Never ever stop falling in love. It is stabilizing, prevents insanity and war.

If you look at mostly European history it seems that "falling in love" might be a primary cause of insanity and war.
Fight who, or what? There’s no fighting the pure Evil thst exists in pretty much every heart and Soul. Love doesn’t exist. Never has and likely never will. Paying lip service to it is a waste of time.

About the same time I realized it wasn’t just some people, but all people.?
What a pathetic loser.
If you look at mostly European history it seems that "falling in love" might be a primary cause of insanity and war.
Not really it's the lust for power over the world such that Trump and DeSantis and the fake republican party are demonstrating which bring on insanity and war.

You and your Trump humping fantasies.

We all see it. No need to deny it.

But feel free to come back to my posts and whine.

Bring it.

Why are you so persistent in bringing up sex on a political forum ? Got a closet you’re trying to get out of ?

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