Nevada Rangers Ram Through Climate Protest Blockade

''Get off the highway, this is a state route''....''Everybody will be arrested if not...30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle...let’s talk...get off the fucking road.”

Thankfully the Ranger made it home safely. People are getting tired of these career ''activists.'' They've been placated for far too long, as have the NGO that bus them everywhere to cause these sorts of problems for the working man who is just trying to get to work or wherever.

It's about time we quit fucking around with these people.
It's about time we quit fucking around with these people.

Apparently more of these useful idiots were sent in to shut down the roadways in Washington, D.C. over the past weekend as well.

Work commuters were a bit upset, predictably.'s good to see people saying that enough is enough of this nonsense and starting to get in their faces, at the very least....

From the description...

"Declare Emergency" climate activists blocked a street in Washington DC again Saturday, their third time this week.

This time, several drivers got out of their cars yelling "I wanna go to work!" and grabbing their banners out of their hands.

When police arrived, they recognized one of the climate activists blocking the road as having been arrested in a similar act on Wednesday."

You're under arrest for contempt of court!" an officer declared.

Drivers clapped and cheered as he was handcuffed.

Police typically give three warnings before arresting road-blockers in DC, but this time, they gave one: "You're not getting three warnings!"

As some began leaving the road, MPD's Jason Bagshaw said "everyone's under arrest" and had all of them cuffed."

Y'all know you haven't done the proper warnings?" said one of the climate activists in handcuffs, having expected three warnings and a chance to avoid arrest."

We don't have to," an officer told her before all of them, including their police liaison, were taken away.''

Interesting that FOX editorialized the piece in a way that frames the work commuters as the aggressors, though. Predictable actually...
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Apparently more of these useful idiots were sent in to shut down the roadways in Washington, D.C. over the past weekend as well.

Work commuters were a bit upset, predictably.'s good to see people saying that enough is enough of this nonsense....


What they need to do is line the cars up side by side and inch forward until you're almost touching the assholes and then LAY ON THE HORNS!!!!!! They might learn something when they go deaf after an hour of that. Make it hurt to be so stupid.

Didn't you just want to smack that vapid little bitch with the glasses?

Apparently more of these useful idiots were sent in to shut down the roadways in Washington, D.C. over the past weekend as well.

Work commuters were a bit upset, predictably.'s good to see people saying that enough is enough of this nonsense and starting to get in their faces, at the very least....

Socialist Just-Us Warlords

What Leftists really want is power over people. Stranding us in traffic gives their sick demanding minds good vibes. Their ideology is all about power for them, not at all about ideas. There's no reason to argue with them about what they preach; that's really not what motivates them. It's not political; it's personal. They've had defective personalities long before they discovered the ideas that feed their empty heads and hearts.
As I said on a thread back in July...

Stupid should hurt.

I've been to many-a-protest, and if you want to be effective, first and foremost, do not be a jerk, do not block traffic, do not inconvenience others, no matter how noble you may think your cause is.

Stunts like this change zero minds to your cause's favor. You only make people angry at you and angry at your cause. Blocking traffic, gluing or chaining yourself to things, vandalism, all that will guarantee people will be angry at you. Keep it up idiots. You're sabotaging your own cause.
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police.

Environmental terrorists blocked the only road into the Burning Man festival in Nevada.

Native American cops busting up a standoff between two tribes of white progressives is straight up comedy gold.

I wish they had more video.

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As I said on a thread back in July...

Stupid should hurt.

I've been to many-a-protest, and if you want to be effective, first and foremost, do not be a jerk, do not block traffic, do not inconvenience others, no matter how noble you may think your cause is.

Stunts like this change zero minds to your cause's favor. You only make people angry at you and angry at your cause. Blocking traffic, gluing or chaining yourself to things, vandalism, all that will guarantee people will be angry at you. Keep it up idiots. You're sabotaging your own cause.

100% agree. No one sitting in traffic late for whatever they're doing is gonna say "gee I'm glad I can't see my dying dad in the hospital cause these retards wanna play environmental advocate"
Look at these two knutts.
I would just put them in a jail cell and let them pee and poop themselves.


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