New article on PolarbearGate


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Delingpole: Climate Alarmists Maul Inconvenient Polar Bear Expert

Mitch Taylor, polarbear researcher-

To me the loss of credible information is the real harm that has resulted from turning scientific inquiry into an agenda driven exercise … even for a good cause.

Some may see parallels within climate science world to the polar bear experience.


.There are a number of crimes which have been committed by the climate alarmist establishment. Not the least of these is the damage these charlatans, cheats and bullies have done to the integrity of science and scientists.
I have been following the topic in other places. Dr. Crockford has been attacked in a very unprofessional manner, who had the gall to post source based rebuttals to others Polar Bear research claims. The same others who are now making outlandish responses to her, all while mostly avoiding her claims.
I have been following the topic in other places. Dr. Crockford has been attacked in a very unprofessional manner, who had the gall to post source based rebuttals to others Polar Bear research claims. The same others who are now making outlandish responses to her, all while mostly avoiding her claims.

Yah, she pisses them off by showing facts that screw up their conjecture.

A couple of years ago she released the travel pattern of a tagged female, presumably with Cubs. For over a month she never left an area that was 'ice free'. I knew they were good swimmers but....

<iframe width="670" height="377" src="Yearly Arctic Sea Ice Age: 1984-2016 - YouTube" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And that changes this how?

Another quote from Taylor-

There are two ways to get a scientific consensus. One is to present the data and the analysis in a manner that is so persuasive that everyone is convinced. The other way is to exclude or marginalize anyone who does not agree. This occurs so commonly now that it has become an accepted practice. The practice of science has become secondary to governments, NGOs, journals, and scientists who feel that the ends justify the means.

The response to Susan’s work is politically motivated, not an argument against her conclusions. The journal’s response to this article and to her complaint was also political

So, Old Rocks, are you defending the hit piece on Crockford (with Mikey Mann as an author), or just trying to change the topic?
It does not take a genius to see that at some point within the next 10 years we will have a nearly ice free arctic in September. And, over the next decades after that, an increasing length of time in the summer that the Arctic is ice free. So you really think that will be good for polar bears?
It does not take a genius to see that at some point within the next 10 years we will have a nearly ice free arctic in September. And, over the next decades after that, an increasing length of time in the summer that the Arctic is ice free. So you really think that will be good for polar bears?

Too bad you are not a genius since you failed to notice the decline stopped, it has been flat since 2006.


Not only that for a few THOUSAND years in the early part of the interglacial, there were little to no Summer ice in the Arctic, Polar Bears are still around anyway, all at around the 260-280 ppm level the entire time.

Summer Ice levels hardly impacts the Polar Bear diet since they consume most of their yearly calories requirements in just a few months in the spring into mid July. The rest of the year where food is normally much more elusive, they eat little.


"Because the polar bear's body requires a diet based on large amounts of seal fat, they are the most carnivorous member of the bear family.

Food can be hard to come by for polar bears for much of the year. The bear puts on most of its yearly fat reserves between late April and mid-July to maintain its weight in the lean seasons."

It is clear that Old Rocks and other rational science free, commenters are avoiding this topic.

It is clear that Old Rocks and other rational science free, commenters are avoiding this topic.

Yes, you are truly that stupid. I went through a bunch of articles on declining sea ice and polar bears, did not find a single one that stated that the lack of polar ice was going to be good for the bears.

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