New all-solid sulfur-based battery outperforms lithium-ion technology

OK. Show me a practical fuel cell car with the performance, range, and cost of the present Tesla S.

You are soooo lazy and naive.. I gave you a post number for a S.Jose Merc article. Hyundai introduced a new model (last year). BMW has had sedans for many years.

From the WIKI


2004 - Audi A2H2-hybrid vehicle
2009 - Audi Q5-FCEV[2]

2002 - BMW 750hl
2010 - BMW 1 Series Fuel-cell hybrid electric[3]

2000 - Jeep Commander II-hybrid vehicle-Commercial
2001 - Chrysler Natrium-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Jeep Treo-Fuel cell

1994 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 1
1996 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 2
1997 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 3
1999 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 4
2000 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 5
2002 - Mercedes-Benz F-Cell based on the Mercedes-Benz A-Class
2005 - Mercedes-Benz F600 Hygenius
2009 - Mercedes-Benz F-CELL Roadster
2009 - Mercedes-Benz F-Cell based on the Mercedes-Benz B-Class[4]

2001 - Fiat Seicento Elettra H2 Fuel Cell-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Fiat Seicento Hydrogen-hybrid vehicle
2005 - Fiat Panda Hydrogen-Fuel cell
2008 - Fiat Phyllis-Fuel cell
2008 - Fiat Panda-Fiat Panda HyTRAN[5]

2000 - Ford Focus FCV-Fuel cell. Note however that Ford Motor Company has dropped its plans to develop hydrogen cars, stating that "The next major step in Ford’s plan is to increase over time the volume of electrified vehicles".[6]
2006 - F-250 Super Chief a Tri-Flex engine concept pickup.
General Motors:

1966 - GM Electrovan-Fuel cell
2001 - HydroGen3-Fuel cell
2002 - GM HyWire-Fuel cell
2005 - GM Sequel-hybrid vehicle
2006 - Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell[7]
2007 - HydroGen4[7]

2002 - Honda FCX - hybrid vehicle
2007 - Honda FCX Clarity - Hydrogen Fuel cell - Production model

2001 - Hyundai Santa Fe FCEV-Fuel cell
2010 - Hyundai Tucson-ix35 FCEV-Fuel cell[8]
Lotus Engineering:

2010 - Black Cab-Fuel cell[9]

2009 - Kia Borrego FCEV-Fuel cell[10]

1991 - Mazda HR-X Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1993 - Mazda HR-X2 Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1993 - Mazda MX-5 Miata Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1995 - Mazda Capella Cargo, first public street test of the hydrogen Wankel Rotary engine.
1997 - Mazda Demio FC-EV Methanol-Reducing Fuel Cell
2001 - Mazda Premacy FC-EV - First public street test of the Methanol-Reducing Fuel Cell vehicle in Japan
2003 - Mazda RX-8 Hydrogen RE Hydrogen \ Gasoline hybrid Wankel Rotary.
2007 - Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid
2009 - Mazda 5 Hydrogen RE Hybrid[11]

2004 - Mitsubishi FCV

2005 - Morgan LIFEcar-hybrid vehicle-concept car

2002 - Nissan X-Trail FCHV-hybrid vehicle. Note, however that in 2009, Nissan announced that it is cancelling its hydrogen car R&D efforts.[12]

2004 - Peugeot Quark
2006 - Peugeot 207 Epure
2008 - H2Origin-Fuel cell

Scenic ZEV H2 is a hydro-electric MPV co-developed by Nissan.

2009 - Riversimple Urban Car
Ronn Motor Company:

2008 - Ronn Motor Scorpion

2002 - Toyota FCHV-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Toyota Fine-S-concept car
2003 - Toyota Fine-N-concept car
2005 - Toyota Fine-T-concept car
2005 - Toyota Fine-X-concept car
2008 - Toyota FCHV-adv-preproduction vehicle (expected public release 2015) [13]

2000 - VW Bora Hy-motion-Fuel cell
2002 - VW Bora Hy-power-Fuel cell
2004 - VW Touran Hy-motion-Fuel cell
2007 - VW space up! blue

Honda, Hyundai, Kia, and Toyota all have PRODUCTION MODELS available or soon to be available. BMW, Toyota, and all the Korean manufacturers have scaled back a bunch of their fully EV design and production in favor of pursuing this.

Good enough for ya GoldiRocks? Kiss your batteries and Super-Sized Grid infrastructure good-bye. The market will solve these issues.
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I have a nice buggy for sell. In the meantime, the rest of us will move on into the future.

Yes, the charging stations that Mr. Musk will put up will be connected toI the grid. And, when no one is charging, they will put power on the grid, and when several are charging, they will pull power off the grid. And, as others extend the range of their vehicles, they will adapt the type of plug in and charging system from Tesla, and use the Tesla stations.

what are they going to put power on the grid with ?

Follow the money being invested in feeding and improving the grid. Try to keep up. Nobody is going to let the lights go out. Too much money in keeping them on.

Of course much of what we need will come from just not throwing so much away.

Too bad we dithered so long and missed the window on not having to spend so much cleaning up after AGW.
OK. Show me a practical fuel cell car with the performance, range, and cost of the present Tesla S.

You are soooo lazy and naive.. I gave you a post number for a S.Jose Merc article. Hyundai introduced a new model (last year). BMW has had sedans for many years.

From the WIKI


2004 - Audi A2H2-hybrid vehicle
2009 - Audi Q5-FCEV[2]

2002 - BMW 750hl
2010 - BMW 1 Series Fuel-cell hybrid electric[3]

2000 - Jeep Commander II-hybrid vehicle-Commercial
2001 - Chrysler Natrium-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Jeep Treo-Fuel cell

1994 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 1
1996 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 2
1997 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 3
1999 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 4
2000 - Mercedes-Benz NECAR 5
2002 - Mercedes-Benz F-Cell based on the Mercedes-Benz A-Class
2005 - Mercedes-Benz F600 Hygenius
2009 - Mercedes-Benz F-CELL Roadster
2009 - Mercedes-Benz F-Cell based on the Mercedes-Benz B-Class[4]

2001 - Fiat Seicento Elettra H2 Fuel Cell-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Fiat Seicento Hydrogen-hybrid vehicle
2005 - Fiat Panda Hydrogen-Fuel cell
2008 - Fiat Phyllis-Fuel cell
2008 - Fiat Panda-Fiat Panda HyTRAN[5]

2000 - Ford Focus FCV-Fuel cell. Note however that Ford Motor Company has dropped its plans to develop hydrogen cars, stating that "The next major step in Ford’s plan is to increase over time the volume of electrified vehicles".[6]
2006 - F-250 Super Chief a Tri-Flex engine concept pickup.
General Motors:

1966 - GM Electrovan-Fuel cell
2001 - HydroGen3-Fuel cell
2002 - GM HyWire-Fuel cell
2005 - GM Sequel-hybrid vehicle
2006 - Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell[7]
2007 - HydroGen4[7]

2002 - Honda FCX - hybrid vehicle
2007 - Honda FCX Clarity - Hydrogen Fuel cell - Production model

2001 - Hyundai Santa Fe FCEV-Fuel cell
2010 - Hyundai Tucson-ix35 FCEV-Fuel cell[8]
Lotus Engineering:

2010 - Black Cab-Fuel cell[9]

2009 - Kia Borrego FCEV-Fuel cell[10]

1991 - Mazda HR-X Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1993 - Mazda HR-X2 Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1993 - Mazda MX-5 Miata Hydrogen Wankel Rotary.
1995 - Mazda Capella Cargo, first public street test of the hydrogen Wankel Rotary engine.
1997 - Mazda Demio FC-EV Methanol-Reducing Fuel Cell
2001 - Mazda Premacy FC-EV - First public street test of the Methanol-Reducing Fuel Cell vehicle in Japan
2003 - Mazda RX-8 Hydrogen RE Hydrogen \ Gasoline hybrid Wankel Rotary.
2007 - Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid
2009 - Mazda 5 Hydrogen RE Hybrid[11]

2004 - Mitsubishi FCV

2005 - Morgan LIFEcar-hybrid vehicle-concept car

2002 - Nissan X-Trail FCHV-hybrid vehicle. Note, however that in 2009, Nissan announced that it is cancelling its hydrogen car R&D efforts.[12]

2004 - Peugeot Quark
2006 - Peugeot 207 Epure
2008 - H2Origin-Fuel cell

Scenic ZEV H2 is a hydro-electric MPV co-developed by Nissan.

2009 - Riversimple Urban Car
Ronn Motor Company:

2008 - Ronn Motor Scorpion

2002 - Toyota FCHV-hybrid vehicle
2003 - Toyota Fine-S-concept car
2003 - Toyota Fine-N-concept car
2005 - Toyota Fine-T-concept car
2005 - Toyota Fine-X-concept car
2008 - Toyota FCHV-adv-preproduction vehicle (expected public release 2015) [13]

2000 - VW Bora Hy-motion-Fuel cell
2002 - VW Bora Hy-power-Fuel cell
2004 - VW Touran Hy-motion-Fuel cell
2007 - VW space up! blue

Honda, Hyundai, Kia, and Toyota all have PRODUCTION MODELS available or soon to be available. BMW, Toyota, and all the Korean manufacturers have scaled back a bunch of their fully EV design and production in favor of pursuing this.

Good enough for ya GoldiRocks? Kiss your batteries and Super-Sized Grid infrastructure good-bye. The market will solve these issues.

"The market will solve these issues."

Truer words were never said. But it will based on the moving target of technological advancement and experience. Big bets are being placed, but it's a long race.
"The market will solve these issues."

Truer words were never said. But it will based on the moving target of technological advancement and experience. Big bets are being placed, but it's a long race.

Damn. Now I can't lump you into that anti-capitalist, anti-technology eco-fraud mold I had you in.. Perhaps maybe you're salvagable.

All those BIG BETS will come of their own intrinsic value. We do not need to manufacture crisis or have the Govt go to Vegas to accomplish all that..

You bet better in Vegas when the money comes DIRECTLY out of your pocket willingly.
And your choices are based on MERIT not politics... ((Player on table 8 is shorting the black numbers.. That's not "fair")
"The market will solve these issues."

Truer words were never said. But it will based on the moving target of technological advancement and experience. Big bets are being placed, but it's a long race.

Damn. Now I can't lump you into that anti-capitalist, anti-technology eco-fraud mold I had you in.. Perhaps maybe you're salvagable.

All those BIG BETS will come of their own intrinsic value. We do not need to manufacture crisis or have the Govt go to Vegas to accomplish all that..

You bet better in Vegas when the money comes DIRECTLY out of your pocket willingly.
And your choices are based on MERIT not politics... ((Player on table 8 is shorting the black numbers.. That's not "fair")

Huuummmm, we have already manufactured the crises. I should say plural crises. Now we have to solve them.

Bush spent all of our money, maxed out the credit cards, got us into a permanent state of holy war, sent away many of our jobs, made our rich, richer, our poor poorer, made more poor from the middle class. and prevented a decade of progress on mankind's biggest issue, sustainable energy.

It's going to take a generation just to get back to where he started from.
I'm reconsidering liking you more -- right now..

Make that 2 generations after Obama and leftist revolutionaries are done with energy, and technology.
I'm reconsidering liking you more -- right now..

Make that 2 generations after Obama and leftist revolutionaries are done with energy, and technology.

Given that you have proven your ignorance on every subject you have addressed, why should we consider your predictions?
I'm reconsidering liking you more -- right now..

Make that 2 generations after Obama and leftist revolutionaries are done with energy, and technology.

Given that you have proven your ignorance on every subject you have addressed, why should we consider your predictions?

I'll let our exchange on this page speak for itself.. That is --- if anyone gives a F$$$.
You can buy a Ford Focus EV. A Tesla S. A Leaf, and several other EV's. And I see EV's daily at present. I have seen only one hydrogen powered car, and it was a prototype, not a vehicle you could buy.

The fact is, at present, the EV's are here and being sold daily, the fuel cell vehicles are not.
Musk is going to build a multi-billion dollar factory for batteries. I am betting that the battery that he is building is not the same as we have in the present vehicles. He has opened his super charger patents to all, practically gaurnteeing the use of that tech by all the car and motorcycle companies.
Downside, other than people being optimistic with very little knowledge of this new battery, yes we know nothing, other than at the cost of Billions we may have a battery, which will need a brand new infrastructure to support charging. Trillions of dollars of tax money, spent on everything except on existing reservation hologram, technology that will give us growth, jobs, now. Not some new "maybe", in the future.

should we celebrate more government spending on dreams while the same government ignores our need for cheap energy now.

Yea, another battery, maybe. Excuse me while I attempt to pay my 500$ energy bill, government inflated energy bill.
Downside, other than people being optimistic with very little knowledge of this new battery, yes we know nothing, other than at the cost of Billions we may have a battery, which will need a brand new infrastructure to support charging. Trillions of dollars of tax money, spent on everything except on existing reservation hologram, technology that will give us growth, jobs, now. Not some new "maybe", in the future.

should we celebrate more government spending on dreams while the same government ignores our need for cheap energy now.

Yea, another battery, maybe. Excuse me while I attempt to pay my 500$ energy bill, government inflated energy bill.

Egad, I didn't realize that Musk was the government. You are about as dumb as Frankie Boy.

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