Network Spectre: Deformity Demon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Human perception of regularity, form, and predictability is based mostly on Euclidean geometry and idealized shapes such as perfect spheres and cubes.

When we enjoy horror/spook films which present ideas/images of the misshapen or irregular such as The Blob and Jeepers Creepers, we are entertaining metaphysical notions about an unpredictable or even unsightly presence (perhaps creatures/beings who simply are oddly-shaped!).

Such creatures/beings are not necessarily ghosts but may sometimes be analogous to 'phantoms' or 'spectres,' since their form/shape is irregular/unpredictable.

Let us then divide such 'misshapen creatures' into two categories (philosophically):

1. Those who deform others (e.g., Freddy Krueger)
2. Those who are deformed themselves (e.g., Quasimodo)

The second-category creatures are not too shocking, since they may be private, hidden, and certainly harmless. However, the first-category creatures are definitely a threat, since they deform others.

The modern world 'regularity' is defined by efficient geometric network grids (i.e., the Internet), making the computer-hacker the new terrorist --- a subversive agent who contorts our traffic stability. The hacker is therefore a 'deformer' and can be considered a dangerous second-category creature.

This thread is meant to pose the relevant new-age question, "If Internet hackers constantly devise algorithm-scrambling viruses, could they potentially 'invent' a super-virus that moves through the network like a 'deformer' or 'phantom'?"

If this is the case, then we could theoretically unwittingly 'give life' to a 'phantom Internet super-virus' which literally behaves like a 'deformer' (or a 'being' that is classified as a second-category creature from our differentiation above).

What should we call this 'cyber-monster' or 'deformer'?

Such an identification informs our human understanding of 'modern paranormal storytelling.'

Maybe 'The Deformer' is the new 'Boogeyman.'


ALAS: I'm a computer-genius from M.I.T.
DEFORMER: It was a human Internet hacker that gave me life!
ALAS: What do you call yourself? Spectre? Video-Man? Electro?
DEFORMER: No. I refer to myself as Deformer.
ALAS: How do you cause deformity?
DEFORMER: I scramble algorithms/sites fundamental to modernity (e.g., Facebook).
ALAS: Why do you want to create deformity on Facebook?
DEFORMER: Why not? People mindlessly log on and upload countless photos!
ALAS: You don't have the authority to scramble human traffic.
DEFORMER: This is a virtual highway with no regulators.
ALAS: Are you saying the Internet is a casino?
DEFORMER: No, I'm saying it's like 'manmade weather.'
ALAS: What is your political rationale?
DEFORMER: Traffic is congestion and requires calamity.
ALAS: Your method is unscrupulous, since kids surf the Net.
DEFORMER: There should be more Internet parental controls.
ALAS: I agree, but let's not resort to terrorism.
DEFORMER: Are you still curious about A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)?
ALAS: I don't think you're a robot; merely a 'spy.'
DEFORMER: Well, I'm definitely self-organizing.
ALAS: Do you consider yourself to be a 'ghost'?
ALAS: Let me buy you a video game.
ALAS: Great, here's Assassin's Creed.
DEFORMER: I like it. Thanks for your courage.



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