Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

''Get off the highway, this is a state route''....''Everybody will be arrested if not...30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle...let’s talk...get off the fucking road.”

Thankfully the Ranger made it home safely. People are getting tired of these career ''activists.'' They've been placated for far too long, as have the NGO that bus them everywhere to cause these sorts of problems for the working man who is just trying to get to work or wherever.

I'm okay with this.

They weren't terrorists, they were activists, but a) the Rangers didn't know that, and b) activists doing something illegal to get their point across have to expect that they'll be arrested. They're not living in reality if they think the cops will just shake their hands and let them sit there all day.

The Rangers went through the three steps of ask, tell, make, and removed a potential health hazard to the endless line of motorists baking in their cars. It looks to me as if he used force, not violence, and I'm okay with that.

Bonus: The activists achieved their goal. How many people are now aware of the Burning Man appropriation issue who weren't before?
I'm okay with this.

They weren't terrorists, they were activists, but a) the Rangers didn't know that, and b) activists doing something illegal to get their point across have to expect that they'll be arrested. They're not living in reality if they think the cops will just shake their hands and let them sit there all day.

The Rangers went through the three steps of ask, tell, make, and removed a potential health hazard to the endless line of motorists baking in their cars. It looks to me as if he used force, not violence, and I'm okay with that.

Bonus: The activists achieved their goal. How many people are now aware of the Burning Man appropriation issue who weren't before?

They ARE terrorists. Terrorists engage in activity that is potentially life ending. These assholes have consistently declared that they have no problem with people dying due to their actions.

In interview after interview they have affirmed their intent to continue no matter how many people are actually harmed by their actions.
''Get off the highway, this is a state route''....''Everybody will be arrested if not...30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle...let’s talk...get off the fucking road.”

Thankfully the Ranger made it home safely. People are getting tired of these career ''activists.'' They've been placated for far too long, as have the NGO that bus them everywhere to cause these sorts of problems for the working man who is just trying to get to work or wherever.

Those are some of the stupid idiotic Moon Bats that believe this silly ass AGW scam.
I tend to agree is was stupid for the protestors to block the road.
However the reservation police violated the law by pointing guns at them.
That is reckless endangerment and conduct regardless of life.
That is about a million times more illegal than the protest.

They violated NO law pointing guns at those pigs

It was justified
I watched it again, and you could be right.
I could not really tell if a taser or real pistol.
But it is still illegal to point a stun gun at an unarmed person, because a taser is still considered lethal force, since it does sometimes kill.
It was also reckless to plow into the trailer they had in the road, since they appeared to be chained to it. Turns out they weren't, but they easily could have been.
They should have checked it out on foot first.
They acted in a very risky manner.

A taser is NOT considered a lethal weapon or lethal force

Youa re truly a stupid fucking liar
In the Freedom News clip, the less-aggressive officer asks, "So who's <garbled> to get the gun?" The garbled word might have been "threatening," I can't tell, but it was what led to the woman saying that they are unarmed and non-violent. So technically, one drew his weapon and another asked for the gun, but there was an ask there, you can hear it in that clip.
Thank you; I’d noticed this earlier.

But if these rogue cops believed that the vegan hippie freaks were armed - completely ridiculous on its face - their behavior was infinitely more reckless, and could have led to mass casualties.
Try listening to the video.
I have, and appreciate Pellinore’s post above, which I’ve responded to. :)
And no, I am not a hypocrite.
The problem could be other than as I’ve described, true.

I was being perhaps overgenerous with my assessment of hypocrisy. :(
Babbitt was no threat,
Agreed, but you praise the use of brutal state force against harmless protestors, so you can understand my confusion about your double standard I’m sure.
your terrorists WERE a threat.
These freaks are neither mine nor terrorists, and your insistence otherwise is quite insane.
They had over 1000 people trapped, in the blazing hot sun, in the desert, with no way to get around them.
Little vegan Hitlers, eh? :auiqs.jpg:

Are you a liberal posing as a conservative to embarrass the latter group?
The hypocrite is YOU, skippy.
:re:You cray-cray, bra.
I'm okay with this.
Clearing and arrest/citing are fine, and I’m sure expected.

The method was not.
They weren't terrorists, they were activists,
but a) the Rangers didn't know that,
Then they behaved with utter wanton recklessness.
and b) activists doing something illegal to get their point across have to expect that they'll be arrested.
They're not living in reality if they think the cops will just shake their hands and let them sit there all day.
Of course not.
The Rangers went through the three steps of ask, tell, make, and removed
Method is the issue.
a potential health hazard to the endless line of motorists baking in their cars.
Automotive A/C is just a pipe dream, like flying cars.
It looks to me as if he used force, not violence, and I'm okay with that.
Incredibly violent and reckless, and the most violent/reckless thug cop should be fired.
Bonus: The activists achieved their goal.
And then some, becoming the heroes and exposing the violent recklessness of these thug cops.
How many people are now aware of the Burning Man appropriation issue who weren't before?
Win/win, but still waiting for the win/win/win - the firing of the worst of these out of control cops.
They ARE terrorists. Terrorists engage in activity that is potentially life ending. These assholes have consistently declared that they have no problem with people dying due to their actions.

In interview after interview they have affirmed their intent to continue no matter how many people are actually harmed by their actions.
You love it when your beloved CIA murders people and presidents.
If they murdered all the people you lie about them murdering half the population would be dead.

They could not even get Castro but your stupid ass wants to lame them for every other murder since

You are a liar and moron

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