Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

As I said on a thread back in July...

Stupid should hurt.

I've been to many-a-protest, and if you want to be effective, first and foremost, do not be a jerk, do not block traffic, do not inconvenience others, no matter how noble you may think your cause is.

Stunts like this change zero minds to your cause's favor. You only make people angry at you and angry at your cause. Blocking traffic, gluing or chaining yourself to things, vandalism, all that will guarantee people will be angry at you. Keep it up idiots. You're sabotaging your own cause.
Gloat Floats Their Boat

Leftists are not motivated by concern for others, nor do they have any political interest in converting the public. As wannabe dictators, it fits right in to have the public despise them but not be able to do anything about it.
Their claim of "environmental activists" rings kind of hollow with the words "Anti-Capitalism" scrawled on a placard. They're Communists.

And only capitalism and communism - those are the two choices?
It would have been more entertaining to have seen the protesters themselves being run over.
So you support the murder of Babbitt?

Who knew so many connies were in the bag with liberals?
Yeah, stopped going there years ago. Anyone who was paying attention could see something like this coming. The activism that was always part of man was getting into the lunatic fringe area. Hopefully this will be a message to the organizers who have let it fester for too long. We all know better.

What's that got to do with the morons who were blocking the road.

They were not protesting the change in philosophy.
What's that got to do with the morons who were blocking the road.

They were not protesting the change in philosophy.
The problem is that legitimate climate change Activism became militancy. They were using someone else's event to draw attention to their narrow pathetic protest. Zero props to them.
The problem is that legitimate climate change Activism became militancy. They were using someone else's event to draw attention to their narrow pathetic protest. Zero props to them.

Yep. And that is why the whole climate change movement is counted as a bunch of crazies. It's done far more damage to any legitimate climate change message than it has helped.

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