Netanyahu’s Historic Win — and Obama’s Humiliating Loss

how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?
Not true. Land is also acquired as a spoil of war.

really ? a "spoil" ? ok ---if you say so

spoils of war - Wiktionary

are you suggesting that arabs "own" Palestine by virtue of
muslim/arab rape, murder and pillage?----the same way they
OWN medina? the same way they OWN Andalusia?
Do you need reading lessons? Purchasing property is not the only way in which land can be acquired. In many societies, it can be confiscated by the government; it can be taken as a spoil of war. Jews first acquired it by taking it from others. They then lost it when it was taken from them. They then got it back after it was taken back from the Ottoman Empire. That's how these things happen. Are you new here on planet Earth?
Well, I'm agnostic, so they would hate me too. Again, you make a lot of STUPID assumptions without knowing any facts. This is to be expected by those who are PC brainwashed though. They cannot think for themselves. Sad really. Too bad you aren't beyond spewing talking points and are an Obama cocksucker. :(
Agnostic eh? That's the smartest position you've even taken. Now if you were only an American, in more than name only. Drop the right-wing dogma and being a Zionist and you are on your way.

My views are not right wing. My views come from my own observations of the world and what is happening around me. Lol. I have to giggle at all of your silly ASSumptions.
I read what you write, and it's mostly dogma.

No, that would be you, you racist SOB.
I am racist, all humans are, and I'm Whitey, often the worst of the worst, but nothing I post is dogma. If you say that you don't don't post dogma then prove it and tell me what is the gender of an XY female, who has always looked female, even from birth? I never get an answer to that question here. For a bonus, what is the gender of an XX male? We have both.

Lame deflection. You've been outed by your own words, Adolph:
"... while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps."
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?
how did "arabs" come to "own" land in Palestine? Land ownership by PURCHASE has been the norm in the middle east since ancient times----arabs "purchased" it? when?
Not true. Land is also acquired as a spoil of war.

really ? a "spoil" ? ok ---if you say so

spoils of war - Wiktionary

are you suggesting that arabs "own" Palestine by virtue of
muslim/arab rape, murder and pillage?----the same way they
OWN medina? the same way they OWN Andalusia?
Do you need reading lessons? Purchasing property is not the only way in which land can be acquired. In many societies, it can be confiscated by the government; it can be taken as a spoil of war. Jews first acquired it by taking it from others. They then lost it when it was taken from them. They then got it back after it was taken back from the Ottoman Empire. That's how these things happen. Are you new here on planet Earth?

So the Jews fist acquired by taking it from others? Great... when the others show up, we'll settle. Until then the Jews have the right of return... one of the many benefits of ownership.
Your lies don't change the facts, that land belonged to the Arabs, not the Jews. There were a few around but damn few and the point is the same, Zionism demands everything from the Jordan to the sea, including Jerusalem, for the Jews. There can be no two-state solution, Zionism cannot allow it and that land belongs to others, the Palestinians.

They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.

Why would he? He clearly is happy being an :asshole: and is seemingly damned proud of it.
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
They are historical facts and not lies.
The Arabs did not own the land they had no deeds and paid no taxes.
The Arabs were on the land, working the land, while the Jews were dying like pussies in concentration camps. That is all that matters in this case.

Wow! Your comment is disgusting. You really need to take a good long look at yourself and make some serious changes if you ever expect anyone to take you seriously. You just revealed yourself as a bigot. The Arabs were NOT working on the land. They didn't care about it at all until it was given to Israel. The Israelis are the ones who transformed Israel from a malaria-infested dump into what it is today.
Why would I want anyone here to take me seriously? Nearly without exception you are some of the most utterly moronic people on the fucking planet. The phrase uneducated ignorant racist drones doesn't even begin to cover how worthless the sacks of shit in human skin are here. Now you know.

And the Jews, they did died like pussies. The good ones, the kind ones, the ones who weren't dog eat dog Nazi cocksuckers, didn't make it out alive. The worst of the worst did, hence the Zionist Nazis of Israel.

You are one sick fucker. Get yourself into therapy ASAP.
I knew you'd reject that truth even though I originally bumped into that while reading the accounts of those who survived the camps. An old Jewish woman said that and it instantly showed true. She was an honest one, something that offends you.

Tell me, would you rather die fighting or in a shower? If you're you'd have to agree that they were cowards, and they were.

You obviously know absolutely nothing about WW2 in Europe. Armed countries were overrun in a matter of days or weeks. What were unarmed individuals supposed to do, Adolph?
that's funny until you see some mushroom clouds over the unholy land. then all of a sudden you'll care and have a little more restraint and humility as a people


Get on with it or STFU.

You knocked down two skyscrapers and forced a renovation at the Pentagon and we fanned out across the planet to rough up the suspects.

Detonate a nuke... and its game over Ahhhhckmed. We'll erase your religion... it will be as if Islam never existed.
Last edited:
Not true. Land is also acquired as a spoil of war.

really ? a "spoil" ? ok ---if you say so

spoils of war - Wiktionary

are you suggesting that arabs "own" Palestine by virtue of
muslim/arab rape, murder and pillage?----the same way they
OWN medina? the same way they OWN Andalusia?
Do you need reading lessons? Purchasing property is not the only way in which land can be acquired. In many societies, it can be confiscated by the government; it can be taken as a spoil of war. Jews first acquired it by taking it from others. They then lost it when it was taken from them. They then got it back after it was taken back from the Ottoman Empire. That's how these things happen. Are you new here on planet Earth?

So the Jews fist acquired by taking it from others? Great... when the others show up, we'll settle. Until then the Jews have the right of return... one of the many benefits of ownership.
Exactly where does your deformed brain translate what I said into anything other than Israel currently owns that land?? :cuckoo:
Good thing with the Israel election
Netanyahu’s comments made the left's collective head spin:

“Anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state, anyone who is going to evacuate territories today, is simply giving a base for attacks to the radical Islam against Israel,” he said. “This is the true reality that was created here in the last few years.”

Netanyahu went on to say that any opponents on the left who might argue otherwise are “sticking their head in the sand, time and time again.”

No doubt the dangerous position of Papa Obama and Iran
helped to push the election into Netanyahu’s arms

He should really thank him
Well Iran is certainly happy that Bibi won. He's their built-in excuse for building the bomb.

What was their excuse to build the bomb before the election?

What was their excuse to build the bomb before the election?

No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.
His proposed treaty would have benefited Israel. But I'll accept your inability to quote him saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose as your tacit confession that he never did say it. Thanks! :thup:
I'm pretty sure you are a female, I know you are a pussy.
Nope, just a smart and sane fucker in an insane world filled with insane people who believe insane things.

You are brilliant, just ask you.
Ask the people who pay me to do what they are unable to and they will tell you the same thing since I get paid to save their asses.

I get it, you are enamored of yourself, none of us are.

You really are just a run of the mill kook Paint.

Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you.
Your opinion is nothing that I am concerned with.

Nor can you afford to be, Adolph.
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.

Only a fool would think it would benefit Israel
No it means Netanyahu= a leader that will protect his people and a true leader.

Yea, begging some other country to fight your fight for you is definitely something the Republicans would do and call that "leadership".. Right?

That's what the ole "Net was looking to do. Fight his fight for him. Because he knows the stupid Republican fucks in COngress went to war in Iraq for nothing.

Why wouldn't they want to do that for a Jew? And the 'Net was correct. The asshole Repubs in Congress want us to fight their war for them.

Of course NO CHILDREN of Repubs in Congress will be involved in that war. Unless they are a CEO of a war contractor.
Report Obama Threatened To Shoot Down Israeli Jets If They Attacked Iranian Nuclear Program - Breitbart

This is in Israel's back yard..............NOT YOURS................and they are very possibly being thwarted by the Obama administration in carrying out an attack against the Nuclear Facilities in Iran......................

Netanyahu is asking for help if possible, but will go it alone as according to this source says he's already tried....................

Who are we to stop them from carrying out strategic strikes against a country that has vowed to destroy them.

This thread is MUD in the face to Obama................He openly wanted Bibbi to lose..........................Obama lost..........The Israeli's voted him back Obama attempts to cut deals with a country that regularily calls us the Great Satan..............and have basically been at War with Israel through proxies for a very long time.

If Mexico lobbed rockets and shells into our country...........we'd WIPE the freaking floor with them..............but if the rockets and terror attacks are against Israel..................THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND DOWN............................That's utter is RADICAL ISLAM.
You can quote Obama saying he wanted Netanyahu to lose, right?

Yeah... Read his proposed treaty with Iran. Says it right there.

Only a fool would think it would benefit Israel
Oh? If there's no deal and Iran forges ahead to build a nuclear weapon, which countries will resort to military intervention to prevent them?
I never question Bush's love for his country or his loyality to it.

I thought what he did was very misguided and he got involved in unnecessary wars and destroyed the economy with the full support of the GOP.

In any other country the GOP as a party would be destroyed for a generation.

Wow you really drank the kool aid didn't you
Your opinion isn't valid, because you are an idiot. Those were human shields, while the terrorists were launching rockets from neighborhoods. The fact you do not know that is sad for you. Even more sad, you are outsmarted by muslims, who are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. You bought their propaganda, hook, line, and sinker.

No they weren't. 3 Israelis were killed. A group affiliated with ISIS took credit. Israel responded by massacring hundreds of Palestinians, including hundreds of children -

a mini-holocaust, if you will. How ironic.

You watch entirely too much left loon TV

Do you know what 'collective punishment' is? The Israelis practice it. The Nazis were experts at it.

You lob rockets into Israel you should expect a response

Thats call collective punishment which is a war crime...

Do every right wing here support a range of war crimes?
Firing rockets not a war crime?
How do you stop them firing rockets, kiss their asses?
It is not in America's interest to allow the totalitarian Muslims to win anything at any time. We should side with Israel because they oppose the Muslims and their world wide caliphate.
They aren't doing a damn thing about that, they are simply stealing the land of the Arabs, as usual. Israel cares only about Israel.
I don't blame Israel for that. But, if our policy is to support their stealing the land, then I think our policy is not in our OWN self-interest. It'd be a different thing if there was any likelihood there arab states were going to attack conventionally, but those days are long past .... unless some superpower wants to start sending them tanks and jets again.
Islamists must be destroyed where ever they exist. They cannot be allowed to out populate the non-Muslim population.
wow thats a whole lot of dead babies you are calling for, you sound worse than hitler

Your "concern" for those Arabs extends only as far as their usefulness as proxies in your war against the Jooos.
It is amazing how the frothers on the right look for any reason to make the POTUS look bad. They are so infected with him that they call him stuff like "the current occupant of the White House" and stupid shit like that.

They feed on birther websites like WND and then they wonder when all sane people laugh at them.

It must really suck to be a Rightie, walking around eternally butthurt.

I have some news for you, Asstares: Obama was NOT on the ballot anywhere yesterday. Get over it.

I have some news for you......the ticket he backed was on the losing side. His policy. In 2014, his words to the American People and the World were that his policies were on the ballot. His policies were on the losing side.

Indeed, narcissists like Papa Obama do not take rejection well.
Nor do his cult of followers on the left and the MSM.

Every failure of Papa Obama's (long list) is always followed by a some kind of hissy fit
as we are now seeing from the left and MSM.

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