Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

Breaking: Nevada added to the list of Dem states the SCOTUS will bitch slap. Dem's and their attempts to rig elections, come here Dem's :itsok:
What is unConstitutional about what they are doing?

Your lawyer is going to take a SCOTUS gavel to the forehead lib. :auiqs.jpg:
Sounds like a threat of physical violence. Maybe that's how you think you could win......but show us in the Constitution where states cannot determine how to distribute their EC votes? Not all do it the same way even now.
Sounds like a threat of physical violence. Maybe that's how you think you could win......but show us in the Constitution where states cannot determine how to distribute their EC votes? Not all do it the same way even now.
They can, but:

Interstate Compact Clause, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3:

"No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."

Totally Illegal and Unconstitutional and will be challenged at The Supreme Court Level and be shot down.

What's wrong Lib Tards?

Can't win anything honestly?

My my...this certainly seems to have struck a nerve with you.
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I'm sure the SCOTUS will allow Dem's to rig presidential elections...God you Dem's are dumb. :auiqs.jpg:
How is that rigging elections? If you look at the Constitution, you will notice that it's left up to the states to determine how they will distribute their EC votes.....not every state does it the same...nor are they required to.

Good luck with that. When the SCOTUS dashes your hopes I'll be here to laugh at you.
Breaking: Nevada added to the list of Dem states the SCOTUS will bitch slap. Dem's and their attempts to rig elections, come here Dem's :itsok:
What is unConstitutional about what they are doing?

Your lawyer is going to take a SCOTUS gavel to the forehead lib. :auiqs.jpg:
Sounds like a threat of physical violence. Maybe that's how you think you could win......but show us in the Constitution where states cannot determine how to distribute their EC votes? Not all do it the same way even now.

It was a joke dumbass. You people are a bit slow, radon gas leak?
That is a very good question you should ask yourself.....what happened to states rights?
A state votes for one candidate, yet the electoral votes goes to the other candidate. Priceless. :auiqs.jpg:

That is what happens right now
If 49 percent of the voters vote for a candidate and 51 percent vote for another then the candidate with 51 gets ALL the EVs

The vote of the 49 percent are not counted
Is California and New York in on this? Of course eventually then the EC is moot point. Perhaps the deplorables can elect their own President and you can elect yours.
The popular vote is not moot
EVERY vote would be registered for each candidate
EVERY vote would count as one vote
I'm assuming that you want to take this country from a republic to a democracy, RW.
Five or six states can elect a president, and the rest of the states just has to pound sand?
Not being represented very well, IMO.
Do you understand what a republic is?
We the people are electing our representatives

The key to this proposal is states will cède their vote as a state in favor of the popular vote

States will not elect the president, the people will
Your vote counts as a citizen of the US not as a resident of a state
I do understand what it don’t because what you just described is a straight up democracy. It’s in direct opposition of what our country was designed to guard against, mob rule.
What’s so evil about forcing pres candidates to win a series of popular votes ALL OVER the country vs one massive one. Someone explain that to me. Is your claim that different regions do not care about different issues or concerns?
Yes, of course it would. The food supply is everyone's concern, for one. Come on man, you can puzzle this out...
Then, why do you insist on shitting on those who prove food?

What is this newest fantasy you have invented? Use your big boy words, I have no idea what you are yammering about.

And if you want to find out who is shitting on them,head to pennsylvania avenue.
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Wow, talk about ignoring the actual text of the document.

I can copy someone else's interpretation of it as well

Article One of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

And from the one SC case related:

Virginia v. Tennessee - Wikipedia

This doesn't increase the power of a state, so now what, genius?

How does it not? It increases the power of the States in the Compact vs. the ones outside the compact.

An end run is an end run, no matter how much you try to justify it.

No, the state still has the same amount of electors, where is the power grab?

It's States banding together to pool their EV's to the detriment of States not in the compact.

Power grab. At least admit it.
The states not in the compact still cast votes which determine who will get the compact states vote

Nothing says the compact can’t go Republican

It's still shitting on the Constitution.

If it's to be changed, it has to happen via the amendment process. If you condone things like this, you condone destroying the document.
I don't understand why a state would want to be a follower like this.

They don't like the results, so they change the rules.

The decay continues.

Most Americans want to go by the popular vote, the EC has shown some chips in the armor.

Polls like that ask the question to get the positive answer. If asked HOW to do it, the results wouldn't be as clear cut.

You're obviously confused about how they do it, that's for sure.

I know the how would be a clusterfuck. If you want to destroy our country, this is a damn good way to do it.
I still can't see how these compact states can get around Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3:

"No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay."

They even CALL it a compact. It's like they are daring the SCOTUS to shoot it down.


But. who. certifies. the. national. vote.

There is no such thing as a national vote, and even if the compact passes enough States to have the EV's, there won't be an actual, certified, national vote either.

The States are required to send the electors of the winner of the national vote, that doesn't exist.

I'm going to say this one more time. Each state certifies their vote tallies. So, Nevada would count all those votes up, add their own to it and then they would be able to give the winner of the popular vote their ec votes. Whoa...magic and shit.
Math is hard! They be using them Arabic numbers....that's the problem!
Arabic numbers are only for Arabs.....This is America!

Oh, now I get it. marty doesn't have enough fingers.

Again, if jokes are all you have, you don't have any solid reason this is acceptable except you think it will give you an advantage.

An unconstitutional advantage.

If this ever passes, and it turns and election result, you will see the horizon of the end of our Republic.
In less than 20 years we've had the less popular guy win the election and in 2016 he lost by quite a bit.
Since 1988, the winner did not have a majority of the popular vote -4- times.
How is that relevant?
Its not. The popular vote is meaningless in a presidential election.
It's not "butthurt" to want the president to actually win an election.
Both Bush and Trump actually won the election.

Question for you:
Given all your reasons for electing the President with the popular vote, what argument is there that the person with the "most" voted should win?
I still can't see how these compact states can get around Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3:
The legal argument is thus:

1) no new government institution/apparatus is being created

2) no new power is being granted to states that they do not already possess

Then who decides what the final national vote tally is?

There is no mechanism or organization that currently exists that tallies the entire national vote. Unless you think the number will magically appear, some organization will have to tell the States who "won" the national vote.

The power is one of overriding the will of the people of a given State who's majority vote for one presidential candidate amounted to their State voting for the loser in their state.

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