New 9/11 truth documentary among most watched on pbs

millions of dollars spent on the truther movement and they still have nothing to take into court.......

Who'd a thunk it???????????????????

still waiting for you to explain how an individual would proceed with court in regards to 9\11

that would never go anywhere.our congress is bought off and corrupt and infiltrated by the is the proof in the pudding.listen to the extremely loud ovation congress gives to the israeli prime minister.i guarantee you they would never give the leader of new zealand a loud standing ovation like that.

Because of 9/11 and how obama has expanded the assault on the constitution and our civil liberties that were taken away on 9/11 because of the patriot act,its no wonder congress has earned that 7% approval rating from the american people,the lowest ever in its history.
wake up hand job....
right out of the twoofer hand book! instantly make a false declarative statement about your detractors.... then yammer on endlessly about ot nonsense.

hmmmm.... Perhaps I misjudged you. While I apologize, you are correct, my statement would seem prima facie to be a declarative statement about your post, if you had bothered to read the analysis, perhaps you could have offered up some supporting reasoning for your deduction for cognitive bias. As it is, you haven't. You have just followed up with more Ad hominem attack.

Likewise, you follow with the premise that my post is a "common tactic" of those who support investigating alternative epistemological references. You must support your proposition that I have indeed done this, why it invalidates the whole of my post, (which it is not the thrust of my argument,) and that it even is wrong to begin with.
Fallacy: Appeal to Common Practice
yeah, ok......

You got nothing.......

actually it is you that has nothing...with your take the government to court babble...
Is it just me or are you too chicken shit to back up your bullshit?
every single time someone brings up the "why don't you take take you so called evidence to court issue you assholes, rant and throw tantrums about why it's impossible, when in reality it's far from impossible.
why not go after your imagined government perpetrators for conspiracy and racketeering, civil rights violations, murder ,fraud?
I'm not buying the odd disappearance and death bullshit you use as an excuse.
as I've stated before, if you slap dicks we're even close to finding one tiny piece of incriminating evidence and the government was as bad as you wish it was, the twoof movement and all the others would disappear like they were never there.
it would be as if you never existed.
IMO you are far more afraid of having to do anything and being found wanting then any real danger.
you mean you applaud Dawgshit.:D

oh and when you says conspiracy theorists,that would be people like Dawgshit,Gomer Ollie,Predfan troll and Mommoth troll.

No actually, he raises a very good point. We all suffer to some degree or another from cognitive bias. I hold no ill will toward those who defend the dominant paradigm as long as they don't engage in Ad hominem personal attacks. If they address the issues and argument you present, and you address the issues and argument they present, then we will all be much closer at arriving at a clearer picture of reality. Perhaps I should not have used the term, "conspiracy theorist," because it has, in popular culture, come to be almost a derogatory term, hasn't it? Indeed I could self identify as one who puts forth what could be classified as such. However, I would prefer to think of them as social engineering projects by the cultural elites. :wink_2:

It is important to be just as skeptical of ones own theories and own paradigms as it is of the dominant paradigms, that is all I was driving at. For instance, you have a link in your signature that references a movie produced by Alex Jones and his infowars establishment, but it is reasonably well known among competent researches that he has link to the Jesuits and the Society of Jesus. The Knights of Malta and the Vatican have had observer status on the UN for far longer than the PLO. Any idea how the superstition of Friday the thirteenth came about?

I've watched that movie. It's intent is to heighten fear and anger among the populace and actually cause the rioting and revolt that the elites WANT, in order to give them an excuse to declare the martial law they have been itching to declare. Are you really that obtuse?

I would suggest that your knowledge of esoterica has some holes in it it and you are prone to cognitive biases as well as I. How about a little Bandwagon effect, Confirmation bias, Omission bias, Recency bias, or Semmelweis reflex for starters?

Now I don't mean this to be a personal attack. I really like your posts, and I think they are very productive. But I don't think negative posts or attacks on posters who are clearly patriotic and who want the best for the nation are really going to endear you to them or want the best for the nation are helpful either, do you?

Alex Jones may be biased, just like the main stream media.

[ame=]9/11 - Missing Links ( full movie ) - YouTube[/ame]

Thats how paid trolls like Dawgshit and Gomer are.They mix in some truths with many lies and they run off when you show them videos like that excellent 9/11 missing links one you showed.You'll find out if you hang out here long enough,they will ignore that video and not even try and counter or refute it.

I have posted that video here DOZENS of times and the trolls here like Dawgshit and Gomer Ollie never have any evidence to counter it.They run off from it everytime.Not one offical conspiracy theory apologist has ever even tried to debunk it and thats because they know they cant.same thing with this video here.

btw,have you seen this video below that I posted earlier by chance?

Obama’s Unshakable Bondage To Bibi | Real Jew News

that video cracks me up how Obama is obviously pissed the way the Israeli prime minsiter is the master ruling the roost and Obama is the servant in his own quarters,the white house.:lol::lol::D

thats the proof in the pudding that our congress is bought off and paid for by the zionists.anytime a good one gets in that wants to do good for the country such as Cythia Mckinney or Dennis Kucinich for example,they get rid of them.

thats hysterical when these paid trolls Dawgshit and Gomer Ollie say Jones is biased.He at least is telling the truth about whats really going on in the world and talking about evidence and facts about government corruption that the lamestream media wont touch.

The lamestream media is far more biased than Jones is.:lol: what hypocrisy by them to say Jones is but the lamestream media isnt.:lol::lol::D

Your wasting your time with those two trolls.they know as well as we do that 9/11 was an inside job.They have just been sent here by their handlers to try and derail 9/11 truth discussions.they're a complete waste of time.

That piece on Jones by the way is propaganda.they are always trying to smear him.They constantly say he never talks about the zionists plot in 9/11.Thats not true at all.In one of his videos he made,cant remember the title at the moment,he talks about Odiogo the israeli text messaging firm that had prior knowldge of 9/11 and exposed the mossad in it.

He doesnt talk much about the mossads involvement in it because anytime he does on the radio,they jam him.I have heard him before in the past on his radio shows talk about the Israeli mossad involvement in the case and they always jammed him on the airways cutting him off.eventutally they took him off my radio station here in the city I live in like they have in several cities for telling the truth about government corruption.

That is for sure a propaganda piece trying to smear Jones because I have heard him on at least a couple of occasions credit Cooper for waking him up on 9/11 and giving Cooper the credit for being the first one to find out about 9/11 and alerting him to the prior knowledge Cooper had so I know that is false as well.He also is correct that the Rockefellers rule us just like he said.The Rockfellers and the Rothchilds are criminals just like he said.

Its also true that the bankers are criminals.The fed is why the world is in the mess it is,It needs to be abolished.

All these videos do is confirm that Jones is indeed talking about the Isrraeli involvemnent in 9/11 and Roberts was as well.

I didnt get anywhere at all from this propaganda piece that Jones wants us to feel sorry for israel at all like that piece is saying about him.

Dawgshit and Gomer Ollie are hardly patriotic americans.They have sold their souls down the drain for money to troll here just like their handlers pay them to and i actually feel sorry for them because of the negative karma they are bringing on themselves because they will indeed suffer in great pains in the future for participating in this coverup.they know as well as we do that it was an inside job.
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right out of the twoofer hand book! instantly make a false declarative statement about your detractors.... then yammer on endlessly about ot nonsense.

hmmmm.... Perhaps I misjudged you. While I apologize, you are correct, my statement would seem prima facie to be a declarative statement about your post, if you had bothered to read the analysis, perhaps you could have offered up some supporting reasoning for your deduction for cognitive bias. As it is, you haven't. You have just followed up with more Ad hominem attack.

Likewise, you follow with the premise that my post is a "common tactic" of those who support investigating alternative epistemological references. You must support your proposition that I have indeed done this, why it invalidates the whole of my post, (which it is not the thrust of my argument,) and that it even is wrong to begin with.
Fallacy: Appeal to Common Practice
now you're appealing to an imagined authority...
2. it is a common tactic by twoofers and other zealots to declare or infer that they are more intellegent then all the other kids in class ,do I need to point out where? to cognitive bias you've all ready made some very poor judgments based on a false premise: "the goverment did it", "people who live in caves...."
in the first statement there is no quantifiable objective evidence to prove it did.
in the second statement ,there is no quantifiable objective evidence to prove they didn't .
yeah, ok......

You got nothing.......

actually it is you that has nothing...with your take the government to court babble...
Is it just me or are you too chicken shit to back up your bullshit?
every single time someone brings up the "why don't you take take you so called evidence to court issue you assholes, rant and throw tantrums about why it's impossible, when in reality it's far from impossible.
why not go after your imagined government perpetrators for conspiracy and racketeering, civil rights violations, murder ,fraud?
I'm not buying the odd disappearance and death bullshit you use as an excuse.
as I've stated before, if you slap dicks we're even close to finding one tiny piece of incriminating evidence and the government was as bad as you wish it was, the twoof movement and all the others would disappear like they were never there.
it would be as if you never existed.
IMO you are far more afraid of having to do anything and being found wanting then any real danger.

ITS JUST YOU... and the rest of your discourse in pure dribble ..please explain the process for how one goes about suing or criminal charging the government for conspiracy and racketeering, , murder and fraud
actually it is you that has nothing...with your take the government to court babble...
Is it just me or are you too chicken shit to back up your bullshit?
every single time someone brings up the "why don't you take take you so called evidence to court issue you assholes, rant and throw tantrums about why it's impossible, when in reality it's far from impossible.
why not go after your imagined government perpetrators for conspiracy and racketeering, civil rights violations, murder ,fraud?
I'm not buying the odd disappearance and death bullshit you use as an excuse.
as I've stated before, if you slap dicks we're even close to finding one tiny piece of incriminating evidence and the government was as bad as you wish it was, the twoof movement and all the others would disappear like they were never there.
it would be as if you never existed.
IMO you are far more afraid of having to do anything and being found wanting then any real danger.

ITS JUST YOU... and the rest of your discourse in pure dribble ..please explain the process for how one goes about suing or criminal charging the government for conspiracy and racketeering, , murder and fraud

I guess there are no lawyers in the truth movement. All that money and no lawyers to help spend it.......
Is it just me or are you too chicken shit to back up your bullshit?
every single time someone brings up the "why don't you take take you so called evidence to court issue you assholes, rant and throw tantrums about why it's impossible, when in reality it's far from impossible.
why not go after your imagined government perpetrators for conspiracy and racketeering, civil rights violations, murder ,fraud?
I'm not buying the odd disappearance and death bullshit you use as an excuse.
as I've stated before, if you slap dicks we're even close to finding one tiny piece of incriminating evidence and the government was as bad as you wish it was, the twoof movement and all the others would disappear like they were never there.
it would be as if you never existed.
IMO you are far more afraid of having to do anything and being found wanting then any real danger.

ITS JUST YOU... and the rest of your discourse in pure dribble ..please explain the process for how one goes about suing or criminal charging the government for conspiracy and racketeering, , murder and fraud

I guess there are no lawyers in the truth movement. All that money and no lawyers to help spend it.......

so you are suggesting a lawyer could charge the government for conspiracy and racketeering, , murder and fraud ?
And all those Lawyers can't get shit done?

Damn you need better lawyers.....

All that proof and can't get one good lawyer to push it forward.......

Or maybe it's because there is no proof of any crimes, and that They know they can't even get a conviction overturned. Because the evidence was conclusive in court........
And all those Lawyers can't get shit done?

Damn you need better lawyers.....

All that proof and can't get one good lawyer to push it forward.......

Or maybe it's because there is no proof of any crimes, and that They know they can't even get a conviction overturned. Because the evidence was conclusive in court........

conviction of who ? proof of what ?...NIST failed in in its investigation and did not a reasonably and conclusive determine the cause of the collapse and appears to have wilfully deterred and blocked fact finding and the same can and was said about the 911 commission was a failure and 9/11 commission members have called it a whitewash and a cover-up
Yet the Government convicted a french national using their "story" and evidence.....

Same story and evidence you are saying isn't true........
actually it is you that has nothing...with your take the government to court babble...
Is it just me or are you too chicken shit to back up your bullshit?
every single time someone brings up the "why don't you take take you so called evidence to court issue you assholes, rant and throw tantrums about why it's impossible, when in reality it's far from impossible.
why not go after your imagined government perpetrators for conspiracy and racketeering, civil rights violations, murder ,fraud?
I'm not buying the odd disappearance and death bullshit you use as an excuse.
as I've stated before, if you slap dicks we're even close to finding one tiny piece of incriminating evidence and the government was as bad as you wish it was, the twoof movement and all the others would disappear like they were never there.
it would be as if you never existed.
IMO you are far more afraid of having to do anything and being found wanting then any real danger.

ITS JUST YOU... and the rest of your discourse in pure dribble ..please explain the process for how one goes about suing or criminal charging the government for conspiracy and racketeering, , murder and fraud
it 's called evidence ....then you find a's that simple .....coward.
And all those Lawyers can't get shit done?

Damn you need better lawyers.....

All that proof and can't get one good lawyer to push it forward.......

Or maybe it's because there is no proof of any crimes, and that They know they can't even get a conviction overturned. Because the evidence was conclusive in court........

conviction of who ? proof of what ?...NIST failed in in its investigation and did not a reasonably and conclusive determine the cause of the collapse and appears to have wilfully deterred and blocked fact finding and the same can and was said about the 911 commission was a failure and 9/11 commission members have called it a whitewash and a cover-up
then sue nist ...pussy.
And all those Lawyers can't get shit done?

Damn you need better lawyers.....

All that proof and can't get one good lawyer to push it forward.......

Or maybe it's because there is no proof of any crimes, and that They know they can't even get a conviction overturned. Because the evidence was conclusive in court........

conviction of who ? proof of what ?...NIST failed in in its investigation and did not a reasonably and conclusive determine the cause of the collapse and appears to have wilfully deterred and blocked fact finding and the same can and was said about the 911 commission was a failure and 9/11 commission members have called it a whitewash and a cover-up
then sue nist ...pussy.

the government is all but immune for being sued and a claim must be filed within 6O days

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