish American) support if they abandoned the 2-state solution which, coincidentally, is in Israel's best interest (which is why the Arabs are so reticent to accommodate).
In 82 Israel shot down 85 Syrian Migs and lost NONE of their own planes.

Iran fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw.

It's not 1982 any more. Assuming Israeli invincibility is naive. Israel hasn't even fared that well lately against lowly Hamas.

Israel has a tech edge, but Iran is saturated with air defenses, and the targets are 500 miles inside Iran. Israeli planes can't get there without refueling, which limits their numbers, so the Iranians can swarm them. The Iranian airframes are older (F14 and F5 and F4) than the Isrealis (F15 and F16), but the avionics and missiles are modern.
In 82 Israel shot down 85 Syrian Migs and lost NONE of their own planes.

Iran fought Iraq for 8 years to a draw.

It's not 1982 any more. Assuming Israeli invincibility is naive. Israel hasn't even fared that well lately against lowly Hamas.

Israel has a tech edge, but Iran is saturated with air defenses, and the targets are 500 miles inside Iran. Israeli planes can't get there without refueling, which limits their numbers, so the Iranians can swarm them. The Iranian airframes are older (F14 and F5) than the Isrealis (F15 and F16), but the avionics and missiles are modern.

Nobody assumes anyone's invincibility.

The first things to go will be the the Air Defense sites.
This can be done with missiles.

Iran will then be blind their Military, well you are giving it too much credit, they are a paper tiger and they would fall just as quickly as Iraq did.

As far as Hamas goes, Israel fought the same kind of War we are trying to fight, stupid ROE's to try and mitigate bad opinions by the "World Community.

That mistake will not be made again.
Obama has been vindicated in a way. His apprehensions about Netanyahu have been validated.

In fact, my prez has shown himself to be a bitter, petty, vindictive little boy and as one conservative who had high hopes for his presidency I have been monumentally disappointed.
Seems I've heard that speech before. "They'll welcome us as liberators!" was part of it.

LOL, King Barak could have supported the Iranian people in 2009, they were ready to revolt......he declined.
He doesn't want to bomb them. He just doesn't want the current sanctions lifted to make it easier for Iran to obtain and enrich uranium. He is smart and knows that would be big trouble for not just Israel, but the entire world.
Iran is NOT enriching uranium. And the IAEA has access for inspections.

That is what the lifting of sanctions will do. Use your own brain instead of listening to your party's talking points for a change.
No. Any agreement will have to have provisions for sanction consequences if Iran attempts to break out of any agreement to not enrich uranium and stop allowing international inspections. The question remains how severe the consequences would be. Bibi wants no agreement, because he opposes any peace deal of any kind. He wants all the land. He's now openly admitting it.

Iran HIDES things. What don't you understand about that? They lie and they hide things. This has been proven time and time again. They have given us absolutely NO reason to trust them to be honest and stand by their word. They have repeatedly ignored and gone against international law time and time again.

Bibi is smart not to trust the Iranians. Unfortunately, we have a liberal bleeding heart progressive who is brainwashed by political correctness in the White House right now. That isn't good for anybody.
Hide things, like Israel still hiding their nuclear program? News for you, Iran has every right to build the bomb. They are a nation and that is what nations do. And no one, should ever trust the US or Israel, no one.

Not if we say they don't.
Obama has been vindicated in a way. His apprehensions about Netanyahu have been validated.

In what way?

And Obama hates Jews in general, Bibi is just a convenient target.
Bibi is a hard-right Zionist asshole who has no respect for the Arabs, not even those in his own nation.

As a card-carrying loony leftist you are as clueless about Bibi as you have proven to be about pretty much everything else.
What a deal!!!!!! For Iran that is.


LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — A draft nuclear accord now being negotiated between the United States and Iran would force Iran to cut hardware it could use to make an atomic bomb by about 40 percent for at least a decade, while offering the Iranians immediate relief from sanctions that have crippled their economy, officials told The Associated Press on Thursday.

As an added enticement, elements of a U.N. arms embargo against Iran could be rolled back.

First Details of Iran Deal Allows 6 000 Centrifuges Rolls Back UN Arms Embargo - Breitbart

Imagine the Irony, wherein 250,000 would-be "US Citizens" took the time to 'sign a petition', urging that the US Attorney General prefer charges of Treason upon 47 Americans who were exercising the FIRST FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT PROTECTED BY THE US Constitution... in defense of the above policy, which the US Constitution defines as treason:

US Constitution: Article 3 Section 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

If the Constitution is too esoteric for ya, perhaps the US Legal Code will clear it up for ya:

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

The obama policy renders aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort... lending to them, the means to effectively and severely injure the United States.

That Iran is not a formally declared hostile to the United States, is irrelevant and it is such by virtue of the Policy of the current administration which rejects, axiomatically, that ANY nation is hostile to the United States, except for those nations which are long established as allies of the United States.

We are living in one twiste, bassackward, downside-up world
Silly people, they want their stolen lands back.

Sounds like a loony leftist attempt to justify Arab intransigence and viciousness. From one side of your mouth it's "the Arabs want a peaceful solution" and from the other it's "they're justified in wanting to push the Jooos out."
It's amusing that only after a day or so of getting all of you RWnuts to support Netanyahu's hardline rants,

now, he's running away from them.

Once again, the 'nuts get left holding the bag.

Is he?

I've never known Netanyahu to fit into any straw reasoning.

How positively ODD.

More likely is that you're lyin'... because as a Relativist, you lack the means to understand truth, due to you 'feeling' that truth is whatever you need the truth to be.

Now THAT... serves reason.

See how that works?
There simply are not words to describe your level of stupidity. In all three nations the side we supported the most were fighting dictators. We do that, sometimes it even works out, eventually. And we didn't start that movement, they did.

Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.

Our butthurt prez may well punish Israel just to get at Bibi. Hopefully the American peeps will then punish the Dem Party for 40 years.
One would hope that if Iran even tried to "put one bomb on Israel" (they would probably hit Jordan or Syria or Egypt) that Israel would put 20 on Iran. Israel cannot afford to be the first striker nor can she afford a measured response to even one Iranian bomb.

Iran will deliver their Nuke to Tel Aviv via a Boeing 777, likely loaded with innocent people... having taken the slot of a regularly scheduled flight.

When it happens, remember: YA HEARD IT HERE FIRST!
Supporting Al Qaeda cannot be justified. Libya was pacified and fighting terrorism - Obama went to war and put the terrorists in charge. Yeah, that DOES make him a traitor.

Radical Islam and the democrats share common goals and common enemies - the American people.
You aren't an American. You are as bad as ISIS. You share the very same mentality, you just picked a different God.

No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

If she did all that she would be brain-dead ... just like you, Princess.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

I have some news for you......the ticket he backed was on the losing side. His policy. In 2014, his words to the American People and the World were that his policies were on the ballot. His policies were on the losing side.
No, that would be you who support Islam. It is partly your fault that things have escalated to the point that they have in the ME, because your priorities are all effed up.
I don't support any religion, they are all fucking nonsense, and they hate me more than they hate you. You picked the wrong god while I don't even have one. You, and most here, are the ISIS of America. Just as blind, and just as stupid, and just as dangerous.

Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.

I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

:lmao:. Please stop. :lmao:. My beer just shot out of my nose. Can you say "ironic?"

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