Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
I'll ask you the same question I asked neo, see if you have the balls to answer where he wouldn't....

With no deal with Iran, which countries send in their military to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons?
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
I don't blame Israel for that. But, if our policy is to support their stealing the land, then I think our policy is not in our OWN self-interest. It'd be a different thing if there was any likelihood there arab states were going to attack conventionally, but those days are long past .... unless some superpower wants to start sending them tanks and jets again.
Islamists must be destroyed where ever they exist. They cannot be allowed to out populate the non-Muslim population.
wow thats a whole lot of dead babies you are calling for, you sound worse than hitler

Your "concern" for those Arabs extends only as far as their usefulness as proxies in your war against the Jooos.
And yours is?


You are a kook.

We're convinced PMH is a mental patient... or at best, a habitual drug abuser.
Sane people always looks insane, to fucking fruitcakes like you two.

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Humans are a disease. Try thinking beyond your tiny balls.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
I don't blame Israel for that. But, if our policy is to support their stealing the land, then I think our policy is not in our OWN self-interest. It'd be a different thing if there was any likelihood there arab states were going to attack conventionally, but those days are long past .... unless some superpower wants to start sending them tanks and jets again.
Islamists must be destroyed where ever they exist. They cannot be allowed to out populate the non-Muslim population.
wow thats a whole lot of dead babies you are calling for, you sound worse than hitler

Your "concern" for those Arabs extends only as far as their usefulness as proxies in your war against the Jooos.

I still don't understand your lame denials. I mean, you obviously are quite proud of your goose-stepping.
Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
So now you're the second moron here who couldn't this idiocy. How does it feel?
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:
Obama sent money and resources to Netanyahu's opponent. You can't be that blind.
Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:
Obama sent money and resources to Netanyahu's opponent. You can't be that blind.
Riiiight. According to Faux News maybe. But who believes them?
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
So now you're the second moron here who couldn't this idiocy. How does it feel?

It would actually be harmful and dangerous to Israel, but you are a hack who can only think in terms that make Obama a hero.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
I'll ask you the same question I asked neo, see if you have the balls to answer where he wouldn't....

With no deal with Iran, which countries send in their military to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons?

LOL, I know you think you are a clever boy but really?

You do realize that Israel never shies away from a fight that involves them?

The situation itself will dictate "who" does the fighting.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
So now you're the second moron here who couldn't this idiocy. How does it feel?

It would actually be harmful and dangerous to Israel, but you are a hack who can only think in terms that make Obama a hero.
Then answer my question... who's stopping Iran if there's no deal? U.S.? Israel? Who?
Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:

Stupid fuck, no it wouldn't.
So now you're the second moron here who couldn't this idiocy. How does it feel?

It would actually be harmful and dangerous to Israel, but you are a hack who can only think in terms that make Obama a hero.
Then answer my question... who's stopping Iran if there's no deal? U.S.? Israel? Who?

You like make believe games?

The answer is whoever the situation dictates be involved will be involved.

I don't play make believe kid, I deal in reality and reality is not and can never be a hypothetical what if thing.

Again I know you think you are clever and I know you hate Jew's but everyone who has a stake in whatever happens should be involved.

It's cute that you think you questioning my manhood means anything ;)
Sane people always looks insane, to fucking fruitcakes like you two.

(smile) Yes of course, ALL sane people want to kill every human being on the Planet.

Fruit Loop.
From the perspective of saving all other living things from their destruction by humanity, that is very moral position. You're human, so that offends you. Think about it a bit and you will see the logic. It's the same as a large fish tank where one fish keeps eating all the others. Do you let him go until he's the only one, or do you flush him because you only have the one tank and therefore save the rest? We are the one fish and we have but one tank.

No, sorry.

It makes no sense whatsoever.

Human's rock, I still advocate you sticking your head in the oven though.
Humans are a disease. Try thinking beyond your tiny balls.

No, hate filled humans such as yourself are the disease....go kill yourself.

Whoa, that goes decisively too far. Way way way overboard.

Dude, this is a MESSAGE BOARD, where people are allowed to express their opinion. But to tell someone to kill himself.... no way.

You must be one really, really fucked-up person.

Now, back to your screwed-up OP title that lacks a foundation in reality:

Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

First, Obama was not on the ballot.

And second, Netanyahu's win is NOT historic. The Knesset elections of 1949, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1965, 1969 (30 seat majority between 1st and 2nd party) and 2003 were far more historic than this election: a much larger popular vote margin and a considerably larger Knesset seat margin.

It must really, really suck to be you, always lacking in hard facts. They tend to bite a person in the ass, you know.

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