New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

This woman said that she and her husband voted for Trump .. it's not political.

She lied!

To search: Alabama Secretary of State | Voter View - Registrant Search

Search: Beverly Nelson (DOB: Nov. 14, 1961)

[Her birthday is provided by this NYT story: Text of Beverly Young Nelson’s Accusation Against Roy Moore]


"Inactive" doesn't mean what you think it does.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

"Has been known as a good man"

Oh please... as if you know a single thing about him, besides the "R" after his name...

Every thing I have read about the Judge has been very positive. One of the women in the first WP article even claimed her mother trusted Moore implicitly. Thought of him as good marriage material for her.
For those who haven't seen it, it might behoove to give this a read.

She gets very specific, even to the point of knowing what kind of shoes he was wearing. Then again, when a guy shoves your face in his crotch, I guess you might notice that sort of thing.

Text of Beverly Young Nelson’s Accusation Against Roy Moore

NOV. 13, 2017

My name is Beverly Young Nelson.

"I was born on November 14, 1961. In Santa Maria, California.

My husband, John, and I have been married for the last 13 years. He has taken time off from his work as a truck driver to be here with me today and I thank him for that.

When I was 15 years old I began working after school. I was attending Gadsden High School. I worked at the Olde Hickory House on E. Meighan Blvd. off of Highway 431 in Gadsden, Alabama. I worked there after school as a waitress. Some nights I worked until 7pm and other nights until 10pm.

Mr. Roy Moore was a regular customer. He came in almost every night and would stay until closing time. He sat at the counter in the same seat night after night. I remember exactly where he sat.

Mr. Moore was an adult. He was much older than I was. I knew that he was the District attorney in Elowah County. I did not understand what that meant, but I knew that he was an important person and I always treated him with respect.

When he was at the restaurant he would speak to me and would sometimes pull the ends of my long hair as I walked by him. I had red hair down to my waist. He would complement me on my looks. I did not think anything of it. I did nothing to encourage his flirtatious behavior. I was accustomed to men flirting with me because I was well developed and I competed in beauty pageants. I did not attach any significance to Mr. Moore’s behavior towards me and I did not respond to any of Mr. Moore’s flirtatious behavior for two reasons: First, I had a boyfriend. Second, even if I had not had a boyfriend I was not interested in having a dating or sexual relationship with a man twice my age.

I turned 16 on November 14, 1977. About a month later I received my yearbook from Southside high school where I had spent my freshman and sophomore years. I happened to bring my yearbook to work with me to the restaurant on December 22, 1977. I put it down at the end of the counter. Mr. Moore happened to notice it and asked if he could write in your yearbook. I felt flattered and I said “yes”. He wrote in my yearbook as follows:
Ms. Nelson held up a yearbook with an inscription from Mr. Moore. “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say ‘Merry Christmas.’” Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters

I took the yearbook home with me at the end of my shift that day. I felt honored that Mr. Moore, who was such an important person, would write in my yearbook.

A week or two later I was working at the restaurant. My shift ended at 10pm when the restaurant closed. It was a cold night and I went outside to wait for my boyfriend to pick me up and drive me home. My boyfriend was late. Mr. Moore exited the restaurant at the same time as I did. He noticed that my boyfriend was not there and he offered me a ride home.

I trusted Mr. Moore. He was the District attorney. I thought that he was simply doing something nice by offering to drive me home. I did not want to wait outside in the cold so I agreed.

I wanted to call my boyfriend but this was before cell phones and I had no way to contact him. My home was only about two and a half miles away. I planned to call my boyfriend after I got home to let him know that I had gotten a ride home and that there was no need for him to pick me up.

Mr. Moore was wearing brown hush puppies on his feet. He drove a two door car. I believe that it was an old car, but I do not recall the model. I got into his car in the passenger seat. He began driving. I thought he would get on the highway, but instead he drove to the back of the restaurant. I was not immediately alarmed as there was an exit from the back of the restaurant to the street and he could drive from there to my house without getting on the highway. However, instead of driving to the street he stopped the car and parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. The area was dark and deserted. I was alarmed and I immediately asked him what he was doing.

Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out. I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face.

At some point he gave up. He then looked at me and said, “you are a child. I am the District attorney of Etiwah County. If you tell anyone about this, no one will believe you.” He finally allowed me to open the car door and I either fell out or he pushed me out. I was on the ground as he pulled out of the parking area behind the restaurant. The passenger door was still open as he burned rubber pulling away leaving me lying there on the cold concrete in the dark.

I got up and tried to pull myself together. I was making my way to the front of the restaurant when my boyfriend arrived. It was late and it was dark. I did not say anything to him as to what had occurred as he had a violent temper and I was afraid that he would do something that would get him into trouble. When I got home I went to my room. The following morning my neck was black and blue and purple. In the days following I covered the bruising on my neck with makeup. I did not tell anyone about what had happened. I was scared. I felt that if I told anyone Mr. Moore would do something to me or my family. I decided to keep what happened to myself.

The day after Mr. Moore assaulted me I called the restaurant and quit my job. I never went there again.

About two years later I told my younger sister what Mr. Moore did to me. About four years ago I told my mother what happened. Before I married my husband, John, I told him what Mr. Moore had done to me.

My husband and I supported Donald Trump for President. This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It has everything to do with Mr. Moore’s sexual assault when I was a teenager."

I thought that I was Mr. Moore’s only victim. I would probably have taken what Mr. Moore did to me to my grave, had it not been for the courage of four other women that were willing to speak out about their experiences with Mr. Moore. Their courage has inspired me to overcome my fear.

Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child. I did nothing to deserve his sexual attack. I was frightened by his position and his power. I am coming forward to let Mr. Moore know that he no longer has any power over me and I no longer live in fear of him."

There have been now 5 women that have come out accusing Moore. I just saw all 5 on the news. Not Fox of course, they’re still talking about Benghazi.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
5 women now. And no denial from Moore about dating highschoolers while in his 30's.

Fuck you> Original story had two women who dated him and said nothing happened beyond hugging and kissing. One woman in the WP story said her mother didn't allow her to date him.

Only Marjorie aka Leigh made the accusations.
Gross, you support old men making out with underaged children?! Fucking Christ... the party of "family values" :rolleyes:

How you would draw that conclusion from one person's post is beyond me.
She clearly just said she would be completely fine with this if the old pervert was just making out with the children instead of penetrating them. Some values, huh?

Btw, it's 5 people now, not just one.
All of the clients that she's helped in her career.

Gloria Allred - Wikipedia

There's all the information, knock yourself out.
View attachment 160258That had to have left a mark!

Not really. Gloria Allred is only there for the dollars. She is trying to latch on this woman in hopes of getting hush money. By the way, who is paying Gloria?

She is almost certainly working pro bono. That would fit her MO.

We'll have to see where this goes, before we'd know. If she's going to go after him in civil court, she might be working on contingency.

Lol, no, she isn’t. Check out her law firm. They are shake down artists much like the race pimps. The sleeze makes a huge public show of sexual herassment, then when the defendant settles out of court Gloria gets her cut. She never works for free.


This type of case will bring a lot more free publicity to her firm than a fee for the actual work would.

There is no case. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS applies to civil cases as well as criminal.

Crixus is too stupid to be one person. No money to be made for lawyers. No cases to be filed.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

"Has been known as a good man"

Oh please... as if you know a single thing about him, besides the "R" after his name...

Every thing I have read about the Judge has been very positive. One of the women in the first WP article even claimed her mother trusted Moore implicitly. Thought of him as good marriage material for her.
So wringing a teenager’s neck, leaving bruises then locking her in the car is positive?
Making a 14 year touch his genitals is positive?
He won’t be around much longer for you to lie about him.
So two women. No evidence. 40 years ago.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

"Has been known as a good man"

Oh please... as if you know a single thing about him, besides the "R" after his name...

Every thing I have read about the Judge has been very positive. One of the women in the first WP article even claimed her mother trusted Moore implicitly. Thought of him as good marriage material for her.
So wringing a teenager’s neck, leaving bruises then locking her in the car is positive?
Making a 14 year touch his genitals is positive?
He won’t be around much longer for you to lie about him.
Careful, these accusations are making Moore into Presidential material for the modern GOP
For those who haven't seen it, it might behoove to give this a read.

She gets very specific, even to the point of knowing what kind of shoes he was wearing. Then again, when a guy shoves your face in his crotch, I guess you might notice that sort of thing.

Text of Beverly Young Nelson’s Accusation Against Roy Moore

NOV. 13, 2017

My name is Beverly Young Nelson.

"I was born on November 14, 1961. In Santa Maria, California.

My husband, John, and I have been married for the last 13 years. He has taken time off from his work as a truck driver to be here with me today and I thank him for that.

When I was 15 years old I began working after school. I was attending Gadsden High School. I worked at the Olde Hickory House on E. Meighan Blvd. off of Highway 431 in Gadsden, Alabama. I worked there after school as a waitress. Some nights I worked until 7pm and other nights until 10pm.

Mr. Roy Moore was a regular customer. He came in almost every night and would stay until closing time. He sat at the counter in the same seat night after night. I remember exactly where he sat.

Mr. Moore was an adult. He was much older than I was. I knew that he was the District attorney in Elowah County. I did not understand what that meant, but I knew that he was an important person and I always treated him with respect.

When he was at the restaurant he would speak to me and would sometimes pull the ends of my long hair as I walked by him. I had red hair down to my waist. He would complement me on my looks. I did not think anything of it. I did nothing to encourage his flirtatious behavior. I was accustomed to men flirting with me because I was well developed and I competed in beauty pageants. I did not attach any significance to Mr. Moore’s behavior towards me and I did not respond to any of Mr. Moore’s flirtatious behavior for two reasons: First, I had a boyfriend. Second, even if I had not had a boyfriend I was not interested in having a dating or sexual relationship with a man twice my age.

I turned 16 on November 14, 1977. About a month later I received my yearbook from Southside high school where I had spent my freshman and sophomore years. I happened to bring my yearbook to work with me to the restaurant on December 22, 1977. I put it down at the end of the counter. Mr. Moore happened to notice it and asked if he could write in your yearbook. I felt flattered and I said “yes”. He wrote in my yearbook as follows:
Ms. Nelson held up a yearbook with an inscription from Mr. Moore. “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say ‘Merry Christmas.’” Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters

I took the yearbook home with me at the end of my shift that day. I felt honored that Mr. Moore, who was such an important person, would write in my yearbook.

A week or two later I was working at the restaurant. My shift ended at 10pm when the restaurant closed. It was a cold night and I went outside to wait for my boyfriend to pick me up and drive me home. My boyfriend was late. Mr. Moore exited the restaurant at the same time as I did. He noticed that my boyfriend was not there and he offered me a ride home.

I trusted Mr. Moore. He was the District attorney. I thought that he was simply doing something nice by offering to drive me home. I did not want to wait outside in the cold so I agreed.

I wanted to call my boyfriend but this was before cell phones and I had no way to contact him. My home was only about two and a half miles away. I planned to call my boyfriend after I got home to let him know that I had gotten a ride home and that there was no need for him to pick me up.

Mr. Moore was wearing brown hush puppies on his feet. He drove a two door car. I believe that it was an old car, but I do not recall the model. I got into his car in the passenger seat. He began driving. I thought he would get on the highway, but instead he drove to the back of the restaurant. I was not immediately alarmed as there was an exit from the back of the restaurant to the street and he could drive from there to my house without getting on the highway. However, instead of driving to the street he stopped the car and parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. The area was dark and deserted. I was alarmed and I immediately asked him what he was doing.

Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out. I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face.

At some point he gave up. He then looked at me and said, “you are a child. I am the District attorney of Etiwah County. If you tell anyone about this, no one will believe you.” He finally allowed me to open the car door and I either fell out or he pushed me out. I was on the ground as he pulled out of the parking area behind the restaurant. The passenger door was still open as he burned rubber pulling away leaving me lying there on the cold concrete in the dark.

I got up and tried to pull myself together. I was making my way to the front of the restaurant when my boyfriend arrived. It was late and it was dark. I did not say anything to him as to what had occurred as he had a violent temper and I was afraid that he would do something that would get him into trouble. When I got home I went to my room. The following morning my neck was black and blue and purple. In the days following I covered the bruising on my neck with makeup. I did not tell anyone about what had happened. I was scared. I felt that if I told anyone Mr. Moore would do something to me or my family. I decided to keep what happened to myself.

The day after Mr. Moore assaulted me I called the restaurant and quit my job. I never went there again.

About two years later I told my younger sister what Mr. Moore did to me. About four years ago I told my mother what happened. Before I married my husband, John, I told him what Mr. Moore had done to me.

My husband and I supported Donald Trump for President. This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It has everything to do with Mr. Moore’s sexual assault when I was a teenager."

I thought that I was Mr. Moore’s only victim. I would probably have taken what Mr. Moore did to me to my grave, had it not been for the courage of four other women that were willing to speak out about their experiences with Mr. Moore. Their courage has inspired me to overcome my fear.

Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child. I did nothing to deserve his sexual attack. I was frightened by his position and his power. I am coming forward to let Mr. Moore know that he no longer has any power over me and I no longer live in fear of him."

You didn't post the entire inscription:

Moore's latest alleged victim, Beverly Nelson — the fifth woman to accuse the politician of sexual misconduct or worse — showed the yearbook and the inscription, which included the words "Olde Hickory House," the name of the restaurant where Nelson, then 16, worked and where Moore, then 30, offered to drive her home the night he attempted to rape her, she said.

Roy Moore signed an accuser's high school yearbook, "Love, Roy Moore D.A."

That's important because Moore said he never heard of the girl OR the Restaurant were he signed the Yearbook which included, in his handwriting, the name of the Restaurant: Olde Hickory House.
We get it. Shit birds of your ilk always take up for creeps.


...says the poster desperately defending a man accused of sexual assault.

If he's found guilty I'll be the first to condemn him. But liberals have already found him guilty.

This isn't about a court of law, clown shoes. Moore isn't facing any charges.

The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
Twice as many as you said there was last week. Your hero is a creep.

No hero. Has been known as a good man. No evidence has been presented as to his guilt. And I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

"Has been known as a good man"

Oh please... as if you know a single thing about him, besides the "R" after his name...

Every thing I have read about the Judge has been very positive. One of the women in the first WP article even claimed her mother trusted Moore implicitly. Thought of him as good marriage material for her.
So wringing a teenager’s neck, leaving bruises then locking her in the car is positive?
Making a 14 year touch his genitals is positive?
He won’t be around much longer for you to lie about him.
Careful, these accusations are making Moore into Presidential material for the modern GOP
Trump. 89% of white Evangelicals voted for and support serial adulterer and pu$$y grabber Trump while 67% of Evangelicals of color didn't vote for him.
We get it. Shit birds of your ilk always take up for creeps.


...says the poster desperately defending a man accused of sexual assault.

If he's found guilty I'll be the first to condemn him. But liberals have already found him guilty.

This isn't about a court of law, clown shoes. Moore isn't facing any charges.

The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
For those who haven't seen it, it might behoove to give this a read.

She gets very specific, even to the point of knowing what kind of shoes he was wearing. Then again, when a guy shoves your face in his crotch, I guess you might notice that sort of thing.

Text of Beverly Young Nelson’s Accusation Against Roy Moore

NOV. 13, 2017

My name is Beverly Young Nelson.

"I was born on November 14, 1961. In Santa Maria, California.

My husband, John, and I have been married for the last 13 years. He has taken time off from his work as a truck driver to be here with me today and I thank him for that.

When I was 15 years old I began working after school. I was attending Gadsden High School. I worked at the Olde Hickory House on E. Meighan Blvd. off of Highway 431 in Gadsden, Alabama. I worked there after school as a waitress. Some nights I worked until 7pm and other nights until 10pm.

Mr. Roy Moore was a regular customer. He came in almost every night and would stay until closing time. He sat at the counter in the same seat night after night. I remember exactly where he sat.

Mr. Moore was an adult. He was much older than I was. I knew that he was the District attorney in Elowah County. I did not understand what that meant, but I knew that he was an important person and I always treated him with respect.

When he was at the restaurant he would speak to me and would sometimes pull the ends of my long hair as I walked by him. I had red hair down to my waist. He would complement me on my looks. I did not think anything of it. I did nothing to encourage his flirtatious behavior. I was accustomed to men flirting with me because I was well developed and I competed in beauty pageants. I did not attach any significance to Mr. Moore’s behavior towards me and I did not respond to any of Mr. Moore’s flirtatious behavior for two reasons: First, I had a boyfriend. Second, even if I had not had a boyfriend I was not interested in having a dating or sexual relationship with a man twice my age.

I turned 16 on November 14, 1977. About a month later I received my yearbook from Southside high school where I had spent my freshman and sophomore years. I happened to bring my yearbook to work with me to the restaurant on December 22, 1977. I put it down at the end of the counter. Mr. Moore happened to notice it and asked if he could write in your yearbook. I felt flattered and I said “yes”. He wrote in my yearbook as follows:
Ms. Nelson held up a yearbook with an inscription from Mr. Moore. “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say ‘Merry Christmas.’” Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters

I took the yearbook home with me at the end of my shift that day. I felt honored that Mr. Moore, who was such an important person, would write in my yearbook.

A week or two later I was working at the restaurant. My shift ended at 10pm when the restaurant closed. It was a cold night and I went outside to wait for my boyfriend to pick me up and drive me home. My boyfriend was late. Mr. Moore exited the restaurant at the same time as I did. He noticed that my boyfriend was not there and he offered me a ride home.

I trusted Mr. Moore. He was the District attorney. I thought that he was simply doing something nice by offering to drive me home. I did not want to wait outside in the cold so I agreed.

I wanted to call my boyfriend but this was before cell phones and I had no way to contact him. My home was only about two and a half miles away. I planned to call my boyfriend after I got home to let him know that I had gotten a ride home and that there was no need for him to pick me up.

Mr. Moore was wearing brown hush puppies on his feet. He drove a two door car. I believe that it was an old car, but I do not recall the model. I got into his car in the passenger seat. He began driving. I thought he would get on the highway, but instead he drove to the back of the restaurant. I was not immediately alarmed as there was an exit from the back of the restaurant to the street and he could drive from there to my house without getting on the highway. However, instead of driving to the street he stopped the car and parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant where there were no lights. The area was dark and deserted. I was alarmed and I immediately asked him what he was doing.

Instead of answering my question, Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me, putting his hands on my breasts. I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and locked it so I could not get out. I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping he began squeezing my neck attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle. I was determined that I was not allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified. He was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face.

At some point he gave up. He then looked at me and said, “you are a child. I am the District attorney of Etiwah County. If you tell anyone about this, no one will believe you.” He finally allowed me to open the car door and I either fell out or he pushed me out. I was on the ground as he pulled out of the parking area behind the restaurant. The passenger door was still open as he burned rubber pulling away leaving me lying there on the cold concrete in the dark.

I got up and tried to pull myself together. I was making my way to the front of the restaurant when my boyfriend arrived. It was late and it was dark. I did not say anything to him as to what had occurred as he had a violent temper and I was afraid that he would do something that would get him into trouble. When I got home I went to my room. The following morning my neck was black and blue and purple. In the days following I covered the bruising on my neck with makeup. I did not tell anyone about what had happened. I was scared. I felt that if I told anyone Mr. Moore would do something to me or my family. I decided to keep what happened to myself.

The day after Mr. Moore assaulted me I called the restaurant and quit my job. I never went there again.

About two years later I told my younger sister what Mr. Moore did to me. About four years ago I told my mother what happened. Before I married my husband, John, I told him what Mr. Moore had done to me.

My husband and I supported Donald Trump for President. This has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. It has everything to do with Mr. Moore’s sexual assault when I was a teenager."

I thought that I was Mr. Moore’s only victim. I would probably have taken what Mr. Moore did to me to my grave, had it not been for the courage of four other women that were willing to speak out about their experiences with Mr. Moore. Their courage has inspired me to overcome my fear.

Mr. Moore attacked me when I was a child. I did nothing to deserve his sexual attack. I was frightened by his position and his power. I am coming forward to let Mr. Moore know that he no longer has any power over me and I no longer live in fear of him."

You didn't post the entire inscription:

Moore's latest alleged victim, Beverly Nelson — the fifth woman to accuse the politician of sexual misconduct or worse — showed the yearbook and the inscription, which included the words "Olde Hickory House," the name of the restaurant where Nelson, then 16, worked and where Moore, then 30, offered to drive her home the night he attempted to rape her, she said.

Roy Moore signed an accuser's high school yearbook, "Love, Roy Moore D.A."

That's important because Moore said he never heard of the girl OR the Restaurant were he signed the Yearbook which included, in his handwriting, the name of the Restaurant: Olde Hickory House.
Yeah. That was a pretty fucked up thing for him to say.

How could he not know after it had been released (in case he'd forgotten) that he signed it?

And the guy was a judge???

Geezuz Christ.

...says the poster desperately defending a man accused of sexual assault.

If he's found guilty I'll be the first to condemn him. But liberals have already found him guilty.

This isn't about a court of law, clown shoes. Moore isn't facing any charges.

The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
I've been told all my life that no two snowflakes look alike
That's a damn lie. In the Democrat Party all snowflakes are cast from the same mold.

That is so hilarious considering that 90% of the GOP is white.

2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016
If he's found guilty I'll be the first to condemn him. But liberals have already found him guilty.

This isn't about a court of law, clown shoes. Moore isn't facing any charges.

The left has already found him guilty, Chicken Lips.

Is that so?

I hadn't heard that he's been sent to prison, or faced any judicial punishment at all.

Do you have a link?

Hold on, I'll look for it.
I've been told all my life that no two snowflakes look alike
That's a damn lie. In the Democrat Party all snowflakes are cast from the same mold.

That is so hilarious considering that 90% of the GOP is white.

2. Party affiliation among voters: 1992-2016

What does white have to do with it? Besides, only Liberals are snowflakes that make piss-yellow snow. .

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