Never forget 9-11-01.....Okay I give, what's the deal with "Never forget"?

Post that categorize Islam region under one umbrella is really a good reason to at least let it go.Now it is just political and flag waving. No one understands what happen and why

A bunch of radicals who were Islamic did the deed, blaming all Muslim's is like blaming all Japanese for pearl harbor. Everyone who is Islamic did not do the deed.

SA is Islamic nation and the US sells them military weapons no problem

People are aware of 9/11 and Bin Laden paid with his life for it. They are still hunting for those who manage to get away.
While none are going to forget the events of 9/11; it is important that the people as a whole commemorate/commiserate the events of 9/11 annually in order to engender a sense of acceptance for the stripping away of the peoples civil liberties, and the gargantuan growth of the Federal Govenment as it consolidates power. The last thing the government can risk is having the uppity plebes question the government's reaction to the events of 9/11.

what "stripping away of civil liberties"?? ------what "gargantuan growth of
Federal Government" ? (we still have abortion rights---don't we?)
Who is consolidating power? seems to me that both major parties are
fractionated-------we even have fringe elements seeking nomination for
president. I am a plebe. To what "government reaction to the events of
9-ll-01" am I barred from questioning?
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
Remember Pearl Harbor
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
So Demons like this don't get elected and so we take actions to stop importing terrorists and other people who hate us through "aslylum" refugee status or illegal immigration
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
Remember Pearl Harbor
Don't you have a Jihadi to service somewhere as his sex slave?
Never forget. This is what Muslims did.
Al Queda intentionally recruited those people and groomed them as a way to give the middle finger to Saudi Arabia for being allies with The US, or are you too stupid to know what they did and how they planned this all out? Is Al Queda grooming you too? Or are you more of an ISIS fan?
Never forget, Islam’s goal is to destroy Western civilization.

It so happens that’s the goal of the neo-Marxist faggots that run the Democrat Party and most of the EU political parties. That’s why they are in bed with Islam and are trying to import as many as they can.

Muslims could be dealt with easily, if it weren’t for the neo-Marxist faggots that sabotage any policy to protect our nation from the Islamic threat.
The only reason the Son of a Bitch we have in custody who was part of the 911 attack planning has not been put on trial for 18 years is because of Bleeding Heart Liberal Scum who hate America as much as he does.
NYC is leftist
Trust me, they remember
Trust me, the ones who remember are not leftists.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) came under fire earlier this year for refusing to say terrorists carried out the horrific attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. During a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar said "some people did something."

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it," Omar said during the event. “CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."


“Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that.”

Fox News:

The New Jersey resident, who lost his mother Frances in the 9/11 terror attacks, ripped the Minnesota congresswoman on Wednesday during a reading of victims’ names at Ground Zero after Omar’s infamous remarks earlier in the year in which she described the most horrific attack to ever occur on the American homeland simply as “some people did something.”

“Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom,” said Haros Jr., who sported a shirt with Omar’s words and was met with some applause from a crowd of families and relatives who had gathered for the ceremony. “Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?”

He continued: “On that day 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear?”

As Haros Jr. spoke, he was standing just steps away from the site of the former World Trade Center’s south tower — where his 76-year-old mother, Frances, walked into work one pleasant Tuesday morning and never returned home.

“But as to whom? I was attacked. Your relatives and friends were attacked,” Haros Jr. said, looking out to the crowd. “Our constitutional freedoms were attacked and our nation’s founding on Judeo-Christian principles was attacked.”

He added: “That’s what some people did,” Haros Jr. concluded. “Got that now? We are here today congresswoman to tell you and the Squad just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) came under fire earlier this year for refusing to say terrorists carried out the horrific attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. During a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar said "some people did something."

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it," Omar said during the event. “CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."


“Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that.”

Fox News:

The New Jersey resident, who lost his mother Frances in the 9/11 terror attacks, ripped the Minnesota congresswoman on Wednesday during a reading of victims’ names at Ground Zero after Omar’s infamous remarks earlier in the year in which she described the most horrific attack to ever occur on the American homeland simply as “some people did something.”

“Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom,” said Haros Jr., who sported a shirt with Omar’s words and was met with some applause from a crowd of families and relatives who had gathered for the ceremony. “Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?”

He continued: “On that day 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear?”

As Haros Jr. spoke, he was standing just steps away from the site of the former World Trade Center’s south tower — where his 76-year-old mother, Frances, walked into work one pleasant Tuesday morning and never returned home.

“But as to whom? I was attacked. Your relatives and friends were attacked,” Haros Jr. said, looking out to the crowd. “Our constitutional freedoms were attacked and our nation’s founding on Judeo-Christian principles was attacked.”

He added: “That’s what some people did,” Haros Jr. concluded. “Got that now? We are here today congresswoman to tell you and the Squad just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please.”
That was an awesome smackdown of Omar. Haros was on Hannity last night.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) came under fire earlier this year for refusing to say terrorists carried out the horrific attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. During a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar said "some people did something."

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it," Omar said during the event. “CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."


“Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that.”

Fox News:

The New Jersey resident, who lost his mother Frances in the 9/11 terror attacks, ripped the Minnesota congresswoman on Wednesday during a reading of victims’ names at Ground Zero after Omar’s infamous remarks earlier in the year in which she described the most horrific attack to ever occur on the American homeland simply as “some people did something.”

“Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom,” said Haros Jr., who sported a shirt with Omar’s words and was met with some applause from a crowd of families and relatives who had gathered for the ceremony. “Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?”

He continued: “On that day 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear?”

As Haros Jr. spoke, he was standing just steps away from the site of the former World Trade Center’s south tower — where his 76-year-old mother, Frances, walked into work one pleasant Tuesday morning and never returned home.

“But as to whom? I was attacked. Your relatives and friends were attacked,” Haros Jr. said, looking out to the crowd. “Our constitutional freedoms were attacked and our nation’s founding on Judeo-Christian principles was attacked.”

He added: “That’s what some people did,” Haros Jr. concluded. “Got that now? We are here today congresswoman to tell you and the Squad just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please.”
That was an awesome smackdown of Omar. Haros was on Hannity last night.
Omar was referencing that only some were involved in the attack
Conservatives have used 9-11 to spread hate and fear against all Muslims
NYC is leftist
Trust me, they remember
Trust me, the ones who remember are not leftists.


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) came under fire earlier this year for refusing to say terrorists carried out the horrific attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. During a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar said "some people did something."

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable. Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it," Omar said during the event. “CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."


“Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that.”

Fox News:

The New Jersey resident, who lost his mother Frances in the 9/11 terror attacks, ripped the Minnesota congresswoman on Wednesday during a reading of victims’ names at Ground Zero after Omar’s infamous remarks earlier in the year in which she described the most horrific attack to ever occur on the American homeland simply as “some people did something.”

“Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom,” said Haros Jr., who sported a shirt with Omar’s words and was met with some applause from a crowd of families and relatives who had gathered for the ceremony. “Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?”

He continued: “On that day 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, killed over 3,000 people and caused billions of dollars of economic damage. Is that clear?”

As Haros Jr. spoke, he was standing just steps away from the site of the former World Trade Center’s south tower — where his 76-year-old mother, Frances, walked into work one pleasant Tuesday morning and never returned home.

“But as to whom? I was attacked. Your relatives and friends were attacked,” Haros Jr. said, looking out to the crowd. “Our constitutional freedoms were attacked and our nation’s founding on Judeo-Christian principles was attacked.”

He added: “That’s what some people did,” Haros Jr. concluded. “Got that now? We are here today congresswoman to tell you and the Squad just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please.”
When you have nothing to say......Cut and paste
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
How can we forget? The country is still hemorrhaging funds due to the Republican aggression in Iraq.
NYC is leftist
Trust me, they remember
Trust me, the ones who remember are not leftists.


EVERYONE in NYC remembers

Yet they vote for Jihadi ball fondlers and coddlers. So know, not everyone in NYC remembers or even cares.

In fact, there are a ton of people in that city and in this country that enjoyed watching the towers fall, who believe in open borders, and who don't like this country much at all.
Last edited:
Why would we forget? Was this a problem for say, Pearl Harbor?

What aren't we supposed to forget?

Why is it important we not forget?

Any chance it's just a slogan that sounds cool, draws attention and marketing? Perhaps a "feel good" for national pride?

I'm often very literal, cause and purpose, yadda yadda........It can be a problem:banghead:
How can we forget? The country is still hemorrhaging funds due to the Republican aggression in Iraq.
Don't you have to run off and become an ISIS bride? Or are you already one?

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