New Accuser Comes Forward Against Moore.

Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore

Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the only senators who have not withdrawn their endorsements of Roy Moore's candidacy in light of the sexual assault allegations against him. The senators' offices did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Sen. John Cornyn was the latest to withdraw his endorsement Monday, and Sens. Mike Lee and Steve Daines did so Friday. Go deeper: How Republicans have responded to the accusations against Moore.

Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore
Gloria Allred takes many pro bono cases..I guess that a lot of the Trumpets here hate her because she's hauled Trump into court..Donald Trump Calls Subpoena By Ex-‘Apprentice’ Contestant “Disgraceful”

Allred is not a joke.....the landscape is littered with the bodies of men who thought she was frivolous.

Her presence in Alabama is like the death knell for Moore.
Allred is not going to get the reception in Alabama that she thinks she's going to get. She is not well thought of. Not up against a man that supports the Ten Commandments and fought to keep men out of the women's bathroom.

Perhaps he should have put a little less thought into keeping men out of women's restrooms..and more thought into keeping his hands out of teenager's underwear?
Has anyone called for Moore's "execution"?

Let's not get overly dramatic.

OJ did deserve the death penalty, imo. I was referring to him.

Ok, well then let's run this thought pattern out.

You believe that OJ Simpson deserves the death penalty, even though a court of law found him not guilty.

But you believe that no one should be talking or forming opinions about Roy Moore until he sees his day in court?

I watched quite a bit of the OJ trial, and have every right to evaluate the evidence presented for myself. I believe he was guilty. I am not forming a mob to have him lynched - I am expressing my opinion.

Moore has not had a day in court. All we have available to evaluate is highly partisan reporting, Gloria Allred's circus, and Moore's denial. If that's enough for you, groovy. It's not for me.

I haven't made any decisions as to what I "believe", at the moment.

But your scary-sounding "mob rule" claims are just people forming opinions based on their own standard of evidence.

They are doing far more than expressing an opinion, bub. And you know it.

Who is 'they'? The voters? We here at USMB?
The pedaphile said he’d show proof of his innocence this week.
Instead McConnell has spoken out that he believes the women and that he should step down and this:
Breaking news: New woman states Moore molested her as a minor.
Stick a fork in the racist gun toting fake cowboy HE’S DONE!

New Roy Moore accuser comes forward: Watch live, updates from press conference

if only....

trumptards are perfectly fine with sexual predators... it's one of their signatures

Ted the swimmer Kennedy was a hero of Democrats. Never forgotten the time Kennedy and another man had a sex sandwich in a restaurant.
What happened the multiple times Kennedy ran for President?

And thanks for the concession by deflection.


"New Yorker spoke with more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in Alabama—who said that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from a mall in Gadsden because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls."

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

If Moore files his law suit- lots of former mall employees and law enforcement are going to end up being subpoened.

I bet he files no such law suit.


"New Yorker spoke with more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in Alabama—who said that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from a mall in Gadsden because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls."

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore’s Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall

If Moore files his law suit- lots of former mall employees and law enforcement are going to end up being subpoened.

I bet he files no such law suit.
Of course he won't.

I never thought he would drop out, but I might have to reconsider.

There is now blood in the water and the sharks are very hungry
Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore

Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the only senators who have not withdrawn their endorsements of Roy Moore's candidacy in light of the sexual assault allegations against him. The senators' offices did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Sen. John Cornyn was the latest to withdraw his endorsement Monday, and Sens. Mike Lee and Steve Daines did so Friday. Go deeper: How Republicans have responded to the accusations against Moore.

Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore

The story has since been updated. Cruz has pulled his support of Moore, and I think Paul has other issues on his mind at the moment.
Moore will win the election and the tramps will disappear never to be heard from again. The man is innocent

Of course Moore will win the election, people care more about the (R) in front of his name than anything else. Party comes first, nothing else matters.

Same for democrats and Clinton....politics

100% the same. That is why I dislike partisans from both sides so very much. How does it make you feel to just admit you are no different than the Dems?
Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore

Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the only senators who have not withdrawn their endorsements of Roy Moore's candidacy in light of the sexual assault allegations against him. The senators' offices did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Sen. John Cornyn was the latest to withdraw his endorsement Monday, and Sens. Mike Lee and Steve Daines did so Friday. Go deeper: How Republicans have responded to the accusations against Moore.

Cruz and Paul are the only senators still endorsing Roy Moore

The story has since been updated. Cruz has pulled his support of Moore, and I think Paul has other issues on his mind at the moment.
Looks like you are correct!

That left Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rand Paul of Kentucky as the highest profile Republicans whose endorsements still stand. By Monday evening, Cruz also distanced himself, saying he can't in good conscience recommend Moore to voters unless he can present a "strong, persuasive rebuttal."

"There are serious charges of criminal conduct that, if true, not only make him unfit to serve in the Senate, but merit criminal prosecution," Cruz said. "The people of Alabama deserve to have the option of voting for a strong conservative who has not committed criminal conduct."

Moore trouble: New accuser produces love note, Cornyn and Cruz drop support and Senate may expel him | Politics | Dallas News
Since we're in the Political section...a true political question. This could well be the final split between the Bannon wing..and the Establishment Republicans. There are a lot of alt/right types here, tell me, if the Establishment R's sink Moore--what will be your reaction? If you go against the 'Old guard' you risk giving it all to the Democrats--if you go with the Republican risk being marginalized in the party you have taken for your own--what's to do/ Just blindly keep blaming the they reap the benefits of your discord?

In case you haven't noticed, McConnell is driving a stake right into the heart of what you believe in.

Rumor that Sessions might return to the Senate and take back his seat

It doesn't work that way. He resigned the seat, he can't change his mind and take it back.

He'd have to run again - and it's way too late to file for this election.
I think what they are calculating is:
a) Moore wins election
b) Moore resigns
c) Governor appoints Sessions again.

Rumor that Sessions might return to the Senate and take back his seat

It doesn't work that way. He resigned the seat, he can't change his mind and take it back.

He'd have to run again - and it's way too late to file for this election.

Not really. Moore wins and then quits or gets booted and the Repub Gov of Alabama appoints a new senator, which could be Sessions who is about to get fired anyhow.

Rumor that Sessions might return to the Senate and take back his seat

It doesn't work that way. He resigned the seat, he can't change his mind and take it back.

He'd have to run again - and it's way too late to file for this election.
Ah, apparently there is more to that rumor. Moore has to be kicked out of Senate first. I just heard the blurb on Hardball and missed the important part.

Though Senate rules make it possible for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to be appointed to his old Senate seat by the Alabama governor if a victorious Roy Moore is voted out by his colleagues — an idea several officials close to President Donald Trump have floated — Sessions isn't in favor, three separate officials tell ABC News.

Officials: Jeff Sessions might not want old Senate seat back

Rumor that Sessions might return to the Senate and take back his seat

It doesn't work that way. He resigned the seat, he can't change his mind and take it back.

He'd have to run again - and it's way too late to file for this election.

Not really. Moore wins and then quits or gets booted and the Repub Gov of Alabama appoints a new senator, which could be Sessions who is about to get fired anyhow.

If Moore gets booted from the ballot, then he loses the election to the Democrat, and the Governor can't negate an election by appointing someone.

If he wins, and then is expelled from the Senate, the governor can appoint someone to fill the seat, but that appointment would be temporary, until a special election would be called.

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