Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

I support Israel but I also support facts

If you assume that your 'support of Israel',
is in opposition to 'facts' that you need to support.

Then those are neither facts,
nor support is what you direct at Israel.

If the G-d of Israel supported the world on the basis of facts known to humans,
only 32 people could handle another day through that measure of judgment.

If you think there's a measure of judgement, by which facts can stand in opposition
to Israel - then be prepared to learn first, what is judgment by such a measure.
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I Know Irosie you are right People also road animals bare back as well and didn’t use saddles sort of like going water skiing without the skis if you are skilled enough you can do many things in many ways…

I would love to see you ride a camel bareback.
Just a colorful and intriguing story
It never happened
It’s just fable
Zero archeological evidence


a bunch of evidence, the bronze age Egyptian elite wanted a buffer zone with iron-age Hittites, they created "Jews" AND placed them strategically
a bunch of evidence, the bronze age Egyptian elite wanted a buffer zone with iron-age Hittites, they created "Jews" AND placed them strategically

Egypt had a king and a pharaoh,
there was also disagreement.

So which of the elites?
a bunch of evidence, the bronze age Egyptian elite wanted a buffer zone with iron-age Hittites, they created "Jews" AND placed them strategically
I think that the Iron Age came to Egypt with the Hyksos, who were Aryans. The Hyksos were charioteers, Aryan technology. The bronze collapse corresponds to the expansion of the chariots.


I think that it was the Indo-Aryans who invented iron, this corresponds to their expansion. The collapse of the bronze coincides with their conquests.
I think that the Iron Age came to Egypt with the Hyksos, who were Aryans. The Hyksos were charioteers, Aryan technology. The bronze collapse corresponds to the expansion of the chariots.


Hittites iron

The Hittites appear to have produced an iron which could be reheated and worked, suggesting that their product was a form of wrought iron or some version similar to carbon steel. Charcoal was used as the reducing agent, layered with the iron ore in shallow hearths.
Hittites iron

The Hittites appear to have produced an iron which could be reheated and worked, suggesting that their product was a form of wrought iron or some version similar to carbon steel. Charcoal was used as the reducing agent, layered with the iron ore in shallow hearths.
If this were so, then it was the Hittites who would have seized power throughout the world at that time, but in fact these were the Aryans. It was the Aryans with their chariot aristocracy who seized power throughout Eurasia, and held it until about a new era, at least a thousand years.
And little is known about the Hittites, most likely they were Ishkuz, who were ousted to the Baltic and Scandinavian regions at that time, they became known as the Goths, and probably they were just Jews
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There is no exact dating of the beginning of iron and there is no exact information about who first began to make it, but the collapse of bronze age coincides in time with the spread of chariots, and this almost certainly indicates that it was an Aryan weapon.
Did Egypt's priests really have authority over
either the king or the pharaoh?
By the way, this is also a criterion by which you can determine who exactly was there at that time in power. During the Aryan era, there were always kings, a military aristocracy in power. If the pharaohs towered over the priesthood, then it was the power of the Aryan kshatriyas. In the Achaemenid era, they were definitely there, Egypt was the satrapy of the Achaemenid state.
Solar paraphernalia also speaks in favor of this.

The version with Dyaus Pitar looks more convincing from the point of view of etymology, since the second part of the name Pitar has survived in the same form
The ancient Latin came from the proto-Aryan, it is grammatically identical.
And historically this is reliable, since there was an expansion from the east and Ancient Rome was founded by the Celts of the La Tene culture.
Ancient Roman coins have images of horsemen and chariots. That is, this is a comprehensively grounded version: etymologically, and archeologically, and historically, and from the point of view of comporativistic
Try to Think Indepedently, Even Though It Is a Postmodern Thoughtcrime

"Jewpiter" should have been a clue that the two gods might have had a common origin. The u is related to w, which is part of Yahweh. The u/v/w phoneme appears in the Latin venit and English went.

It is believed that Yahweh came from the southeast. That would be the route of the Mongols on a rampage through Armenia and Georgia. Another clue of the original Israelite homeland before Ur in Iraq is Azerbaijan.
Try to Think Indepedently, Even Though It Is a Postmodern Thoughtcrime

"Jewpiter" should have been a clue that the two gods might have had a common origin. The u is related to w, which is part of Yahweh. The u/v/w phoneme appears in the Latin venit and English went.

It is believed that Yahweh came from the southeast. That would be the route of the Mongols on a rampage through Armenia and Georgia. Another clue of the original Israelite homeland before Ur in Iraq is Azerbaijan.
The word Pitar is Indo-Aryan, it could not have been a Semitic deity. And it arose in the La Tene culture. The semantics there is also similar to the Indo-Aryan Dyaus, this is the god of the sky and thunder. It all fits together.
It is believed that the Jews appeared there after the conquest of the Jews by Rome.
Maybe in later Rome there were deities of Semitic origin. But this is not Jupiter and not the period of the kings.
Did Egypt's priests have authority over
either the king or the pharaoh?
you asked me about the elites, i gave you answer, my second answer will be yes as well, the priests were (in long run) more powerful than a pharaoh
If this were so, then it was the Hittites who would have seized power throughout the world at that time, but in fact these were the Aryans. It was the Aryans with their chariot aristocracy who seized power throughout Eurasia, and held it until about a new era, at least a thousand years.
And little is known about the Hittites, most likely they were Ishkuz, who were ousted to the Baltic and Scandinavian regions at that time, they became known as the Goths, and probably they were just Jews
Hittites were just Jews? you must be joking


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