Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

That is the argument, you smarmy little cuck, despite your protests to the contrary.
No, it isn't ya crybaby.

Yes it is. And if this manages to backfire on progressive States, and the Dem wins the EV and loses the popular vote, you will see States like California and NY try ANYTHING to weasel their way out of it, because their citizens will demand it.

They see it as taking other people's EV's not giving up their own.
Nope, sorry, its not the argument. You say it is in order to create low hanging fruit for your lazy self. People are quite aware that a republican may benefit.

That is an argument. It will create anarchy, all because you are butthurt over losing elections by the existing process, and are too lazy to change the process by the approved method.

And this method may be perfectly "approved". You keep mistaking your own likes and dislikes for the law.

It is not. It is unconstitutional, and spitting and shitting on the document.

But immoral thugs like you don't care. You just care about the result.

The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.

I doubt it would survive the SCOTUS. The very first time a state has to cast its electors in contravention to the actual election results in the state, the entire population of the state is disenfranchised. States are not required to have elections, but to the extent that they do, there are a myriad of laws at play. What if a violet stay like Virginia entered a compact to always cast its electors the way Kentucky does when KY is the reddest of the red states? It would be the same thing.
What is unConstitutional about it?

I didn't say a thing about the Constitution
No, that's not the argument. Waste someone else's time, whiner.

That is the argument, you smarmy little cuck, despite your protests to the contrary.
No, it isn't ya crybaby.

Yes it is. And if this manages to backfire on progressive States, and the Dem wins the EV and loses the popular vote, you will see States like California and NY try ANYTHING to weasel their way out of it, because their citizens will demand it.

They see it as taking other people's EV's not giving up their own.

That's an opinion, but not everyone is as partisan as you.

You are a partisan hack, and you KNOW this is true, but you want to win so bad, you don't care.

Be honest for once in your life.

I've always felt the president should be elected by popular vote, 2000 and 2016 only drive home the point. There is also a slight issue in 2004 if Kerry had just 54k more votes in Ohio he would have won but lost the popular vote by about 3 million.
No, as I stated before at least 3 parts of the constitution have an issue with it.

You just choose to ignore it because you are a controlling progressive hack.

You couldn't name the parts correctly and when shown you were wrong you kind just walked away from it.

I did. I explained them. you ignored them because it ruins your narrative.

Your arguments were countered by more than one poster and you never came back with much of anything.

They weren't countered, you just went with "fuh fuh fuh, states can choose the method of electors, fuh fuh fuh"

Would choosing electors by a random lottery be constitutional?

Yes, because the Constitution doesn't dictate how they do it.

The Constitution requires interstate compacts that alter state power be approved by the Congress per the SCOTUS. This has not been approved by Congress. It also likely violates the 14th amendment, but mostly it violates the federal Voting Rights Act that requires votes cast to count. This compact doesn't count votes except those cast with the majority of the country.
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Nevada is getting better and better. Now it also has a majority of women in its state legislature.
How the hell does more women in government make a state better? Please explain to me how just having more pussy in government makes it work better for everyone?
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Welcome aboard Nevada!
And Venezuela! And Cuba! And all the other democracies that voted in socialism with the popular vote! Also fuck you USA and your damn Constitution and republic shit.
Think how the left is going to cry foul when Trump wins the National Popular Vote. He may even carry California then. Of course they will try to change that policy after the vote totals. Idiots always cry when they lose what they plan to steal.
That's interesting, but see this 1981 case:
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

"The requirement of congressional consent is at the heart of the Compact Clause. By vesting in Congress the power to grant or withhold consent, or to condition consent on the States' compliance with specified conditions, the Framers sought to ensure that Congress would maintain ultimate supervisory power over cooperative state action that might otherwise interfere with the full and free exercise of federal authority."

...that would include constitutional authority (supremacy clause)

and, even if congress approves:

"...where Congress has authorized the States to enter into a cooperative agreement, and where the subject matter of that agreement is an appropriate subject for congressional legislation, the consent of Congress transforms the States' agreement into federal law under the Compact Clause."

Which, as a federal law, is a de facto repeal of the 12th Amendment, and congress cannot do so without a constitutional amendment.

So, it is far from being deemed constitutional on precedent, and given the intent (to circumvent the electoral college) appears fairly suspect, particularly given that those who would allow such a circumvention without amendment have left the Court and been replaced by those who would hold that such action must be conducted under Article V.

Every vote should count the same, it sure does in Congress, even 1 vote.
Then it wouldn't be a constitutional REPUBLIC now would it?

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.


"It is sometimes claimed that the Founders wanted American governments to be "republics rather than democracies," but this claim is not quite accurate. In their linguistic usage, the Founders employed the terms "democracy" and "republic" with overlapping or even interchangeable meanings. Only one species of democracy was deemed inconsistent with republicanism. This was "pure democracy" or "simple and perfect democracy," a theoretical constitution identified by Aristotle and mentioned by John Adams and James Madison, among others. A pure democracy had no magistrates, because the "mob" made all decisions, including all executive and judicial decisions. The Founders saw this kind of democracy as inconsistent with republicanism, because it did not honor the rule of law. The Guarantee Clause's protection against domestic violence assures orderly government and the rule of law, and protects the states' legitimate magistracy against mob rule."
Guide to the Constitution

Of course if the people wish to change the Constitution they can.

Even tho there's nothing about getting rid of the EC in the OP....why would it no longer be a Republican Form of Government?

The Electoral College is required per the Constitution. Bypassing it would ignore the XII Amendment. States cannot simply vote their way around it as it is mandated as a function of the federal government. The same as states cannot simply vote to ignore a woman's right to vote (example)...I think you can figure it out.

Amusing post, but doesn't address the question, does it.

You DO realize there is no such point made in the OP link ----- right? Or didn't you bother to check it?

You DO realise that I was replying to Bodecea...or didn't you take the time to read the chain discussion? Fagatron.
The Electoral College is required per the Constitution. Bypassing it would ignore the XII Amendment. States cannot simply vote their way around it as it is mandated as a function of the federal government. The same as states cannot simply vote to ignore a woman's right to vote (example)...I think you can figure it out.

The XII Amendment only calls for an electoral college. It does NOT tell a state how to allocate it's electors. That's why NE and ME select theirs by congressional district while the other 48 states are "winner take all".

There was a time period when state legislatures selected the electors, not the voters.

So allocating electors by who wins the national popular vote is completely within the prerogative of the states.
I suspect this will be challenged at the Supreme Court level before too long. It is a glaring example of voter disenfranchisement. The result would be four stats determining the result of the election with the votes of the smaller states counting for nothing.

and if those are the four states where people live, not a problem.

Here's the thing. You would need everyone in those four states to vote as a monolithic block.

Frankly, I'd rather have the elections decided by the four biggest states than by three of the smaller ones, which is what happened last time.

Here's the real problem. The EC gives extra weight to states where WHITE PEOPLE live. after 40 years of fighting equal rights for people of color, they now make up 30% of the electorate, and you guys need tricks to keep them from having a voice.

You know, instead of coming up with good reasons why they should vote for you.
The electoral college doesn't represent the citizens it is a tool to go around the popular vote and install leaders from those elected.
That is the argument, you smarmy little cuck, despite your protests to the contrary.
No, it isn't ya crybaby.

Yes it is. And if this manages to backfire on progressive States, and the Dem wins the EV and loses the popular vote, you will see States like California and NY try ANYTHING to weasel their way out of it, because their citizens will demand it.

They see it as taking other people's EV's not giving up their own.

That's an opinion, but not everyone is as partisan as you.

You are a partisan hack, and you KNOW this is true, but you want to win so bad, you don't care.

Be honest for once in your life.

I've always felt the president should be elected by popular vote, 2000 and 2016 only drive home the point. There is also a slight issue in 2004 if Kerry had just 54k more votes in Ohio he would have won but lost the popular vote by about 3 million.

Then campaign to amend the Constitution.

End runs are short sighted, and tend to backfire.
That's how a majority vote works.
But not how the EC worked, until some states decided it was, without an amendment. Which was my point.

It is unconstitutional,
And i say it isn't.

For something that involves deciding how EC's are assigned that is based on the voters IN THE STATE, why would an amendment be needed?

This is giving your vote AWAY to people outside the jurisdiction where the vote is happening.

Are you so blinded by your election butt-hurt that you can't see that?
The Nevada Senate approved Tuesday a National Popular Vote bill on a party-line vote, sending the legislation aimed at upending the Electoral College to the governor.

Assembly Bill 186, which passed the Senateon a 12-8 vote, would bring Nevada into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, an agreement between participating states to cast their electoral votes for the winner of the popular vote.

If signed as expected by Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak, Nevada would become the 16th jurisdiction to join the compact, along with 14 states and the District of Columbia. The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Nevada Senate passes National Popular Vote bill on party-line vote

That’s 2 new states in less than 2 months. The NPV keeps chugging along.
Nevada is getting better and better. Now it also has a majority of women in its state legislature.
/——/ Nevada relegates itself to fly over country status.

Actually Nevada is becoming more and more non-competitive. In 10 years Republicans and Democrats will treat it like Kansas or Connecticut and ignore it because everyone would know where all it's electoral votes are going in the EC.

without the EC presidential candidates would only visit LA, NY, Miami, and Houston. Do we really want those 4 cities picking our presidents?
There are 130 million voters

By the way, Presidential candidates only visit Miami because it is a swing state
LA, NY and Houston are givens

there is no way any of us can know how the voters in Cal would have gone if Trump had held 10 or 15 campaign rallys in that state, same with NY.

do you understand that there are more voters in LA county than in 30 states combined?. The EC gives a voice to every voter in every state, without it the big cites would decide all elections. But you like that because you think they are all democrats, but it might not always be that way. Careful what you wish for.
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