Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

In less than 20 years we've had the less popular guy win the election and in 2016 he lost by quite a bit.
Since 1988, the winner did not have a majority of the popular vote -4- times.
How is that relevant?
Its not. The popular vote is meaningless in a presidential election.
It's not "butthurt" to want the president to actually win an election.
Both Bush and Trump actually won the election.

Question for you:
Given all your reasons for electing the President with the popular vote, what argument is there that the person with the "most" voted should win?

6 of the past 7 the winner had at least a plurality, that's a pretty low bar to achieve, we can do much better than letting the loser win.
The EV's would be created in such a way that disenfranchises the majority in a State that voted for one candidate and had their EV's go to another.
And we somwtimes elect a president that defies the country's vote. And you dont mind. So, again, not compelling.

The compelling argument is the only people in favor of this think it will win them every election from now on, forever.

It creates a constitutional crisis because no matter what happens there will be problems, lawsuits, questions, and probably civil war.
How does it not? It increases the power of the States in the Compact vs. the ones outside the compact.

An end run is an end run, no matter how much you try to justify it.

No, the state still has the same amount of electors, where is the power grab?

It's States banding together to pool their EV's to the detriment of States not in the compact.

Power grab. At least admit it.
The states not in the compact still cast votes which determine who will get the compact states vote

Nothing says the compact can’t go Republican

It's still shitting on the Constitution.

If it's to be changed, it has to happen via the amendment process. If you condone things like this, you condone destroying the document.

Nope, still using the EC the only part that changes is how states select them and its within their right to do what they want.

No, as I stated before at least 3 parts of the constitution have an issue with it.

You just choose to ignore it because you are a controlling progressive hack.
Most Americans want to go by the popular vote, the EC has shown some chips in the armor.
There's a solution for this: Amend the constitution.
Don't need to.
If you want to get rid of the electoral college, you do.
Don't need to.
If you want to get rid of the electoral college, you do.

Don't need to get rid of the electoral college, it stays intact.
No, the state still has the same amount of electors, where is the power grab?

It's States banding together to pool their EV's to the detriment of States not in the compact.

Power grab. At least admit it.
The states not in the compact still cast votes which determine who will get the compact states vote

Nothing says the compact can’t go Republican

It's still shitting on the Constitution.

If it's to be changed, it has to happen via the amendment process. If you condone things like this, you condone destroying the document.

Nope, still using the EC the only part that changes is how states select them and its within their right to do what they want.

No, as I stated before at least 3 parts of the constitution have an issue with it.

You just choose to ignore it because you are a controlling progressive hack.

You couldn't name the parts correctly and when shown you were wrong you kind just walked away from it.
I don't understand why a state would want to be a follower like this.

They don't like the results, so they change the rules.

The decay continues.

Most Americans want to go by the popular vote, the EC has shown some chips in the armor.

Polls like that ask the question to get the positive answer. If asked HOW to do it, the results wouldn't be as clear cut.

You're obviously confused about how they do it, that's for sure.

I know the how would be a clusterfuck. If you want to destroy our country, this is a damn good way to do it.

Bush and Trump are the clusterfucks, it's time for the grownups to get their proper representation.

You have it at the State level, and in the House and the Senate.

The Constitution by design made the President represent the will of the States, with population weight taken into play. To change the concept you need to change the Constitution.

Anything else, is quite frankly treason.
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
How is it that the left sets it’s hair on fire claiming voter suppression when it comes to voter ID laws...but praises a law that will ignore what it’s state constituents vote for in favor of what the rest of the country voted for. Let’s say it’s trump v Biden, Nevada votes Biden but the nation votes trump...ALL THE EC VOTES GO TO TRUMP???? Does that seem right to you? How the fuck is that not voter suppression?
I claim the popular vote should decide, and so I have to be okay with that being the outcome.
No you clearly don’t care about the popular vote in Nevada, let’s say this was a race for the governorship in Texas. In a bid to try and sway the election in favor of their party the mayor of Dallas says all our votes will be afforded to whatever candidate the rest of the state votes for in the end. You effectively take away the voting power of the constituents of Dallas, and give that power to the the rural/suburban areas. This is exactly the same thing as this bat shit legislation.

This clearly shows that y’all could give 2 shits about “voter suppression”. You care about winning by whatever means. You’re acting like the EC is evil for forcing candidates to not just be the most popular, but be the most popular in ALL of the regions. You call foul on EC for taking and watering down people’s votes...and then go ahead and pass legislation to completely ignore the will of an entire state. You can officially stop hiding behind good intentions now
Your scenario is stupid. The Texas governor is elected by popular vote. Not by some system Crawford invented to make some votes worth more than others. 1 person, 1 vote.
No shit Sherlock. It’s called a hypothetical.

EC is one person one vote, just 51 times vs 1 time. Higher populated states still get the electoral weight from their population from how many HOR officials they have, plus the 2 from their senators. You get rid of that then why would a candidate care about the middle of the country and rural areas? You might as well get rid of the senate too, because it doesn’t make sense that each state, even Montana, gets an equal amount of senators (unless you’re against the tyranny of the majority and ok with that check in place). If you’re ok with the senate as a legislative body that acts as a check mob rule...then why the fuck would you want the most powerful branch of government be decided by mob rule? So do you want to get rid of the senate as well?
It's States banding together to pool their EV's to the detriment of States not in the compact.

Power grab. At least admit it.
The states not in the compact still cast votes which determine who will get the compact states vote

Nothing says the compact can’t go Republican

It's still shitting on the Constitution.

If it's to be changed, it has to happen via the amendment process. If you condone things like this, you condone destroying the document.

Nope, still using the EC the only part that changes is how states select them and its within their right to do what they want.

No, as I stated before at least 3 parts of the constitution have an issue with it.

You just choose to ignore it because you are a controlling progressive hack.

You couldn't name the parts correctly and when shown you were wrong you kind just walked away from it.

I did. I explained them. you ignored them because it ruins your narrative.
To change the concept you need to change the Constitution.
100% Wrong. Many states changed the rules to give all the EC votes to the winner of the vote in the state without an amendment. Seeing that this is the case whether the winner wins at 51% or 80%, it directly contradicts the idea of weighing the voters of a state.

So, wrong.
To change the concept you need to change the Constitution.
100% Wrong. Many states changed the rules to give all the EC votes to the winner of the vote in the state without an amendment. Seeing that this is the case whether the winner wins at 51% or 80%, it directly contradicts the idea of weighing the voters of a state.

So, wrong.

Those all involve the voters IN THE STATE deciding how the EV's are divided. This takes that and gives it to voters OUTSIDE the State.
Most Americans want to go by the popular vote, the EC has shown some chips in the armor.

Polls like that ask the question to get the positive answer. If asked HOW to do it, the results wouldn't be as clear cut.

You're obviously confused about how they do it, that's for sure.

I know the how would be a clusterfuck. If you want to destroy our country, this is a damn good way to do it.

Bush and Trump are the clusterfucks, it's time for the grownups to get their proper representation.

You have it at the State level, and in the House and the Senate.

The state level? Which state? Which laws?

The Constitution by design made the President represent the will of the States, with population weight taken into play. To change the concept you need to change the Constitution.

Anything else, is quite frankly treason.

No, the Constitution merely left the power to the states to decide their own electors. There is nothing in the Constitution that says otherwise.

Treason? Oh, Ok. something else you don't understand the meaning of.

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