New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

This woman said that she and her husband voted for Trump .. it's not political.

She lied!

To search: Alabama Secretary of State | Voter View - Registrant Search

Search: Beverly Nelson (DOB: Nov. 14, 1961)

[Her birthday is provided by this NYT story: Text of Beverly Young Nelson’s Accusation Against Roy Moore]


"Inactive" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Well to be fair to Stevie- he is just not used to accusing white people of lying.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

"Has been known as a good man"

Oh please... as if you know a single thing about him, besides the "R" after his name...

Every thing I have read about the Judge has been very positive. One of the women in the first WP article even claimed her mother trusted Moore implicitly. Thought of him as good marriage material for her.

Tell us how you found the woman telling of Moore putting her hand on his erection 'very positive'- since everything you have read about the judge has been 'very positive'?

Tell us more.
This isn't about a court of law, clown shoes. Moore isn't facing any charges.

The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
I've been told all my life that no two snowflakes look alike
That's a damn lie. In the Democrat Party all snowflakes are cast from the same mold.

That is so hilarious considering that 90% of the GOP is white.

2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016

What does white have to do with it? Besides, only Liberals are snowflakes that make piss-yellow snow. .

Hell you contard snowflakes elected the biggest snowflake in the United States to President.
so I am a bit confused, how is it the WaPO reporter could find this person from 38 years ago. Let's see the evidence that got her to the woman. please post that. because the woman did not come forward on her own.
Easy, Moore tried to get blowjobs from every teenager in Alabama, extra credit if they were children
well that makes no sense the WAPO reporter started the hunt so are you saying she was victim zero? LOL, you obviously have no dignity.
nope I'm calling out loser lefts that are hypocrites.

How to be a hypocrite:

Make continuous assumptions and presumptions about the motives of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama without any sort of proof or support, but suddenly clam up and demand tangible proof when it comes to Moore touching little girls (BTW - tangible proof is the account of the victims. Moore hasn't proven his innocence).

Don't go near the Clinton accusations... This is a thread about Roy Moore... They are using Clintons to deflect... If they want to make accusations against Clintons there is plenty of threads for them.

We bring up the Clintons to highlight the fact that you libs have zero credibility on this issue, so we openly mock you.
I call it their lack of dignity
so I am a bit confused, how is it the WaPO reporter could find this person from 38 years ago. Let's see the evidence that got her to the woman. please post that. because the woman did not come forward on her own.
Easy, Moore tried to get blowjobs from every teenager in Alabama, extra credit if they were children
well that makes no sense the WAPO reporter started the hunt so are you saying she was victim zero? LOL, you obviously have no dignity.

The reporter followed a story...that led them to find 4 women willing to go on record backed up by 30 sources.
so I am a bit confused, how is it the WaPO reporter could find this person from 38 years ago. Let's see the evidence that got her to the woman. please post that. because the woman did not come forward on her own.
Easy, Moore tried to get blowjobs from every teenager in Alabama, extra credit if they were children
well that makes no sense the WAPO reporter started the hunt so are you saying she was victim zero? LOL, you obviously have no dignity.

The reporter followed a story...that led them to find 4 women willing to go on record backed up by 30 sources.
ok, a story from where? let's see that story, why is it so important to hide evidence? if this woman was sooooo upset at what she claims, she sat for 38 years and waited to be contacted. LOL, that is my problem with the entire story.
The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
I've been told all my life that no two snowflakes look alike
That's a damn lie. In the Democrat Party all snowflakes are cast from the same mold.

That is so hilarious considering that 90% of the GOP is white.

2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016

What does white have to do with it? Besides, only Liberals are snowflakes that make piss-yellow snow. .
Republicans are 90% white.
They look alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike.

Democrats are pretty much everyone else.

what percent white are demolosers? 88% white?
..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc

What the hell you get winners for? Weeener himself provided photographic proof of his sick shit. The info on Moore is bimbos coached by Gloria Already-To-Sue, one other woman said she refused to lie for Alred and a handwriting expert says the signature on the girls yearbook is forged. Su'prise!, su'prise!, su'prise!

BTW, I'm giving you a "winner" for your post 'cause it's a "doozy."
From the Federalist--not exactly a left-wing rag:

We Don't Have To Wait For Due Process For An Opinion On Roy Moore

"Still, none of that means the accusations about Moore pursuing sexual relations with teen girls when he was in his 30s is any less plausible, either. Unlike a number stories which have simply relayed abuse allegations without proof or corroboration, The Washington Post’s piece on Moore happens to be a solid piece of journalism with multiple sources and timelines that form a wholly plausible, sordid story. Accusations of bias shouldn’t convince the fair-minded person to dismiss the testimonies of (at least) four women who don’t know each other but tell similar tales with some specificity.
Nor does media bias change the fact that many of Moore’s answers have been exceptionally unpersuasive to this point. Make what you will of Fox News’ Sean Hannity, but his interview with the Republican Senate candidate posed many of the right questions. When asked if you’ve dated 15-year-olds in your mid-30s, an ordinary healthy adult male does not answer, “Not generally, no,” as Moore did, but rather “hell no.”
Moreover, when Hannity pressed Moore on whether he had dated a 17-year-old, the former prosecutor first claimed the accusation was “completely false” before asserting, “I don't remember going out on dates. I knew her as a friend. If we did go on dates then we did. But I do not remember that.” What kind of adult man doesn’t recollect going out on a date with a teen girl? Presumably one that hits on numerous teen girls.
“Due process” shouldn’t be code for ‘let’s dismiss anything inconvenient to our political fortunes.’ This isn’t a criminal proceeding. If we were on a jury, there would be a different evidentiary standard and burden of proof. But Moore is not on trial for rape of a 14-year-old, he’s running for political office. The lack of a conviction doesn’t precluded the public from pondering the accusations and judging him.
I happen to believe that JonBenét Ramsey’s parents killed their daughter. I believe that OJ Simpson was guilty. I believe Juanita Broaddrick. I believe Moore was, at the very least, a creep who abused his position to prey on teen girls. If enough people agree, Moore wouldn’t be going to prison, he simply wouldn’t be coming to Washington.
Many Alabamans might deploy a different kind of ethical calculation. They might vote for Moore because they find his sins less consequential than those of a political opponent who supports legalizing the killing of babies, or other polices they find even more morally repugnant. Just recalling some of the people who have held office over the past few decades, tells us that voters must wrestle with these kind of trade-offs on both sides – which says plenty about the quality of those running for office. This, at least, is an honest position. But don’t tell me you’re sure Roy Moore is innocent."
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..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc

What the hell you get winners for? Weeener himself provided photographic proof of his sick shit. The info on Moore is bimbos coached by Gloria Already-To-Sue, one other woman said she refused to lie for Alred and a handwriting expert says the signature on the girls yearbook is forged. Su'prise!, su'prise!, su'prise!

BTW, I'm giving you a "winner" for your post 'cause it's a "doozy."
what a crock of poop! :rolleyes:

bet you believe in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny too! :lol:
..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc

What the hell you get winners for? Weeener himself provided photographic proof of his sick shit. The info on Moore is bimbos coached by Gloria Already-To-Sue, one other woman said she refused to lie for Alred and a handwriting expert says the signature on the girls yearbook is forged. Su'prise!, su'prise!, su'prise!

BTW, I'm giving you a "winner" for your post 'cause it's a "doozy."

Your last sentence puzzled me...only one accuser is involved with least from the beginning..I guess I could see a group lawsuit. Forgery? I dunno..The Gateway not exactly a reputable source..but we shall see....when 10 expert agree on it..then you'll have something.
..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc

What the hell you get winners for? Weeener himself provided photographic proof of his sick shit. The info on Moore is bimbos coached by Gloria Already-To-Sue, one other woman said she refused to lie for Alred and a handwriting expert says the signature on the girls yearbook is forged. Su'prise!, su'prise!, su'prise!

BTW, I'm giving you a "winner" for your post 'cause it's a "doozy."
what a crock of poop! :rolleyes:

bet you believe in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny too! :lol:

Don't you dare profane the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny! That's sacrilege!
..and the beat goes on.....Republican's eating their own..and Dems grabbing bags of popcorn

New accuser claims sexual assault by Moore in 1970s


Except the reality is you morons have all your hopes pinned in fake, made up BS while Harvy Weinstein and the rest of the Left are the real ones with things to hide. People like Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein etc etc etc

What the hell you get winners for? Weeener himself provided photographic proof of his sick shit. The info on Moore is bimbos coached by Gloria Already-To-Sue, one other woman said she refused to lie for Alred and a handwriting expert says the signature on the girls yearbook is forged. Su'prise!, su'prise!, su'prise!

BTW, I'm giving you a "winner" for your post 'cause it's a "doozy."

Your last sentence puzzled me...only one accuser is involved with least from the beginning..I guess I could see a group lawsuit. Forgery? I dunno..The Gateway not exactly a reputable source..but we shall see....when 10 expert agree on it..then you'll have something.
I can't believe people still use gatewaypundit.

And no, the idiot who claimed it a forgery is not a handwriting expert, but a conspiracy doodling whackjob.

That's his signature. Bank on it.

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