Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

30 seconds, F#$&<*% move. LOVE IT

Best part was cops running over and ramming their shit.

THIS is how you deal with leftists

Yup. The morons thought they were on public roads.


That's tribal land.

I wonder how long the tribe will keep them locked up.
White liberals blocking the road causing more white liberal burning man idiots to fight them is a fucking dream. I love left on left crime. You assholes need to step up the violence.

The best part is the fucking Indian cops running them over. Not even giving a single fuck about these turds blocking the roads.
Back in the day anyone trying to stop a wagon was met with the shotgun man, for you left wing idiots that’s why the passenger in the front seat calls shotgun. That was the guy who shot anyone fucking with the wagon. That was the defender against being stopped.

Why can’t these laws apply today? Anyone blocking the road is stopping the vehicles for illegal reasons and should be shot or run over.
We need to form a cordless sawsall club, that trailer would be in pieces within 10 minutes.
Did these retards pull that trailer specially made to fold out and block a road by what? A bicycle? Did they pull it by hand? Is there a truck they hate nearby?

This is the fucking stupid of the left. They can’t even protest without capitalism and the fucking fuel they are protesting against.

Left wingers are fucking retards.

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